Passive income project

Some of my relatives do nothing, just get rent from properties and lead a happy life.

One my relative bought two acres of land. In 15 years, price of the property shot up to 200%.
School adjacent to their land wanted to buy it at any price.

Did they work or apply brains? Nah,. Luck ., yes.

Let it be,… profit margin goes to other people who runs it now. Fair to me. All I want “ personal time to enjoy life”. My profit can come down to 25% from 50% if I gain time to roam around the world.
I will be content.

Even if your argument is more close to reality, it is a limiting belief for me.


Yeah most people react like this, but actually horse racing is one of the best ways to profit from sports betting, as the odds are very high. I have been doing this for the last 2 years. Started with a bank of 400 now it is 2300. Of course that it has risk involved, as any kind of business or investment. There are people that make a living from this kind of “gambling”

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If you decide that my idea is not proper for the group, I am okay with that. I am not trying to force anything, just giving ideas that might contribute :D


Of course,
you take a look at what we have and see if you can add anything related to it in


Is the project still on? I would love to join but got confused a bit. New to the forum and not speking fluent english.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

It got made months back :)


Ok :grin: thanks :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Shall i close this thread?

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nah, no worries, its all good :grinning: