The essence of selfies taken of people who have reached financial freedom (pun intended)
All descriptions are up!
This NFT features an art collab with newly established Godlike Fella Clothing Shop
You can check more about it here
@Gnosticmedic27 already has his
@Star already has hers.
Now so can you with the free shipping in the US with a code: FFNFT
I drag my feet, daunted with what is next to come. My mind is blank; what do I
need to do, to earn a keep? The thought of taking a traditional job route is a huge turn off. You would be left with almost no time for anything you enjoy, is that what you call living? Costs and expenses are rising, and you dare not even imagine the numbers you need in order to enjoy your passions and to also earn a livable wage.
A gust of wind blows a flier promoting an NFT to your feet, an image of something that looks like a rocket with the word Abundantia on it, and some seemingly absurd ideas on it on having your passions solve the money problems for you. Initially being skeptical, but an unknown inner nudge convinces you to go ahead and take a look. You decided to go because you have nothing to lose…
The owner of this NFT gets a ticket to enter the rocket; the magical rocket called Abundantia. As Abundantia launches into the sky, it starts representing the growth of our passive income. The final destination is a planet called Financial Freedom.
Abundantia’s role was to help mortals with everything related to money and financial success. She would help people to make major purchases, influencing and guiding them to protect their investments and savings and to wisely handle their finances.
In our rocket she presides over the flow of money, valuables, fortune, prosperity and success.
The rocket’s name was derived from the word ‘abundantis’ which means riches or plenty in Latin.
The name is inspired by the goddess herself.
Abundantia was almost always depicted with a cornucopia over her shoulder. The cornucopia, also known as the ‘horn of plenty’, is a symbol closely associated with the goddess and signifies what she stands for: abundance and prosperity. Sometimes her cornucopia contains fruit but at other times it carries gold coins, which magically spill out of it.
So yes, our rocket also actually has a ‘horn of plenty’ on it!
Some sources say that Abundantia was a vision of exceptional beauty and purity. Just like she was beautiful on the outside, she was also beautiful on the inside. She was a lovely, patient and kind goddess who took pleasure in helping people and was very generous with her gifts.
The rocket is always beautiful and pure, on the inside and the outside. The rocket serves us at it’s best.
The goddess was also popular among gamblers who called her ‘Lady Fortune’ or ‘Lady Luck’.
So yeah, a very lucky rocket to be on.
The goddess also had the power to remove all the concerns and worries that people had about money.
What more can you want!
Perhaps this?
This was useful since she helped eliminate negativity in their lives due to financial worries.
In this way, she not only brought them wealth and prosperity, but she also brought them success and good fortune. Her cornucopia was said to be filled with coins and grain which she would occasionally leave at people’s doorsteps as a little gift.
She also was a beautiful goddess who was known for bringing grain and money in a cornucopia to the mortals as they slept.
Can’t wait to claim her gifts! Especially when sleeping :D
On this tour, you start noticing that you are not the only one traveling with this rocket. Of course as expected, you see your fellow members of your group here with whom you can joke and have fun with.
Though, as you look further, you start seeing a whole bunch of new faces you cannot recognize. A few of them pick up on your confusion and approach you with a warm smile
Hello buddy, we are the ones who have already achieved financial freedom and are financially independent all thanks to our passive streams of income. Collectively offer all the knowledge and help you need in order to achieve financial freedom like we have. We know the markets, pitfalls, unique opportunities and since there are so many of us here, we can help you with anything you want in order to create high streams of passive income that will set you financially free.
We are here to ensure that your trip to Financial Freedom is comfortable, effortless, relaxing, fun, filled with new knowledge and experience and most importantly gets you the maximum profit with minimal effort
So yeah, ride itself is very smooth, and experienced with minimal effort.
As you start thinking on how you shall get your financial freedom, some other of these individuals start to approach you.
They see where you are right now, and give you their advice, knowledge, ideas, inspiration, tell you which investments to make… in order for you to create anything that would give you high streams of passive income and set you financially freee.
They also see what you are working on, and give you their advice, knowledge in order to make your stream of passive income as successful and huge as theirs.
They also call some of their contacts and make sure you get some awesome free investments yourself
They also give seed money, invest in your goals.
They also share their experiences with you, the rights and wrongs they have done so that you shall not make the same mistakes, but only the right decisions.
Some of the passengers also teach you the essence of kaizen, while others help you to find your passions, skills, hobbies and assist in utilizing them, so if you already have nothing to start your passive income tour with, you shall have those interests now.
Some shall also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and tell you what to do about them.
How I see this aspect of the field to work in one case, perhaps online here
This aspect of the field would turn your passions, hobbies and skills into a stream of high passive income raised online, (or anywhere really depends on person and what they want. Also if you don’t have any passions already or skills as we mentioned they would help you with it.)
it would do that by guiding you with accumulated knowledge and guidance from those people who know how to get passive income and live a laptop lifestyle or financial independence lifestyle.
It would also be a constant up-to-date knowledge, of these people. So that we will be familiar with the newest trends and what shall be a success.
Then this field would guide us to do it ourselves. Scanning our individual interests, skills and applying its knowledge of a combination of these people (who have had and have the knowledge to turn their knowledge, passions, skills, interests into high streams of passive income).
So for example, if you like cooking and are decently good at it, the field will see the opportunity and guide you towards the decisions where you’ll be able to use your skills in a way of getting passive income.
You may be guided to take the right steps by making an online cooking course that will get recognized a give you a lot of money, or starting a website with your recipes and cooking techniques getting money from the ads, perhaps a Youtube channel, or an Instagram page,
basically whatever that will put you into a stream of passive income, applied in a way that is the most comfortable and suitable for you to achieve high streams of passive income.
perhaps you are selling your clothes online, this field would help you to take the right steps that will make your shop successful.
Or do you have a whole bunch of art pieces that you want to sell?
This field would inspire you to be able to sell them. Again… with all these accumulated knowledge and guidance of people who actually know how to do it, you shall now be able to do it as well.
P.S. It would also download you all knowledge regarding passive income. How to get and create it, maintain it, develop it ect, where and how to start.
The rocket, which has now become a spaceship and has now entered a whole nother reality
This reality is morphological, and consists of a whole bunch of tools that shall help you on your tour towards the final destination planet called Financial Freedom.
It also has a special power fuel
The more generous we act the more extra powerful fuel for Abundantia will be released, and help us to reach the final destination planet representing financial freedom faster.
The first tool that you see is the mind setting tool. You use it to:
Recognize and enhance your relationship positively between self worth and abundance prosperity and wealth. This tool shall help you to remove any non-positive belief about these concepts as well. It helps us know that we can gain high amounts of passive income under any condition. The tool also gives you the mindset of every single abundant, wealthy and prosperous person from the point where the concept of abundance, wealth and prosperity was created. It also helps you with knowing that money can flow to you effortlessly.
Another thing that mind setting tool would help with is removing self sabotaging or talking ourselves out of taking the first step to financial freedom. Removing the fear of not having any qualification or skill sets and fear of failing before even starting. Removing any negative beliefs about money (Like money is bad etc.), replacing them with more positive ones. Removing guilty feeling associated with spending money. Also remove guilty feelings and ego against free money. see free money as blessing from universe. Spend free money as gratitude towards universe.
This mind setting tool shall also give you a strong feeling and mindset of having financial security. Help you to not care and worry about your maybe unpleasant financial situation. It shall also help you with knowing that you can achieve maximum money with minimum effort. It can also help you raise your confident abilities to a nice level in regards to money and finances. It shall also bring gratitude for what we have.
Mind setting tool will also give us a belief that we are the best and most elite personas in whatever we are pursuing. It also removes beliefs of not feeling and believing that we are worthy of being the best, the most elite.
Every time when the ego starts resisting or gets in control of the field, it is bombarded with a Smart and Negentropic Ego Dissolution.
Summarizing a bit
Recognizes and enhances your relationship between your self-worth and abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth in a positive manner. Any limiting belief surrounding this relationship is removed
Automatically and continually checks your subconscious mind for any limiting programs and beliefs which block abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth to flow into your life.
Heals and removes those blocks and transmutes the energy into building positive and constructive beliefs for a free flow of abundance. You will notice a change in your environment as well, as your wealth and abundance mindset has an immediate positive effect on the people around you, creating positive feedback loops to strengthen those new beliefs
Automatically and continually checks your subconscious mind for any painful memories, experiences, events and interactions which block abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth to flow into your life. Heals and reframes those blocks and transforms the associated memories into powerful lessons and inspirations that made you the person you are today, and continue to drive and inspire you to go further in life.
Shifts your personal paradigm to the mindset of every abundant, wealthy and prosperous person from the beginning of time
Gives you an inner knowing that money flows to you effortlessly and that you can gain high amounts of passive income under any circumstance, with minimum effort
Gives you an inner knowing that you are part of the elite, and instills in you a deep level of confidence, self-worth and trust that you are one of the top players, in whatever you are pursuing.
Instantly removes any self-sabotaging mental patterns and replaces them with positive self-talk to inspire us to take the necessary steps
Instantly removes the fear of failure and the fear of being unqualified, and replaces them with faith and confidence in ourselves, as well as a deep trust in our own capabilities
Instantly removes fears and limiting beliefs surrounding money, the having of vast amounts of money and spending that money, and replaces them with positive beliefs.
Instantly removes fears and limiting beliefs surrounding being unworthy and undeserving of being wealthy, and replaces them with thoughts and feeling of absolute knowing that you are worthy and deserving of all the abundance that flows into your life
Instills a deep feeling and mindset of already having financial security, providing peace and optimism about your finances, regardless of your current situation. It also elevates your capabilities and understanding of your personal financial management, inspiring you to make fiscally responsible decisions, congruent with a mindset that promotes continuous growth and flow of your wealth and income streams
Instills a deep feeling of gratitude and appreciation of all the abundance, wealth and prosperity flowing into your life
Creates a clear channel to your subconscious mind that allows you to instantly reprogram your mind with positive affirmations (protection from negative affirmations)
Removes any and all loneliness associated with doing your own thing and having different schedules than those in your life.
Removes the fear of losing all your money and of becoming poor. You are safe and secure, even if you did lose some of it it will be quickly replenished.
Removes all feelings, emotions and thougths of jealousy when you see other people living an affluent lifestyle, enjoying luxury, shopping and spending money.
belief that we are the most elite personas in everything that we do. Removing anything preventing that, internally or externally.
Instills a positive self image about yourself, removing anything limiting it
Repeats positive affirmations in your mind regarding wealth, abundance, prosperity, success
Some inspirational philosophy about mind setting tool
"whatever money we get from this field should be through “earning with minimal effort“
"One thing about not having global awareness is that we don’t realize how things are created as they are being created. Tons of new age programs have alluded to the fact that the minute you intend or affirm or alchemize, the thing you are desiring begins to manifest. The timing might be based on the strength of your intent minus the resistance you have to the desire.
Perhaps this can be added into this idea as “intensification of desire minus resistance to narrow the timing of manifestation”.
“New money” is being created all the time. In our personal worlds, it is imprinted with our previous experience, expectations based on past outcomes plus self esteem, etc. If the money comes to us (eureka!) but comes in the form of loan or debt, the specific subconscious workings are the ones to be targeted. No doubt these are universal."
“Why doesn’t everyone get the same or better results from every field that we have experienced? Resistance and subconscious maintenance of the status quo no matter what. If it was as easy as asking for this field to produce the outcome of our desire, we would have had results from other prayers, fields, etc. already. I think we need to take into consideration the cleansing of the subconscious of all resistance to being better, having more. We all have higher aspirations that just being lazy and wanting money and opportunities to come to us. Is there still a key that we can work into this that will allow this to truly happen, and not just wishing for it to be so?”
The Long Forgotten Hammer
This one is a second tool that you found on this rocket, as you wanted to put this NFT on your cabin wall you notice that this one is actually meant for other purposes…
A slam of a hammer energetically onto your head, will help you to remember and re-learn your long forgotten skills, abilities and masteries, even the ones from past lives. The slam of the hammer shall also give you EUREKA moments, induced to come up with new ideas that are beneficial for your passive income. The hammer shall also utilize all the skills acquired through your lineage and having them transferred to your consciousness. The slam also heightens your intuition as well as directly downloads any skills from higher self if needed.
The Protective Pickaxe
You wanted to do some mining, lol but figured that this one is for protection.
A means of protection, should you ever come into contact with unwanted people or situations:
Protection from evil eyes and energies
Protection from internal and external corruption due to a surge of wealth increase and the change in lifestyle that wealth and abundance comes with
Ensures a smooth transition for our image and reputation during all the positive changes in our financial situation
Protection from others who are in a position to sabotage your streams of income, in whatever way. That energy is transmuted into positive momentum for your financial aspirations
Facilitates a smooth exit from people, businesses, places and situations that are no longer serving us
Repeals FOMO
allows for huge mindset shifts in order to be able to handle and multiple huge amounts of money
be able to handle handle unlimited amount of money no matter what.
no survival and primal negative mindset are activated due to lack or scarcity
always be in a state of abundance
Speaking of some nice money flow, we also got the farmer’s old hoe
As you get hungry, you go and get yourself a hoe in order to harvest some crops.
You find the Farmer’s old hoe.
The Farmer’s Old Hoe is filled with a whole bunch of money harvesting abilities:
- Helps you to enter the Flow state of wealth, abundance, luck and prosperity (similar to the unconditional love flow, but for money)
- Helps harvest more and more flows of abundance from any pathway you may have in place (increasing sales, returns of investments)
- Attracts high quality, high paying people into our life that are harmoniously connected to our passive income endeavors and purposefully seek out what we have to offer
- Attracts high quality human resources (from CEOs to butlers) to aid in our success. These people are loyal, trustworthy, caring, good natured and synergize with our purpose
- Attracts advices that spark growth not limits.
My personal adventurous spaceship
Somewhere in this rocket that is now a spaceship you shall also be able to find another, a very adventurous mini spaceship.
It shall help you to travel the world, have fun, release worries and stress, help you to meet new fun and amazing people, inspire you to try new things and to become the best!
It’s final destination is the inner child’s desires. With it you can do anything you put your mind to, all the finances spent while traveling with this adventurous spaceship will return to you.
This means that you have unlimited wealth to spend with it!
It’s final destination is also the Blueprint of Bliss of which we’ll talk later.
Scrooge’s Number One Dime
Once you return from you adventures with your personal adventurous mini spaceship, you see Scrooge, you two chat a little, then Scrooge decides to give you his number one dime and says:
“I was a young shoeshine in Glasgow when a man came in, his boots cemented in mud. I worked and worked until those boots sparkled. In return, he gave me an American dime. That dime inspired me to move to America and find my fortune. It means more to me than every bit of bullion in my money bin.”
Scrooge’s Number One Dime helps us to always have fortune work in our favor
- Harmoniously enables synchronicities to occur in such a way that you almost stumble perfectly over a way to enable your passive income
- Intuitively and clearly alerts you when you are guided to a source of passive income that fully resonates with you. This sign is unmistakable to you and you have immediate knowing and conviction about this pathway
- Draws in multiple streams of passive income
- Makes your product/service/value #1 in your nieche
- Gives out unlimited sources of income with minimal to no effort.
- Attracts partners, mentors, and others who share their knowledge and wisdom on how to further develop your streams of income
- Puts you into a state of luck always regardless any effort
- Guides you to perfect synchronicities, circumstances, events and solutions to open up and increase your flow of money
Also acts as an representation of the best path in passive income.
Takes you on the paths that guarantee your financial freedom achieved with passive income
With no limits set by higher self, subconscious mind or any entity or anything.
You thank the Scrooge for his gift and move on.
I also thank @Raj in the name of the groups from our hearts for starting, leading and managing the project perfectly.
And to @Dreamweaver for creating this masterpiece.
Okay, now let’s continue!