Financial Freedom NFT (Passive Income Project)

The essence of selfies taken of people who have reached financial freedom (pun intended)

All descriptions are up!

This NFT features an art collab with newly established Godlike Fella Clothing Shop

You can check more about it here

@Gnosticmedic27 already has his

@Star already has hers.

Now so can you with the free shipping in the US with a code: FFNFT

I drag my feet, daunted with what is next to come. My mind is blank; what do I
need to do, to earn a keep? The thought of taking a traditional job route is a huge turn off. You would be left with almost no time for anything you enjoy, is that what you call living? Costs and expenses are rising, and you dare not even imagine the numbers you need in order to enjoy your passions and to also earn a livable wage.

A gust of wind blows a flier promoting an NFT to your feet, an image of something that looks like a rocket with the word Abundantia on it, and some seemingly absurd ideas on it on having your passions solve the money problems for you. Initially being skeptical, but an unknown inner nudge convinces you to go ahead and take a look. You decided to go because you have nothing to lose…

The owner of this NFT gets a ticket to enter the rocket; the magical rocket called Abundantia. As Abundantia launches into the sky, it starts representing the growth of our passive income. The final destination is a planet called Financial Freedom.


Abundantia’s role was to help mortals with everything related to money and financial success. She would help people to make major purchases, influencing and guiding them to protect their investments and savings and to wisely handle their finances.

In our rocket she presides over the flow of money, valuables, fortune, prosperity and success.
The rocket’s name was derived from the word ‘abundantis’ which means riches or plenty in Latin.
The name is inspired by the goddess herself.

Abundantia was almost always depicted with a cornucopia over her shoulder. The cornucopia, also known as the ‘horn of plenty’, is a symbol closely associated with the goddess and signifies what she stands for: abundance and prosperity. Sometimes her cornucopia contains fruit but at other times it carries gold coins, which magically spill out of it.

So yes, our rocket also actually has a ‘horn of plenty’ on it!

Some sources say that Abundantia was a vision of exceptional beauty and purity. Just like she was beautiful on the outside, she was also beautiful on the inside. She was a lovely, patient and kind goddess who took pleasure in helping people and was very generous with her gifts.

The rocket is always beautiful and pure, on the inside and the outside. The rocket serves us at it’s best.

The goddess was also popular among gamblers who called her ‘Lady Fortune’ or ‘Lady Luck’.

So yeah, a very lucky rocket to be on.

The goddess also had the power to remove all the concerns and worries that people had about money.

What more can you want!
Perhaps this?

This was useful since she helped eliminate negativity in their lives due to financial worries.

In this way, she not only brought them wealth and prosperity, but she also brought them success and good fortune. Her cornucopia was said to be filled with coins and grain which she would occasionally leave at people’s doorsteps as a little gift.

She also was a beautiful goddess who was known for bringing grain and money in a cornucopia to the mortals as they slept.

Can’t wait to claim her gifts! Especially when sleeping :D

On this tour, you start noticing that you are not the only one traveling with this rocket. Of course as expected, you see your fellow members of your group here with whom you can joke and have fun with.

Though, as you look further, you start seeing a whole bunch of new faces you cannot recognize. A few of them pick up on your confusion and approach you with a warm smile :smiley:

Hello buddy, we are the ones who have already achieved financial freedom and are financially independent all thanks to our passive streams of income. Collectively offer all the knowledge and help you need in order to achieve financial freedom like we have. We know the markets, pitfalls, unique opportunities and since there are so many of us here, we can help you with anything you want in order to create high streams of passive income that will set you financially free.

We are here to ensure that your trip to Financial Freedom is comfortable, effortless, relaxing, fun, filled with new knowledge and experience and most importantly gets you the maximum profit with minimal effort

So yeah, ride itself is very smooth, and experienced with minimal effort.

As you start thinking on how you shall get your financial freedom, some other of these individuals start to approach you.

They see where you are right now, and give you their advice, knowledge, ideas, inspiration, tell you which investments to make… in order for you to create anything that would give you high streams of passive income and set you financially freee.

They also see what you are working on, and give you their advice, knowledge in order to make your stream of passive income as successful and huge as theirs.

They also call some of their contacts and make sure you get some awesome free investments yourself
They also give seed money, invest in your goals.

They also share their experiences with you, the rights and wrongs they have done so that you shall not make the same mistakes, but only the right decisions.

Some of the passengers also teach you the essence of kaizen, while others help you to find your passions, skills, hobbies and assist in utilizing them, so if you already have nothing to start your passive income tour with, you shall have those interests now.

Some shall also help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and tell you what to do about them.

How I see this aspect of the field to work in one case, perhaps online here

This aspect of the field would turn your passions, hobbies and skills into a stream of high passive income raised online, (or anywhere really depends on person and what they want. Also if you don’t have any passions already or skills as we mentioned they would help you with it.)

it would do that by guiding you with accumulated knowledge and guidance from those people who know how to get passive income and live a laptop lifestyle or financial independence lifestyle.

It would also be a constant up-to-date knowledge, of these people. So that we will be familiar with the newest trends and what shall be a success.

Then this field would guide us to do it ourselves. Scanning our individual interests, skills and applying its knowledge of a combination of these people (who have had and have the knowledge to turn their knowledge, passions, skills, interests into high streams of passive income).

So for example, if you like cooking and are decently good at it, the field will see the opportunity and guide you towards the decisions where you’ll be able to use your skills in a way of getting passive income.
You may be guided to take the right steps by making an online cooking course that will get recognized a give you a lot of money, or starting a website with your recipes and cooking techniques getting money from the ads, perhaps a Youtube channel, or an Instagram page,

basically whatever that will put you into a stream of passive income, applied in a way that is the most comfortable and suitable for you to achieve high streams of passive income.

perhaps you are selling your clothes online, this field would help you to take the right steps that will make your shop successful.

Or do you have a whole bunch of art pieces that you want to sell?
This field would inspire you to be able to sell them. Again… with all these accumulated knowledge and guidance of people who actually know how to do it, you shall now be able to do it as well.

P.S. It would also download you all knowledge regarding passive income. How to get and create it, maintain it, develop it ect, where and how to start.

The rocket, which has now become a spaceship and has now entered a whole nother reality

This reality is morphological, and consists of a whole bunch of tools that shall help you on your tour towards the final destination planet called Financial Freedom.

It also has a special power fuel

The more generous we act the more extra powerful fuel for Abundantia will be released, and help us to reach the final destination planet representing financial freedom faster.

The first tool that you see is the mind setting tool. You use it to:

Recognize and enhance your relationship positively between self worth and abundance prosperity and wealth. This tool shall help you to remove any non-positive belief about these concepts as well. It helps us know that we can gain high amounts of passive income under any condition. The tool also gives you the mindset of every single abundant, wealthy and prosperous person from the point where the concept of abundance, wealth and prosperity was created. It also helps you with knowing that money can flow to you effortlessly.

Another thing that mind setting tool would help with is removing self sabotaging or talking ourselves out of taking the first step to financial freedom. Removing the fear of not having any qualification or skill sets and fear of failing before even starting. Removing any negative beliefs about money (Like money is bad etc.), replacing them with more positive ones. Removing guilty feeling associated with spending money. Also remove guilty feelings and ego against free money. see free money as blessing from universe. Spend free money as gratitude towards universe.

This mind setting tool shall also give you a strong feeling and mindset of having financial security. Help you to not care and worry about your maybe unpleasant financial situation. It shall also help you with knowing that you can achieve maximum money with minimum effort. It can also help you raise your confident abilities to a nice level in regards to money and finances. It shall also bring gratitude for what we have.

Mind setting tool will also give us a belief that we are the best and most elite personas in whatever we are pursuing. It also removes beliefs of not feeling and believing that we are worthy of being the best, the most elite.

Every time when the ego starts resisting or gets in control of the field, it is bombarded with a Smart and Negentropic Ego Dissolution.

Summarizing a bit

Recognizes and enhances your relationship between your self-worth and abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth in a positive manner. Any limiting belief surrounding this relationship is removed

  • Automatically and continually checks your subconscious mind for any limiting programs and beliefs which block abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth to flow into your life.

  • Heals and removes those blocks and transmutes the energy into building positive and constructive beliefs for a free flow of abundance. You will notice a change in your environment as well, as your wealth and abundance mindset has an immediate positive effect on the people around you, creating positive feedback loops to strengthen those new beliefs

  • Automatically and continually checks your subconscious mind for any painful memories, experiences, events and interactions which block abundance, prosperity, luck and wealth to flow into your life. Heals and reframes those blocks and transforms the associated memories into powerful lessons and inspirations that made you the person you are today, and continue to drive and inspire you to go further in life.

Shifts your personal paradigm to the mindset of every abundant, wealthy and prosperous person from the beginning of time

  • Gives you an inner knowing that money flows to you effortlessly and that you can gain high amounts of passive income under any circumstance, with minimum effort

  • Gives you an inner knowing that you are part of the elite, and instills in you a deep level of confidence, self-worth and trust that you are one of the top players, in whatever you are pursuing.

  • Instantly removes any self-sabotaging mental patterns and replaces them with positive self-talk to inspire us to take the necessary steps

  • Instantly removes the fear of failure and the fear of being unqualified, and replaces them with faith and confidence in ourselves, as well as a deep trust in our own capabilities

  • Instantly removes fears and limiting beliefs surrounding money, the having of vast amounts of money and spending that money, and replaces them with positive beliefs.

  • Instantly removes fears and limiting beliefs surrounding being unworthy and undeserving of being wealthy, and replaces them with thoughts and feeling of absolute knowing that you are worthy and deserving of all the abundance that flows into your life

Instills a deep feeling and mindset of already having financial security, providing peace and optimism about your finances, regardless of your current situation. It also elevates your capabilities and understanding of your personal financial management, inspiring you to make fiscally responsible decisions, congruent with a mindset that promotes continuous growth and flow of your wealth and income streams

  • Instills a deep feeling of gratitude and appreciation of all the abundance, wealth and prosperity flowing into your life

  • Creates a clear channel to your subconscious mind that allows you to instantly reprogram your mind with positive affirmations (protection from negative affirmations)

  • Removes any and all loneliness associated with doing your own thing and having different schedules than those in your life.

  • Removes the fear of losing all your money and of becoming poor. You are safe and secure, even if you did lose some of it it will be quickly replenished.

Removes all feelings, emotions and thougths of jealousy when you see other people living an affluent lifestyle, enjoying luxury, shopping and spending money.

  • belief that we are the most elite personas in everything that we do. Removing anything preventing that, internally or externally.

  • Instills a positive self image about yourself, removing anything limiting it

  • Repeats positive affirmations in your mind regarding wealth, abundance, prosperity, success

Some inspirational philosophy about mind setting tool

"whatever money we get from this field should be through “earning with minimal effort“

"One thing about not having global awareness is that we don’t realize how things are created as they are being created. Tons of new age programs have alluded to the fact that the minute you intend or affirm or alchemize, the thing you are desiring begins to manifest. The timing might be based on the strength of your intent minus the resistance you have to the desire.

Perhaps this can be added into this idea as “intensification of desire minus resistance to narrow the timing of manifestation”.

“New money” is being created all the time. In our personal worlds, it is imprinted with our previous experience, expectations based on past outcomes plus self esteem, etc. If the money comes to us (eureka!) but comes in the form of loan or debt, the specific subconscious workings are the ones to be targeted. No doubt these are universal."

“Why doesn’t everyone get the same or better results from every field that we have experienced? Resistance and subconscious maintenance of the status quo no matter what. If it was as easy as asking for this field to produce the outcome of our desire, we would have had results from other prayers, fields, etc. already. I think we need to take into consideration the cleansing of the subconscious of all resistance to being better, having more. We all have higher aspirations that just being lazy and wanting money and opportunities to come to us. Is there still a key that we can work into this that will allow this to truly happen, and not just wishing for it to be so?”

The Long Forgotten Hammer

This one is a second tool that you found on this rocket, as you wanted to put this NFT on your cabin wall you notice that this one is actually meant for other purposes…

A slam of a hammer energetically onto your head, will help you to remember and re-learn your long forgotten skills, abilities and masteries, even the ones from past lives. The slam of the hammer shall also give you EUREKA moments, induced to come up with new ideas that are beneficial for your passive income. The hammer shall also utilize all the skills acquired through your lineage and having them transferred to your consciousness. The slam also heightens your intuition as well as directly downloads any skills from higher self if needed.

The Protective Pickaxe
You wanted to do some mining, lol but figured that this one is for protection.
A means of protection, should you ever come into contact with unwanted people or situations:

  • Protection from evil eyes and energies

  • Protection from internal and external corruption due to a surge of wealth increase and the change in lifestyle that wealth and abundance comes with

  • Ensures a smooth transition for our image and reputation during all the positive changes in our financial situation

  • Protection from others who are in a position to sabotage your streams of income, in whatever way. That energy is transmuted into positive momentum for your financial aspirations

  • Facilitates a smooth exit from people, businesses, places and situations that are no longer serving us

  • Repeals FOMO

  • allows for huge mindset shifts in order to be able to handle and multiple huge amounts of money

  • be able to handle handle unlimited amount of money no matter what.

  • no survival and primal negative mindset are activated due to lack or scarcity

  • always be in a state of abundance

Speaking of some nice money flow, we also got the farmer’s old hoe

As you get hungry, you go and get yourself a hoe in order to harvest some crops.
You find the Farmer’s old hoe.

The Farmer’s Old Hoe is filled with a whole bunch of money harvesting abilities:

  • Helps you to enter the Flow state of wealth, abundance, luck and prosperity (similar to the unconditional love flow, but for money)
  • Helps harvest more and more flows of abundance from any pathway you may have in place (increasing sales, returns of investments)
  • Attracts high quality, high paying people into our life that are harmoniously connected to our passive income endeavors and purposefully seek out what we have to offer
  • Attracts high quality human resources (from CEOs to butlers) to aid in our success. These people are loyal, trustworthy, caring, good natured and synergize with our purpose
  • Attracts advices that spark growth not limits.

My personal adventurous spaceship

Somewhere in this rocket that is now a spaceship you shall also be able to find another, a very adventurous mini spaceship.

It shall help you to travel the world, have fun, release worries and stress, help you to meet new fun and amazing people, inspire you to try new things and to become the best!

It’s final destination is the inner child’s desires. With it you can do anything you put your mind to, all the finances spent while traveling with this adventurous spaceship will return to you.

This means that you have unlimited wealth to spend with it!

It’s final destination is also the Blueprint of Bliss of which we’ll talk later.

Scrooge’s Number One Dime

Once you return from you adventures with your personal adventurous mini spaceship, you see Scrooge, you two chat a little, then Scrooge decides to give you his number one dime and says:

“I was a young shoeshine in Glasgow when a man came in, his boots cemented in mud. I worked and worked until those boots sparkled. In return, he gave me an American dime. That dime inspired me to move to America and find my fortune. It means more to me than every bit of bullion in my money bin.”

Scrooge’s Number One Dime helps us to always have fortune work in our favor

  • Harmoniously enables synchronicities to occur in such a way that you almost stumble perfectly over a way to enable your passive income
  • Intuitively and clearly alerts you when you are guided to a source of passive income that fully resonates with you. This sign is unmistakable to you and you have immediate knowing and conviction about this pathway
  • Draws in multiple streams of passive income
  • Makes your product/service/value #1 in your nieche :sunglasses:
  • Gives out unlimited sources of income with minimal to no effort.
  • Attracts partners, mentors, and others who share their knowledge and wisdom on how to further develop your streams of income
  • Puts you into a state of luck always regardless any effort
  • Guides you to perfect synchronicities, circumstances, events and solutions to open up and increase your flow of money
    Also acts as an representation of the best path in passive income.
    Takes you on the paths that guarantee your financial freedom achieved with passive income
    With no limits set by higher self, subconscious mind or any entity or anything.

You thank the Scrooge for his gift and move on.

I also thank @Raj in the name of the groups from our hearts for starting, leading and managing the project perfectly.

And to @Dreamweaver for creating this masterpiece.

Okay, now let’s continue!


You are lead to a tree with branches full of money. Without thinking you go and get a saw. :wink:

The Eco-Technical Saw

A guide on the potential kinds of eco-systems, investment opportunities and co-creators to invest our resources in; things that are congruent with our passions, hobbies and have massive potential for future payoffs:

  • Helps you to stay current on all trends and changes in the industry of your choosing, allowing you to always stay ahead of the curve
    -Allows you to see and be ready for the next trends before they even happen
  • Guides you on the best way to build your desired pathways of passive income flow, as efficient and effective as possible, with the optimal way of using the resources at your disposal
  • Attracts like-minded people and co-creators to you that work with you to the mutual benefit of all parties involved
  • Guides you in creating a valuable product and/or service, that is of benefit to society and targets to improve the lives of people that you attract to your endeavours
  • Helps you to attract people (customers, students, partners, investors, etc.) that recognise the value of your product and/or service
  • Helps you to create positive awareness and visibility of your product and/or service in an organic and ever-expanding way
  • Helps you to create constructive feedback loops between you and all parties involved, to help you improve your product and/or service, to ensure you are always providing quality and are at the top of the game
  • Guides you in creative and innovate thinking processes, utilising the full power of both your hemispheres in perfect balance and synchronicity
  • Cleans the negative energy from all income as well as all the money you already have (all forms of currency)
  • Magnetizes your money to attract more money in all forms of currency like money, crypto, gold etc.
  • It also induces nice blessings in your products/services that give you high streams of passive income.

This spaceship you are on also contains an aquarium and you notice one fish being pushed out of water, fighting for its life.
The moment of seeing that, you go and save it by putting it back into the aquarium.

The fish then introduces itself to you and and thanks your through its services.

The Golden Space Fish

The golden space fish has the ability to help us manifest your goals.
It constantly draws a huge amount of creative manifestation energy and directs it towards our final destination planet. So yes, it is a special kind of fuel! It also connects us to our final destination planet, so we feel as if we are there already! It guides us to get there even more precisely and speaks it into our existence. Attracts everything that shall help us achieve it, nullifies everything that shall not.

It also fills us with unlimited energy we can direct into our projects. Including NFT ones, but of course also passive income ones or any project, goal really!

It draws some awesome manifestation power to create passive opportunities.
And then also releases it to the universe to perhaps respond.

hehe once in water it also creates a whole bunch of positive wealth, abundance, and prosperous waves. Even the gravitational ones :slight_smile: .

Upon seeing how cool this fish is, you decide to grab a fishing rod, in order to get more fish like that.

So that’s when you grab the Digital Divining Rod instead. You notice its purpose is not to catch fish, but something entirely else.

The Digital Divining Rod

It leads you to some useful things along the way:

  • Connects you to the perfect house, apartment or any other type of accommodation, for any duration of time in the country of your choosing

  • Provides you with an influx of people who can assist you with visas or any other legal documents you may need to have a care-free stay and jump on business opportunities

  • Helps you navigate effortlessly through different tax systems, foreign banking systems and your personal administration with multiple streams of passive income. Always pay minimal to no tax through the right financial advices.

  • Gives you an immediate conceptual understanding of the local language and the cultural nuances unique to any country you are in. Accelerates foreign language learning, both by providing you with immediate understanding and quick retention of words and grammar, as well as connecting you with resources like study material, courses and teachers. Also provides a deep connection to the soul of the language.

  • Guides you in the best and most harmonious way to connect with the local population, giving you an immediate understanding of how to interact with them and allows you to jump-start any type of relationship you may want to have (social or business)

  • Helps you to always find the easiest, safest and most comfortable/luxurious way to travel domestically/internationally whatever means of transport you choose.

  • Helps you to find your way in any city or country, instilling in you the confidence that you always know where you are going. Whether you are driving yourself or taking public transportation, you always get to your destination promptly, safely and comfortably

  • Always finds you safe passage from any political, societal or religious unrest in any city or country you are visiting or residing in, and protects you from any harmful effects

The rod finds a way for us to receive concepts consciously, if needed, it will try in infinite number of ways, until we become aware of it.

The rod finds a way for us to work on our ability to be more receptive, and teaches it to us, so that overtime as a result we get better at channeling concepts NFT is trying to pass on to us.
standalone segment

This beautiful rod also acts as a

Conceptual trainer

-brain parts related to the subject of receiving information in form of “downloads” (how I call biggish chunks of information), are activated and trained (telepathy audio feels like that brain part working out, hence idea)
The user feels more comfortable with handling abstract thoughts/concepts, and isn’t limited in any way in embracing them and working on them, regardless of how it makes no sense at the moment, or seems frightening/impossible/crazy etc.

User can activate/deactivate this “workout” consciously by uttering activation phrase (dominus vobiscum), or just intending for it to activate. Once activated, the user can either do something else or meditate upon this in order to reap most benefits.

Assuming downloads are not all the same, these workouts also serve the purpose of finding downloads most suited for you, fine tuning (preparing) your brain to receive “types” of downloads most beneficial for you, expanding ur capacity etc.
Downloads used/prioritized for training and in this whole section are from other NFTs the user already owns, or in case other NFTs are not the right choice (topics covered by downloads from those NFTs aren’t that important to the user, this NFT will be the primary source of downloads.)
The user can intend for the workout sessions to be automated, so he/she never has to bother with it, the Rod will do its thing.

Not only that, but the Digital Divining Rod also “fishes” from the pre-measured pool of possibilities for having financial freedom, and catches and draws to us the most beneficial ones for each individual differently.

LOOOL Things are getting heavyy!!
Here we have the awesome:

One of the cool things you have found with it, is a cool Shadow Hunt game.

The Generous and The Humble Fuel

The more generous and humble we act and are the more extra powerful fuel for Abundantia will be released, and help us to reach the final destination planet representing financial freedom faster.

Was mentioned before, wasn’t it !?, well so be it :smiley: haha

The spaceship Abundantia we are riding on has now changed into a shape of the Hawk.

Its characteristics get embedded on us, prioritized to be applied in our day to day life, as well as to help us to fuel up this tour towards the final destination planet.

You are never alone on this journey, for the Hawk is there to accompany and guide you. Your thoughts and actions are infused with spiritual wisdom and knowledge, cultivating and maintaining a deep connection with the inner realm, while being firmly grounded in outer reality.

It empowers you to be independent, adaptable and free, giving you the power to move and fly away when you are compelled to do so. However, when you choose to stay in a certain place, you have a foundation of confidence, fearlessness and knowing that you can thrive wherever you may be:

Intelligence – Leadership – Strategic Skills – Compartmentalization of Emotion

Hawks are incredibly intelligent, exhibit the ability to plan and strategize, and study situations beforehand to come up with the perfect plan of action. They act when the time is right, and have the ability to lead and influence others along the way. Hawks do not allow emotions to cloud their judgement, but are able to separate the two and use both rational thought and emotions as powerful drivers to execute their plans.
The Hawk grants you the following abilities:

  • judgement and emotional coherence
  • Intelligence, pattern recognition, risk assessment
  • Leadership, acting at the right time, inspired action, influencing and inspiring others
  • Planning and strategizing, minimum effort/maximum rewards, path of least resistance
  • Awareness of emotions, ability to compartmentalize, logic-based thinking, infusing of emotions when needed
  • Automatic and constant transmutation of any internal and external negative limiting energies to more abundance, wealth, prosperity and success.

Sense of Self – Independence – Self-Reliance – Confidence – Fearlessness

Hawks have the freedom to fly to any place they desire, and an innate desire to roam around and discover the world. The decision to move and fly away comes natural to them, because they have a strong sense of self and are very self-reliant.

The Hawk blesses you with the following:

  • Freedom in all areas of life (financial, career, location, relationships, etc.)
  • Knowing exactly who you are and fully accepting yourself
  • Independence and self-reliance
  • Confidence in your abilities, in seizing opportunities and in social interactions
  • Eradication of fear and worry, allowing you to confidently move forward and not be held back by limiting beliefs or irrational fears
  • Unshakeable belief and knowing that everything is always working out for you

Adaptability – Ingenuity – Continuous Improvement – Realization of Skills

Hawks are incredibly adaptable. Although they work best in large open spaces, they easily adapt to and thrive in urban environments. In any environment or situation, they are able to find opportunities and the necessary knowledge and skills that are required. When things don’t work out immediately, teachable moments are still gained and implemented on the way to the end goal. The Hawk grants you the following abilities:

  • Ability to quickly and easily adapt to any environment, situation, culture, legal system, tax system, financial situation and political system/situation/climate
  • Ability to easily find and attract opportunities and like-minded people, who can assist you with any requirements needed (resources, legal documents, advisors)
  • Realization of skills and knowledge in every situation, allowing you to make full use of any opportunity that may come your way
  • Ability to know exactly when something works and when it doesn’t, learn from your mistakes and continuously improve in all areas of life

Spiritual Guidance – Flow – Bird’s Eye View – Connection of Inner and Outer Reality

Hawks are also seen as spiritual messengers, connecting our inner and outer worlds. Being able to soar high above and seeing everything from a bird’s eye perspective, they can discern (mental) patterns that do not work for us and remind us to quiet our minds, so we are conducive to messages from our spirit guides, ancestors and our Higher Self. The visual acuity of hawks far exceeds that of humans, and they are considered clairvoyant and possessing of a high spiritual awareness. Ideas, skills and knowledge can flow freely from the spirit world, without losing grounding with reality. The Hawk blesses you with the following:

  • Strong and clear connection with your Higher Self, spirit guides and ancestors
  • Strong synergy between the subconscious, superconscious and conscious minds
  • Flow of ideas, skills and knowledge from our Higher Self, spirit guides and ancestors, that are downloaded and ready to be used to achieve your goals
  • Crystal clear awareness of your inner state and self-concept, allowing you to easily identify and release limiting beliefs and thought patterns
  • Ability to see the big picture from a bird’s eye perspective, allowing you to easily identify opportunities that bring value to your life
  • Strong connection between inner and outer worlds. The inner reality you create is effortlessly pushed out to affect and mold your outer reality. Your natural state of being is allowing the flow of ideas, skills and knowledge to translate themselves into inspired action and the ideal path towards your goals.

Hawks also like to gather and fly together. This attribute should also help you to find your own flock of like minded people with similar characteristics, goals and desire to fly together into the infinity. Hence you establish your own band called The Band of the Hawk! Moving together towards your dreams.

Hawk’s Instinct – Protection

Hawks have an excellent awareness of their surroundings, in particular because of their superior hearing and eyesight. This allows them to quickly react to threats. The Hawk protects you through:

  • Instinctive recognition of possible harmful situations and people
  • Protection from any political, societal or religious unrest in any city or country
  • Always finding safe passage whenever needed

Hawk’s Eye - Protection (continued)

It would help us to recognize people that wish us bad. Then just a certain stare at them would let them know that we know their intentions and warn them them with it to stop. Them never intending us bad again.

Hawk’s Talons

As birds of prey, Hawks have sharp talons that they use to kill their prey directly. This instinct and drive is transmuted to aid your goals and is granted to you by the Hawk:

  • The ability to singularly focus on the creation and cultivation of passive income streams
  • A ‘killer’ instinct and relentlessness when seizing opportunities
  • Drive, endurance and perseverance to ensure that the job is complete


During times of unexpected expenses or simply when your account is overdrawn, the hawk goes into emergency mode.

When emergency mode is on, the hawk flies and finds all possible ways to bring you income. People want to go out of their way to help you. Events align themselves to bring you the needed money to get you out of your problem, almost as if, money is falling from the sky (just a care package from our beloved hawk :wink:)


The Final Destination

The captain of the spaceship now says:
Congratulations, you have achieved your final destination. We’ve arrived on the Final Destination planet. We did keep one secret from you though. It’s not actually a planet that as the ones we know off. But it’s actually and island! The mythical island of the Sky People! Go and take a look!

“Long before the world was created there was an island, floating in the sky, upon which the Sky People lived. They lived quietly and happily. No one ever died or was born or experienced sadness.”

“This mythical island of the Iroquois is a place of eternal peace. In its abundance there are no burdens to weary; in its fruitfulness all needs are endlessly provided. To its perpetual calm death never comes, and to its tranquillity, no desire, no sorrow nor pain.”

We can also call it Island of timelessness bliss, or Island of Eternal Wealth. These are just our custom names. But perhaps the island quoted above actually exists. Now it’s abundance and beauties would be reflected into our physical reality.

There is also beacon of positive vibes exuding from this magical island.
It also clears and lights your path for you. Fills you with motivation, enthusiasm, positivity, happiness, success, joy, beauty and shine.

As you were wandering around the island, you saw a small souvenir shop. You entered it and and saw a whole bunch of magical souvenirs in it. You though to yourself: “hmm i better get a few for my people”

A golden glowing stone in particular had caught your eye, as the shop owner saw you looking at it, they decided to explain to you what it does, they also said that they’re all free for you to take!

What this pretty stone does is

An Item Maker functionality that infuses the item(s) of your choosing with the following properties:

  • Complete protection from scammers and unscrupulous business behavior
  • Torus field of wealth, a boosted amount of luck and money flow
  • Attracts high quality customers and/or business partners
  • Peaceful, positive work environment, boosts productivity
  • Harmonious employee relations and attracts the ideal employees
  • Evil eye protection, grand jealousy reflection
  • Plant growth enhancement
  • Negentropic abundant air revitalizer
  • Removal of guilt and negative beliefs related to wealth, prosperity and abundance from past, present and future
  • Intuitively lets you know how to pay as little tax as possible
  • Gives you unlimited sources of passive income that flows to you effortless and without resistance
  • Attract money 24/7
  • Financial freedom through various streams of (passive) income
  • Unexpected windfalls
  • Absolute synchronicity, and the multiverse always works in your favor
  • Immunity from fear, failure and obstacles
  • Resistance is transmuted into positive momentum towards your goals
  • All the money you spend is returned to you eightfold
  • Your ability to receive unlimited sources of riches keeps growing and developing while you sleep
  • Universal energies support you in setting up jobs and streams for passive income
  • Sales for your product and/or service grow effortlessly
  • Addiction prevention (gambling, unnecessarily losing money through chance)
  • Inner knowing that you are in control of your financial situation
  • Grants you motivation, resilience, passion, purpose, joy, confidence
  • Releases stress, doubts and worry and keeps you calm and collected
  • Keeps you focused, committed and organized
  • Nudges your awareness to more opportunities to create income streams
  • Builds positive rapport and relationships with everyone you interact with
  • The Aura of Wealth and Success
  • Gives you an Aura of Success and Wealth
  • You are feeling as the wealthiest person in the room.
  • People take you serious when it comes to business deals and investments.
  • You are giving of the vibe of a business veteran who created many successful business and income opportunities. Projecting competence and trustworthiness towards everyone around you.

  • Corruption Protector:
    You are protected from becoming drunk on the Power of Wealth and unmeasurable riches.
    It will keep you the Path of elevating your Wealth, Abundance and financial well-being and that of the People around/in your life.
    It will also keep corrupt people out of your business and life in general.

Touch /Blessing of Abundance:

  • You yourself resemble a Deity of Wealth giving yourself, everyone you wish too and all people you surround yourself with and touch The Blessing of Abundance and Wealth.

  • The Blessing of Abundance and Wealth:
    Like the Sun shining on a hot Summer Day the energy of the Blessing of Wealth shines upon and around you(or the Person who received it) drawing opportunities abundant People and luck towards you.

  • It also gives you a deep feeling of Gratitude and abundance making you view Life from a different angle strengthening Love you have for yourself and every tiny positive happening in you life.
    Also gives you the essence of parental financial support. And energies of feeling financially supported in general.

In order to create one simply say: “create abundance souvenir”
or shortly “create souvenir”

You’ve realized that some of the stuff the souvenir does, mirror the effect of your tools you’ve find, but still decide to take it, so that you shall gift them to others.

The shop owner also suggests you to take a magical wand

It described it as: This is the most powerful magical wand that ever existed, it contains the essence of all different positive magical spells and rituals that give you abundance, wealth, prosperity.

You are amazed, but turn down her gift, knowing that you have all the tools for all of this already.

(Divine abundance, Divine gratitude for abundance, Divine edition of removal of FOMO)

The shop owner seeing your state of abundance and gratitude you already posses, insisted even more for you to take it.

So you took it. ( And also got the benefits of the wand )

(accepting abundance, being worthy of it, accepting abundance, gratitude of blessing for abundance)

After that you decided to build yourself a a nice beautiful mansion on this island.
But for that you need at least a shovel. So you return to the shop the next day and get yourself a nice golden shovel.

The Navigating Golden Shovel gifted by the source

The golden shovel is a market creator of sorts, a path of passive income paver

The golden shovel works with what the user has at his or her disposal, the field directly manifests a path with the help of “source” to create a source of passive income that works with the user has it their disposal

You are constantly guided to a source of passive income and you get immediate chills (like the truth seeker NFT when detecting lies) to notify you that, THATS what you need to invest in

The shovel is also a navigator; it is an intelligent path finder. It constantly paves the path towards sources of passive income and gives you immediate chills that will notify you when you are walking the right path it has paved.

As it was your meta lucky day as always, you got 100% discount on it as well by the shop owner.

Because of all the shoveling you have done, you have found a lost treasure chest of the successful.

On it it said: Open it and you shall be successful.

Once you open it you immediately embody the state of a successful person, where success in all areas of life is not only easy and effortless, but also inevitable for it is your natural state of being. Success and its parameters are defined by you and you alone, but in whatever form it chooses to express itself in your life, the map has been drawn already and the pieces of the puzzle are finding their way to you.”

And not only that, all the energies from the rites of success, abundance, prosperity, financial freedom have also been locked in this chest, and now once you opened it, they have flown into you, increasing the odds of your success to an much even higher level. You are prepared for IT!

Once you have everything set up, it’s time to decide how you shall enjoy your life on this Financial Freedom planet island (which now you have found out that it perfectly reflects the Earth on the physical level.

So you start experiencing the blueprint of bliss

Blueprint of our Bliss

Our ideas of what we’d do here were gathered:

“Travelling every single bit of this earth, meeting all my soul bros and sisters, having properties in every city I like and love,

Owning all my favourite cars and tuning them to their max output, going to car events, racing, patty’s celebrating life, experiencing every culture and every food, trying out activities and hobbies I want to do and that I didn’t know I wanted to do, owning multiple multi trillion corps rations and company’s for various niches,

Working with the best business partners in the world,

Taking care and helping every single one of my family members and allowing them to express them selves in their niche or what ever they like !

Having farms in every single country to have food for everyone I know, all organic and natural,

Having boats, mega yatchs, planes, hangers and air fields, owning my own air ports.

Going and hosting spiritual retreats and having events with people on the forum !

Making my own rap/hip hop albums and poetry, trying and mastering every single martial arts, becoming Bruce Ali :eyes::joy::joy:

And loving a wonderful spiritual path and meeting with the right buddies :fire::pray:t4:

Like I can make my own travel documentary where I show everyone the wonders of the world unfiltered !

Oh and so much more lol.

Giving back to community’s, for example:

Building houses for the homeless, allowing each and everyone to show their unique creativity and helping with their path aligned to their higher path,

Building water wells with clean un tampered with non chemical water, sharing dream weavers message for those that are meant to see it,

Starting foundations where people can come and learn things to benefit them”

“I want to visit the whole world, make lots of friends, make connections wherever I go

enjoy every aspect of this life, good food, sport, art

I would like to use my creativity as best I can and make online content on bodybuilding, i want help people in fitness area

I would like to inspire others to do the same achievement of healthy and happy free life

when the dream of passive income come true we can choose freely who we want to spend time with, i want to meet and be surrounded with loving, caring people who love life and want to come along in the journey”

“I would first just bathe in the feeling of being ‘free’. Then travel the world, spend a ton of time with loved ones, try new foods, also in restaurants that would otherwise be too pricey overtime, focus on creating, living and enjoying all kinds of art (dance, music, painting, sculpting), take care of animals in need (have or support a rescue farm where I can also spend time with the animals), spend time on gardening - growing foodplants and flowers, dedicate more time and energy to spirituality work, as well as support community projects (that are for a good cause).”

“ To buy any number of Dream’s work. Should be like instant manifestation when it comes to buying his field . Also luck factor for NFTs…”

“Well, what I’d do with a passive (big) income…

It all comes down to what money means to me, and it’s quite simple. For me it means freedom.

The freedom to go wherever I want and to do whatever I want. To be able to make my will prevail and win one battle at a time when it comes to goals.

The journey was not easy for me and I had many doors closed. I seek no pity when I say I had more betrayals in this lifetime that what most of people can bear.

For me, it is climbing my own life mountain and at the Top I want to people to see how many lifes mine can touch, inspire and change for the only reason that I never had given up.

I want to help as many as I can but maintain myself anonymous. I want to inspire, not just give money. Better to “teach one man to go fishing than to just give them a fish”. So I hope to inspire people to achieve their abundance. This is what I seek.

I want to travel and enjoy life too. Never stop working though. Through work I give myself to the world… I will continue to do my job. “

“Ok assuming I’m completely financially secure (which means to me either millions on the bank account OR monthly automatic recurring lavish income, say five figures), I would…:

  • Travel the world and stay in a single place at least for some time to be able to absorb the culture and mindset more. Don’t need the whole world, just those that I’m particularly drawn to
    ++ Visiting and meeting up with sapien med users ;) or other like minded people
  • Explore a large variety of hobbies
  • Engage in projects that in some way mean a lot to me
  • Enjoy every second of life
  • Knowing that the human mind always strives for growth, I will still push myself to become better at whatever I’m doing
  • Establish a meaningful way of sharing my accumulated knowledge and experiences
  • Challenge myself; engage in stuff I would find impossible to achieve and go achieve it
  • Spend time with friends and family
    ++ If friends and family have a dream that only requires financing, help them achieve their dream”

“As for how I would like to live… well being at the right place in the right time having the ability to make a big ever growing network where the least amount of work makes the best profit where I can spend my time on spirituality having more financial freedom and also kinda like a give and take. Maybe making a few organizations that run on passive income or revenues and use that money to build more charity groups that may become abundant too on their own after a while :smiley: . Everything runs smoothly and even if sometimes it gets a bit harder I’ll be able to push through while it feels effortlessly.

All while making the least possible effort haha. Because it helps us in becoming smart and pushing the right buttons at the right time… or better said influencing the energy around us in a way that grants the best outcome together with all our new found friends.”

“I would still want to work, but in a more meaningful way. Maybe have an Art Gallery Caffe, where locals could geather to enjoy art and coffee, and even some emotional support in case they need it. Because this is what I do.

In my free time I’d love to be able to travel to a far away places (preferably business class) and dedicate more time to writing. What I miss the most is not material, but money is definitely needed to be able to achieve it. I would like to meet more of my soul friends and be able to spend time with those I already have, regardless of how far they live.”

“Right, the main goal for generating passive income to me is provide me and my family with financial security and the peace of mind that goes with it.

This peace of mind will allow me to dedicate my time to painting, a big passion of mine which often gets pushed aside because no time, no energy, not the right frame of mind.

A side project would be to get together with several friends of mine who all create energetic paintings, jewelry, sculptures etc and set up an art gallery that would showcase artists creating energetic artwork and market their art so they find the right customer.

This place would also have a large workshop where artists could come and create or co-create and motivate/enrich/complement each other, and also another large space dedicated to different healing modalities, so that healers could rent space and run meditation or yoga classes.

I would also spend some time becoming the best version of myself I can through meditation, healing work etc. Spend time with friends and family, finally pick up my guitar again and learn to play it properly this time, probably invest more serious time in writing and working as a healer.

I would travel with my family and buy properties in several countries I have lived in so that we have our own base whenever we want to come and stay.

I would also invest in local projects that benefit the community or specific groups of people in order to give back.”

“I would like to live on an organic farm that’s managed well, where we have good air, water & food for ourselves and the excess is sold.

This is a secure beautiful place where my daughter runs & plays with her dog joyfully!

To follow the rhythms of the body, so that you sleep when your body wants rest, to eat when you are hungry instead of eating when your office lunch break so dictates! When you are rested & stress free, practices like meditation, astral travel should come easier. Happy vibes = Higher vibes”

“Scuba diving, flying for hours in helicopter, watching wonders of nature from top.

Organic foods, grow fruits and vegetables in my farmland.

Taste exotic delicious food around the world.

Have good friends and company to enjoy in every part of the world I visit

Pure air, pure water. Surrounded by serenity and bliss.

Donate money to good cause without hesitation, knowing that universe will bless me more with money.

Have plenty time for meditation, astral travel, spirituality.

Build a pond near my hill residence so that I can watch wild animals everyday. Maybe befriend a wild elephant. So loving and majestic creatures.

Noise less environment. Just divine music of silence .

Pure mist hugging and wrapping me whenever I wish.

Have a private waterfall .

Swimming pool filled with energetic stream water.

Wear any clothes I want.

Just surrounded by loving people and pets.”

“I would probably find projects that speak to me and find a way to contribute, giving my time or do something like angel investing. And wanting to make full use of the freedom by just packing a bag and go stay in a different country for a few months every once in a while.

Get to know the country, enjoying the local foods and learning about different cultures. Luxury travel and accommodations, going to places that locals recommend and perhaps find some new friends along the way”

“Hmm well

Id like to give myself into music and bodybuilding in my own time and id like to uplift the world as much as i can (after healing myself of course, to find world peace i must start with finding peace within myself)

I’d like to be rich so i can reach more people

Id like to spend most of my time in the woods, working on ascension music and bodybuilding

And id like to travel the world with my future family, uplifting them and those we come into contact with

Pretty much it lol”

To summarize a bit

The Blueprint of Bliss contains all you need to know to fully enjoy all the abundance that is now flowing into your life. It helps you to make full use of all your newfound possibilities:
-You are intuitively drawn to places (cities, countries, remote areas) where you can meet and interact with people working on passionate projects, and who want to share their experiences. You stumble upon amazing food and drinks and other local delicacies, find beautiful landmarks, historic sites and other cultural sites that have a great story connected to them

  •   You are able to freely express and develop yourself in creative endeavors, quickly picking up and rapidly improving at any creative outlet of your choosing. You are able to instantly and perfectly translate the concepts in your mind, directly to your body/hands/fingertips
  •   You effortlessly connect with like-minded people who fit your personality and perspective in life, where you can share things about your passions, hobbies, side-projects, and without the pressure of wanting to get something out of it. The only thing you are thinking about is having a good time together
  •   You have the possibility of having multiple places around the world that you can call home, especially those places where you experience a deep connection with the city or country
  •   Wherever you are, you are surrounded by serenity and bliss, and you have plenty of time and opportunity to cultivate your spiritual practices
  •   You have the freedom and opportunity to surround yourself with animals and having the space to grow your own organic foods, fruits and vegetables
  •   You are free to indulge yourself with any material possession (cars, clothes, yachts, gadgets, etc.) and you are able to enjoy them fully without any hesitation
  •   You accept and embrace the responsibility of being wealthy and abundant, and you make it a priority in life to help those who are in need. Being generous is a natural state for you, and this does not just extend to friends and family, but also to society as a whole. You enjoy sharing your wealth, also because you know that everything you share with the world, will flow back to you multiple times over

While exploring the island, you come across a magical lamp. When you accidentally rubbed it, a genie appeared in front of you. He promised to make all of your wishes come true whenever you want.


Genie possesses phenomenal cosmic power that allows him to grant wishes, shape-shift, and transcend space and time; however, he is burdened to remain bound to his lamp for eternity unless granted freedom by a master.

(Phenomenal power, genie bound to nft, no matter what)

(Genie always stands on our side and obeys our others, never goes rouge or tries to posses us)

Why do genies only grant 3 wishes?

I think a better question is why do genies grant three wishes? Because each wish represents the three states of life; past, present, and future.

(Our genie can perform wishes that affect our past, present and future)

"The first wish is to change the present circumstance, otherwise known as the “Get me out of here!” wish.

(Genie get’s us out of any current negative situation)

The second wish is to change to past, like vanquish my enemies, or erase my debt.

(Genie erases our depts, past mistakes, situations, people which are affecting us negatively now due to our past)

The third wish is to change the future, like make me wealthy beyond comprehension, or let me and the love of my life live happily ever after."

(Genie gives us wealth beyond comprehension)

(All of these interconnected)

I don’t know whether you know this or not, but Genies are very bad at counting. They don’t know to count beyond 3.

(Unlimited wishes)

Our Genie loves humans, world, animals, only make wishes that create a positive effect on us and the world.

Genie only makes those wishes come true that won’t have or cause any negative effect on you or anyone else and the world in general.

If possible Genie would try to make these wishes to have a positive effect on the world as far as it can go.

Our Genie mannered in the ideas mentioned above, would also come with any other archetypes, concepts, ideas, and real genies’ abilities. Without going past the boundaries we’ve mentioned.

Later on

You saw a pool of gold, took a swim and now saturated yourself with abundance, wealth, prosperity, financial independence. Congratulations you have achieved the golden body.

The moment you jumped in it your bodily systems skeletal, nervous, muscular, respiratory, endocrine, immune, cardiovascular/circulatory, urinary, integumentary, reproductive, and digestive systems started operating with divine abundance, wealth, prosperity from the source as well as concepts of financial independence.

Your cells which are providing structure and support, facilitating growth through mitosis, allowing passive and active transport, producing energy, creating metabolic reactions and aid in reproduction, started carrying and sharing divine abundance, wealth, prosperity and concepts of financial independence with them as they perform their tasks, purifying any energetic baggage standing along the way.

All of these bodily functions, organs, cells etc. have now gained new positive memories of abundance, wealth and prosperity with the concepts of financial independence.

and replacing the less positive memories that we hold in our physical bodies with divine abundance, wealth, prosperity, concepts of financial independence.

Also healing any negative body memories regarding wealth, prosperity, abundance
Thomas Fuchs defines 6 different types of BM: procedural, situational, intercorporeal, incorporative, pain, and traumatic memory. He notes that they are not strictly separable from one another but "derived from different dimensions of bodily experience: 12 Michelle Summa further refines this definition as an implicit memory. A pre-thematic, operative consciousness of the past expressed through the body.

Now also your every thought, synapse, reflex, is now carrying divine abundance, prosperity wealth and concepts of financial independence with them, always purifying anything opposing the flow of of these energies in these systems and functions.

The pool you took a swim in happened to be the same pool that Esther Hicks swam in and left the knowledge of her Abraham Hicks teaching in it. Same goes for Bob Proctor.

The pool also heals you from


Chrometophobia . When it comes to finances, an intense fear of money which includes fear of spending, financial ruin, thinking about it or even touching money is called chrometophobia or chrematophobia.

And here is another article I came across

Reasons We Fear Losing Money

There’s a strong psychological factor that explains the reasons we fear losing money. As a matter of fact, humans are scared of losing almost everything- from relatives and friends to health and reputation or prestige.

Three main reasons dictate these fears.

1. Insecurity

The fear of loss of anything- material or immaterial- causes a deep sense of insecurity among humans. Basically, we fear facing the future after losing something. That’s the reason majority of people in the world hold on to everything firmly- from money to even old and outdated ideas.

Money is something that gives us a sense of security, regardless whether the amount is small of large. Therefore, losing money translates as loss of security.

2. Attachment

We’re all attached to several things in our daily lives. Humans are attached to their material and non-material possessions in some way or other.

Losing something that we’re attached with leaves a sense of vacuum in our lives. And this vacuum impedes normal lifestyle and behaviour.

3. Survival Instinct

This primordial survival instinct causes us to shun everything and anything that could cause us some fear of loss. As a result, we subconsciously or even consciously view fear of loss as a threat to our very survival or even existence.

Now we are not influenced negatively by these factors anymore. Or even any fear factors causing scarcity.

As well as helps you to ascend in wealth, prosperity, fortune, financial independance.

Ascension of Money

This one would draw to you everything and anything you need to become rich and finacialy independent

It could giving you knowledge, attracting wealth to you, situations, mindsets, creating paths, drawing people, acting unbreakable towards wealth, removing anything preventing the flow of money ascension (as well as any internal stuff such as greediness, jealousy, feelings of lack etc.)

get into the flow of the financially independent billionaires, money comes to you from everywhere, already have all the billionaire financially independent wealth you need,

Haircut, facial expression, eyes body language, you as a whole already are a financially independent billionaire and act as one, as one who does minimal effort for it. Money is easy peasy to earn and get.

Your movements are now blessed

Every time you move, speak, laugh etc. a whole bunch of extra wealth is drawn to you

Every action or inaction creates abundance

Every thought makes prosperity

A few other stuff that it does are:


Effusion, infusion, energetic and subconscious integrations:

  • “Effusion and infusion in our energy system ever evolving to our state of consciousness of Source Energy by the mechanism of implosion”.

  • Energetic and subconscious integration of the state of being financially free.

  • Energetic and subconscious integration of the state of unlimited wealth, prosperity and abundance.

  • Energetic and subconscious integration of the state of safety and contentment.

Connection to the Wealth River and any other fields felt relevant for the purpose of financial freedom.

  • Attracting the best people and ideas for the Sapient Wellness Token (SPW), so the whole Sapien Medicine community attains financial freedom

It also connects you to the flow of contentment, flow of opportunities and flow of piece.

Some of that flow is also directed towards our financial freedom objectives directly.

There was also some honey and hold in it so you got embodied the golden aura and the honey aspect
you are then surrounded by bees due to your sweetness. (hence you also get to possess the golden bees essence attributes)

The bees then also act as your mini cute little servitors, collecting wealth from all directions. You are also very encouraged by them. You also realize that work or work ethic does not require wealth.


A few extras

Creating a passive-income business in the most successful way:

  • Idea generation expert: finding the best ideas that will provide the most passive income we desire. We will find the best product market fit rapidly and with ease.

  • Execution of our ideas, taking the right steps and having all the necessary steps made easy. This fields will also help us develop the willpower, dedication, consistency, discipline. It will also help us overcome entrepreneur syndromes such as the fear of failure, boredom, loneliness, self-sabotage, lack of work-life balance. This along with the most rewarding entrepreneurship experience.

  • Finding the right investors, co-founder(s), advisors, the right business & technological partners, consultants, employees. All with a high level of skills & integrity. With people supporting us, our idea and reinforcing the whole endeavor.

  • Networking / Connections - The NFT owner is always in the right place at the right time. People they meet will always be willing to help them.

  • If it applies, finding rapidly and with ease how to scale our model, executing it and making it a reality.

  • Getting investments / funding easily and finding the right investors, with a high level of integrity & ethic.

  • Perfect business management - Strategy, Sales, Marketing, Finance, HR: overcoming any blockage with ease and grace.

  • Perfect Technology: finding the right resources to assist our endeavor, with the right technological environment for long-term growth & scalability.

  • Future resale and transmission of the business: if applicable, finding the right buyers, with a smooth & easy transition.

  • Be free from all discrimination whatever our age, gender, ethnicity, location etc.

Pool of knowledge around Web3, Crypto, online businesses and new ways to generate passive income:

  • Pool of knowledge and subconscious guidance from influencers in the industry (known & anonymous): Vitalik Buterin, Gavin Wood, Charles Hoskinson, Changpeng Zhao, Joseph Lubin, Justin Sun, Anthony Di Iorio, Tyler Winklevoss, Sam Bankman-Fried, Anatoly Yakovenko.

  • Connection to stream of ideas of successful investors & actor in the industry, or related ones.

  • Being ahead of new trends with a true business & social potential

  • Knowledge of rules and regulations of our country regarding crypto

  • Knowing the best exchange to use to meet our needs.

  • Nudging into our mind towards the best project & people to invest in.

  • Nudging into our mind during best times to make transactions (times with lowest gas fees)

  • Understanding the various technical aspects of crypto (ie. why we pay for transactions, how/why/what goes into mining coins)

  • Access to earning crypto (finding high-paying faucets, doing jobs for crypto, mining, etc)

Integration of Conscious Capitalism, regenerative ideas and integral theory towards an evolutionary society:

  • Where wealth can be enjoyed by everyone and work & fun can coincide.

  • Subconscious integration and guidance towards integral business, ecology, community, spirituality, etc.

  • Access to a pool of knowledge & subconscious guidance around the Integral approach (Ken Wilbert) and its worldwide community, and the regenerative movement (James Ehrlich, Future Thinkers, re:build)

Alchemizing the power of the Fool, The Magician and the Nine of Pentacles.

Embodying this alchemy, we embark as free spirits on a journey towards good fortune and completion.

The combination of those energies allows us to create freely and smartly, with an immense positivity about our capacity to do good and reach financial & spiritual freedom.

The journey is fun, full of surprise and fulfillment for us & the beings that accompany us.

Limitless smart-field: a “limitless field” on demand with “activate limitless

While we work on accomplishing our desires, we often end up in an undesirable state or we feel that 24h in a day is often too short to perform all of our activities, while keeping a balanced life.

With this smart-field, we aim a perpetual flow of high creativity & productivity when working on our mission & purpose.

The “limitless” addition would (With no interference and limitations from the Higher Self) :

  • Fills us infinitely with the attuned energy we need.

  • Induce a state of hyper flow & creativity.

  • Increase our confidence so we can successfully complete our task efficiently and to our highest ability.

  • This boosted with: the right nootropics, the right brainwaves (gamma and awakened mind brainwaves), unstoppable willpower, hyper synchronization of brain hemispheres, an altered sense of time (slower or faster depending on the context) and intuitive guidance.

  • Backed up by an ongoing refresher so we can sustain the flow and keep a high energy during & after the limitless state

Later on after the swim you saw some cool people doing some awesome rituals. You had no idea what they were doing really, your curiosity made you approach them and ask if you can join.

They were happy that you joined, and explained to you what they were doing.


Just doing a little samba in nature really, these are the things we shall achieve by doing that:

Higher Self & Deities - communication, intercession and relationships for divine wealth and protection:

  • Subconscious Integration and communication with our Higher self, deities and pools of consciousness.

  • Intercession with various deities and pools of consciousness that seeks to help us in our evolution: Hindu deities, Greek pantheon, Celtic mythology, Shamanic archetypes, North mythology, the Christian God and its “management”, etc.

  • Special Connection with VARAHI if she accepts it, as a facilitator and helper:

    • As per the ancient sacred texts, Varahi, the Goddess of the earth and the epitome of courage and valor has the face of a wild boar.

    • She is hailed as the granter of boons and as Supreme Mother.

    • Goddess Varahi is the one who can give you all that the earth plane has to offer and is an archetype for material wealth, especially gold.

    • It is considered that during ancient times all the kings used to worship Goddess Varahi to bring wealth to their kingdom.

Basic Traits Of Goddess Varahi

  • Courage and Strong Representation, wore a 'Tri-Murti" Cult.

  • She is the wealth of Universe, conceived with nourishment and motherly attributes.

  • Depicts powerful energy of Sapta Matrikas, control Physical and Mental Enemies.

  • Sacred Mantras Sadhana, Invokes Protection, Good Health, an absolute women-hood.

  • Worshiped with different names a Celtic Mother Goddess, “Old White Sow”, also her brother is called “Seth”, the black boar.

Mother Vaarahi protects all devotees who turn to Her for Her grace and blessings. She is an extremely powerful Goddess and bestows the following on those who worship Her with sincerity and devotion:

1. Eliminates the “evil eyes” (also known as Drushti in Tamil and Nazar in Hindi).

2. Wards off troubles from evil spirits.

3. Wards off any kind of evil deeds or rituals (black magic) aimed at Her devotees.

4. Protects the person from accidents.

5. Makes the person blessed with word power, fame, good will etc.

6. She dispels fear and bestows courage and confidence.

7. Bestows wealth and exalted status in society.

8. Supreme victory over enemies & all those who stand in the way of one’s progress.

9. Dispels disease and ill health.

10. Grants happiness and prosperity.

Benefits of Varahi Worship:

  1. Eradication of the “evil eyes” cast upon you by others.

  2. Shields from the dangers emanating from evil spirits.

  3. Varahi protects her devotees from black magic and unethical occult practices.

  4. Varahi worship offers protection against mishaps like accidents.

  5. It Boosts your goodwill and recognition.

  6. It increases fame and makes your words count.

  7. Invoking Varahi frees you from fear and self-doubt.

  8. She blesses the devotees with courage and confidence.

  9. Shields devotees from diseases and sickness.

  10. It helps to manage enemies and emerge successfully.

  11. Her worship bestows happiness and prosperity.

  12. Varahi blesses her devotees with knowledge and wisdom.

VARAHI mantra:

[usually mantras are passed down/initiated through gurus (masters), the field will also have blessings of gurus (masters) for the mantras to be holistically beneficial]

Varahi Moola Mantra

The Varahi Moola Mantra is ideal for reciting 3 or 21 or 108 times in a day.

This is how it goes!

Om Aim Hreem Shreem

Aim Gloum Aim

Namo Bhagavathi

Varthali Varthali

Varahi Varahi

Varahamuki Varahamuki

Anthe Anthini Namaha

Runthe Runthini Namaha

Jambe Jambini Namaha

Mohe Mohini Namaha

Sthambe Sthambini Namaha

Sarvadusta Pradustanaam Sarvesaam

Sarva Vaak Sidha Sakchur

Mukagathi Jihwa

Stambanam kuru Kuru

Seegram Vasyam

Aim Gloum

Taha, iTaha, thaha, Thaha

Hum Astraya phat Swaha ||

Benefits of Varahi Homam:

  1. Performing Varahi Homam and chanting the Varahi mantra can bestow you with progress in business and career. It can help you attain material comforts. The blessings of Goddess Varahi provide you victory in ventures by removing all kinds of barriers and obstacles. You can also attain success in land or property dealings. The blessings of Goddess Varahi also help in fulfilling your desires.

  2. Varahi is the Senapathi of Shri Lalita Devi and is an extremely powerful and active Goddess who demolishes evil powers, shields spiritual hopefuls, eliminates negativity, and grants wishes. It is considered that worshipping Goddess Varahi on the 8th Moon blesses one with expertise in various abilities (talents), triumph, and prosperity.

  3. Chanting the Goddess Varahi mantra and performing the Varahi homam helps you receive the boon of Goddess Varahi, who can manage the malefic effects of the nodal planet Rahu. This powerful homam can help you obtain divine grace to reduce the Sarpa Dosha and Rahu Dosha. It helps to crush the negativity around you.

  4. In Lalita Sahasranama, Varahi is hailed as Dandanatha Devi, the Goddess who retains the force of justice, whose blessing can petrify the inner and external enemies, eventually leading to the ultimate way of wisdom and spirituality.

  5. Performing Varahi Homa can eliminate monetary challenges, crises and grant material prosperity, luxuries, wealth, and protection against negativity. Your sincerity and openness will permit and open the entrances for empowerment to fill every cell in your being.

SHRI YANTRA/ SHRI CHAKRA (2d form) and MAHA MERU (3D form of shri yantra)

The field created will inherently have the right way of worship, right direction of placement of chakra (physical form of Sri Chakra have lots of rules, procedures for worship, placement position and direction, etc.)

Shree Maha Meru Chakra Yantra is actually a three dimensional projection of yantra known as Shree Yantra which is said to be mother of all yantras.



The Sri Chakra or Shri Yantra is a yantra formed by nine interlocking triangles that surround and radiate out from the central (bindu) point, the junction point between the physical universe and its unmanifest source. It represents the goddess in her form of Shri Lalitha or Tripura Sundari, “the beauty of the three worlds”. Four of the triangles point upwards, representing Shiva or the Masculine. Five of these triangles point downwards, representing Shakti or the Feminine. Thus the Sri Yantra also represents the union of Masculine Divine and Feminine Divine. Because it is composed of nine triangles, it is also known as the Navayoni Chakra.

Together, the nine triangles are interlaced in such a way as to form 43 smaller triangles in a symmetrical web, symbolic of the entire cosmos or a womb symbolic of whole creation. Together, they express Advaita or non-duality. This is surrounded by a lotus of eight petals, a lotus of sixteen petals, and an earth square, resembling a temple with four doors.

The Shri Chakra is also known as the Nava Chakra, because it can also be seen as having nine levels. “Nava” means “nine” in Sanskrit. Each level corresponds to a mudra, a yogini, and a specific form of the deity Tripura Sundari, along with her mantra


(1) Bhuprastha - The plain 2 dimensional Sri Yantra. Bhu means Earth.

(2) Kurma Prastha - It is also called “Kachchhap Prishtha”. The 3 dimensional Sri Yantra on the back of Tortoise

(3) Meru Prastha - The raised multi Pyramid Cosmic Grid that rises like Sumeru mountain.Shree Sampurna Yantra(Sri Sampoorna Yantra) is a Yantra which has 13 Yantras together. In the centre is the sacred Sri Yantra surrounded by Yantras of other Gods, Goddesses, like, Saraswati Yantra, Ganesh Yantra, Kuber Yantra etc., Navgraha Yantra, Sukh Samridhi Yantra and other such Yantras. The amalgamation of these 13 Yantras in the Shree Sampurna Yantra makes it a powerhouse of positive energies which when installed welcomes all positive aspects of life, protects from malefic Planetary effects, corrects Vastu Dosha and pierces through any hindrances, blockages in the individual’s life and the space it is installed in. The high-frequency positive vibration radiated by the Sri Sampoorna Yantra blesses with the fulfilment of wishes, prosperity, success, name, fame, knowledge, good luck and benevolent blessings.

The Maha Meru Shree Yantra or Meru Prastha Shree Yantra is considered to be the best among Sri Yantras. The three circles of the Sri Yantra Mandala represents the three states of Creation, Establishment and Destruction. The Universe is balanced by the Sumeru Mountain and it holds within it all the worlds, say the Puranas. The raised or 3 dimensional Sri Yantra depicts the Sumeru Mountain. As mentioned earlier, it is the abode of the Divinely powerful Goddess, Maha Tripura Sundari and is the best form in which to worship Her. All the elements, conduct, learning merge in the Sri Yantra. When it is worshipped, it is equivalent to worshipping all Gods and Goddesses.


The Khadgamala (Khaḍgamālā, Sanskrit: खड्गमाला, “Garland of the Sword”) is an invocational mantra that names each of the Devi Hindu goddesses according to their place in the Sri Yantra or in the Maha Meru.[1] This list of divine names is described poetically as a “garland” (Sanskrit: mālā). The sword (Sanskrit: khaḍga) is an epithet for the Devi’s “power to strike down desire, hatred, and delusion”.[1]


Hindus believe the mantra is beneficial for mental, emotional, and physical health and consider it a moksha mantra which bestows longevity and immortality.

Om Trayambakam Yajamahe,

Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam,

Urva Rukamiva Bandhanan,

Mrityor Mokshiye Maamritat”

Deity Lakshmi :

Om shreem maha Lakshmiyei namaha (Sanksrit: ॐ श्रीं महा लक्ष्म्यै नमः) is a mantra that calls upon the Hindu goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, to grant both worldly and spiritual prosperity.

Kanakadhara Stotram (Sanskrit: कनकधारा स्तोत्रम्, kanakadhārā stotram) is a hymn (Stotra) composed in Sanskrit by Adi Sankara. kanakadhārā means “stream” (dhārā) of “gold” (kanaka), and the hymn is called by this name since legend has it that when Adi Sankara recited it, Goddess Lakshmi appeared in front of him and unleashed a stream of gold.

The Kanakadhara Stotram describes the beauty, grace, wisdom, and power of the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. The prayer is a poem that facilitates the flow of wealth. Kanak means gold, and Dhara means flow. Those offering the prayers daily will be blessed with good qualities and great fortunes. The Kanakadhara Stotram can be chanted once, thrice or five times, to invoke Goddess Lakshmi to bestow good fortune and prosperity. Stay devoted and be compassionate and kind.


And you start feeling so daammnn good about yourself!

Especially because of the atmosphere here!

The atmosphere on the Financial Independence island, besides fresh air of money, also includes the essence of positive and beneficial Richard Dotts teaching. While being on the financial independence island already means that we are financially independent, knowledge we get on still remains useful.

Because of this awesome atmosphere the time that we experience on the final destination planet is also non-linear, all of our intentions, goals and done and undone at the same time, where we live in a perpetual state/perceptual awareness of abundance…

  • The completely new way of looking at manifestations from a non-linear perspective, not limited by the physical constraints of time
  • Why it is important to withdraw before directing your manifestation energies
  • How to manifest from the state of infinite abundance, instead of merely “thinking” or “visualizing” abundance through endless rituals and repetitions…
  • Protocols for manifesting non-linearly and affecting non-linear manifestations
  • How to live each day non-linearly from the larger perspective of the Universe while satisfying the mind’s needs to organize your events linearly
  • How to collapse the time delay or lag between intention and manifestation, and why this happens when you approach manifestations non-linearly
  • What does it mean by the absence of time? Does this mean a very brief period… or does this mean eternity? (This is how the Universe sees it.)
  • Why manifestation is not about attracting a massive amount of money or a huge pile of stuff… instead, you want to do THIS for ongoing abundance…

Your manifestation of your goals in this atmosphere appear spontaneously, even without you setting a corresponding intention!”

All of the limitations on the creative process are removed while you open up to new possibilities in your everyday reality.

The atmosphere on the Island is also full of unconditional joy which act as a benchmark for success.

Which doesn’t have to be constant, but causeless, spontaneous and unconditional

In that state, manifestations are flowing and time is no longer a consideration. Joy for the sake of joy and time becomes no longer a consideration. We no longer are concerned with when is it happening or where we are in the process, but keeping the flame of joy makes us one with the universal creation

Think of puppies and happy kiddies!

The atmosphere makes you mindful of the smallest acts we make and helps us to find unconditional joy in them!

The very extra secret addition of the field is the It is what is is

What is the meaning of the saying it is what it is?

It means deal with it. Quite so :)

It is what it is, an expression used to characterize a frustrating or challenging situation that a person believes cannot be changed and must just be accepted.

So basically accept it to deal with it if necessary

When meeting life challenges, now it’s you resolving them and changing them to get the best out of them. Knowing what to do, guidance to make the right steps and not being affected by them. Complete nullification of being affected by life negatively. Sure get the experiences needed, but don’t dwell on the toughness of them.

This would also mean to be okay with the negative influences and be okay with them affecting you negatively. But not let them affect you in a way that you’d get depressed and stuff like that.

Or maybe sure why not it goes deeper. To be okay with that depression and negativity, rejection, loss,(things like that, if they happen) to the point where it won’t affect you.

When you say ‘It is what it is’
You activate this concept.

It will also start turning any of your negative life situations into positive, could be financial or just personal.

It works on internal and external conditions. You know once you change internally, it happens externally as well.

So yeah you would also receive help from this aspect of this concept from which you would then act
and with taking these actions you would resolve your life.

Ego thinks that suffering and depression are bad. But it’s us, our ego which determines that this is suffering and that this is depression.

So suffering for you is eating that spinach you don’t like?
ah man no need for it.

Wanna add that most of the time the situation is already brought up to us, we just don’t know how to act on them in order to work them out. So it would also help with that.
And then everything with the accepting part and being okay with it.
So it aspect could also be called Acceptance of life.

And I conclude with that.

Thank you all for being on this tour.

The Rocket has launched!

And we had reached the final destination planet, which as you may know, goes under the name financial freedom.


The Collaborations

With the Flippers and Finders Group

The ability to source the highest “qualities” in your materials.

“Quality” in this sense means whatever qualities you find desirable. If the best quality for your brand is simply price, then you’ll find the cheapest items. If quality means the actual value that this item will bring, then that is what you will find. If its a mixture, then you’ll find that. Whatever makes most sense for your particular business.

You will find the best places to acquire items at the best prices with the best value.

“The Knowing”

The ability to know if an item is worth your time or not.

Where I imagine this helping the most is knowing what items will actually sell after you purchase them,

and when buying broken/damaged items.

For example, knowing what items will sell could be used for a hobbyist thrift-shopper. You find a number of vintage clothes that you have no clue about and aren’t your style. Still, you get this odd feeling that they will be profitable so you purchase them. After some research, you’re able to sell for 2x the price.

Knowing what items are broken/damaged, but could be repaired could be used for someone who goes to car auctions. You never know exactly what is wrong with the car until you’ve actually purchased it and had it inspected. This would give you a certain mystical knowing of what cars have problems that you can afford to repair and then sell later.

Along with the mystical knowing aspect of this, it will also include a very practical aspect of you learning to do research. It may pull you to the exact materials that help best identify good items that go for good prices.

Always Finding:

You will find yourself being drawn to people, places, events that bring items that you are interested in.

This may just be you walking down the street and noticing a store that happens to be selling something that you know is worth way more than it is. Someone may casually bring something up that enhances your business. You may visit a website that has exactly what you’re looking for.

Drawing customers to your items:

This will bring those who are looking for what you are selling to you, and make your items stand out in a way that makes them purchase.

A helpful network:

For many businesses to exist in this space, you need a network of people.

Those who do white-label products are still in charge of their branding, marketing, and other aspects of their business.

If you’re doing car auctions, you will need a trustworthy and knowledgeable mechanic.

As your business grows, certain aspects of things may best be taken care of by others.

For example, if you repair and sell phones bought from people, eventually the act of sourcing the phones and repairing them may be too much for you to do all at once. In this case, the field would help you find someone who is reliable to find phones on your behalf, while you repair them, or vice versa.

At any point, and especially once we’re wealthy, we may want to get some valuable or rare items for ourselves. This will be especially when it comes to that task. Imagine its use in helping to source other rare Sapien NFTs :grin:


Cash and checks!

:money_mouth_face: :money_with_wings: :moneybag:

Man, Congrats to all of us, thanks everyone for being here. Thanks everyone for every single idea they have shared. Also Thanks to those who put in extra efforts.

Big shouthouts to everyone :smiley:

Also thanks fellas for presenting this nft with me to the sapien community

Ahh i should go on and on

Enjoy if you get this field or if you already have it.
Perhaps let’s all make even some passive income together and become financially free once and for all.
Easy peasy with this field


:clap: :two_hearts: :clap: :two_hearts: :clap: :two_hearts:


Well done! This looks awesome! :heart_eyes:
Keep up the good work @veh and all involved in this project.

I really like Godess Abundantia, I even suggested her in another project, but sadly it wasn’t implemented.


:money_mouth_face: :star_struck: :heart_eyes:




Thanks man.
Let me know if you’re interested in any future projects ect.

And Enjoy :D

Let’s keep Zealoting towards … whatever we want


Thank you man! :hugs:


When is the expected release date for this? (on venly)


Probably 2 weeks. We just bought it on Thursday morning



Its amazing.

Thank you so much, i laughed anď giggled all while reading the encyclopedia of a draft you guys made :sweat_smile: but enjoyed reading it so much, you guys didnt miss a thing haha like seriously i could not believe it.

Among all the amazing stuff this NFT brings and offers, its the vibe you guys injected this project with the push forward motivation in every word and every request, the full certainty of it becoming true. I had attacks of buttlerflies in my stomach, felt like a child in a candy shop, like a teenager getting the key that opens the best life possible ever imagined.

Yet… as i said, you guys thought of everything.

Not just

Endless abundance
Sharp senses
Best life ever dreamt

Etc etc

But also:

With a deep knowledge that we must work through and through with all the infinite opportunities that will come our way until we get to the top.

A desire and a must to give to others as we built to unfold even more, and always going up under that statement

Strong protection not just against negative whatever out there, but one that will not let us lose our ground and part of a collective in this world and life.

That was incredibly cute, well thought, loved project.

I wasnt part of this project but i caught an offer for a trade early on and went through, i dont know how many times i messaged Sniper and Danny-ho asking for more details on this and that etc. This whole project and members of this group infected me with life and excitement and its just the beginning.

I of course have to wait until my copy reach the wallet of the person i traded with. However i have felt the early stages of this NFT and i cannt be happier.

Ive said in another thread that i got more or less at the same time:

Friendly Clurichaun
Financial Freedom
The Fortuna Smiles Mandala on Patreon
Plus their audios

And maan! I feel them all so powerful, and i can exactly pint point what each one is doing, they all landed at the perfect time in my life, a time ive been hopping dreaming and working for, i reached the end of the past a bit scared (seriously just a little bit) and in just a few days im there. In the new life all in front of Me.

Hard work beggings now, but you know why i say hard? Not because it comes with struggles but because its pouring so much so many opportunities and people like “take my money now” or “please join our team” etc etc so fast that ill just have to speed up the way I work, start chaging my routines, my habits, waking up earlier, using to best every single minute of the day, avoid distractions and put myself in a consistent action

Because to reach the top and stay there we must be paired up to it.

Thanks again!! :heart::heart::heart:

(Special shout out to the fields i worked with for a while to push me forward to leave my comfort zone and jump to my dreams pushing through, i would have taken way longer if ever to be at the spot i am today if it wasnt for them, and for giving myself the time to work my way up to this moment: Unbreakable, Capital Governance, New Perspectives, Crucible of the Past, Rite of Passage, Dream of Purity)


So blessed to have been part of this project and the amazing group of people that made this possible! :heart_eyes:


2 days after this was released, I noticed 2 easy money opportunities. Later on, after checking, one option will have to be on hold because of external factors/variables.

Second option is also on hold, I am waiting for someone to make the decision to do something for him, because he can afford to “outsource” me for this thing and it is more efficient than him having to dive deep into the topic to understand.

Third thing, today while in IT class (first time I went to that class) I brought work laptop cuz I am working remote and I managed to monitor the queue for new incidents (tickets), solve issues that came up during class ANNND successfully contributed to the lecture by answering his questions which are oriented towards making us think critically.

Then I cant describe how it happened, but it was like everything that happened from the moment I left the class with girl from faculty–>us talking in front of the faculty with that same professor, was manipulated to the finest details, so it works favorably for me and her

Basically, the professor asked me to describe what is my job position, then asked if this is what I wanna do in my life (no) and then he suggested me a number of different IT fields I can get to learn about in his company (internship).

Then after he finished the talk with me, he asked the girl (she is doing surveys over the phone for a long time and has expressed the desire to learn QA (said to me months ago) and she said she is interested in that, which coincidentally is something his company also does).

Few facts:

  • He has been teaching here since last semester and never offered anyone to come to his company for internship.

  • First time I attended his class, this girl has been a regular though.

  • I am overthinker, calculate 10 steps ahead, but this was all completely spontaneous and came naturally.

  • Specific profession that girl is interested in is rare to find here and to get an internship as well, really unlikely

  • Considering the type of person he is, it is likely he will let us decide how many days during the week/hours we will be working/learning in his company, which is a really rare thing. IT companies here usually open their doors only to Faculty of Engineering students and to those with high grades.

Finally as a sidenote, I wanna thank all members of the project for their hard work, @Raj @veh for leading us in the best direction, always being mindful of everyone`s opinions regarding specific concepts. Energy of the group was loving and any disagreements were handled in a kind manner, or by voting. This project is proof that big groups can work harmoniously and I am proud to be/have been a member of this project. :pray:

PS: After the talk with professor I went to print A4 mandala of this gem, so yeah THIS THING DID THE THING EVEN WITHOUT ME HAVING PHYSICAL MANDALA!!!


Congratulations @shadowhunter176
I am very happy that you found something you liked & that would better your future prospects.

Yes, our big group had a harmonious energy & I felt really secure in that we were part of a project & learning & contributing what we thought fit without worrying if it was too little or unsuitable or anything.

We had a imaginative person managing the document & he created a fairy tale for us to live! Thank you @veh ! :boom:

@Raj , yours was the idea & you bought us all to this beautiful island! Thank you ! :camping:

The Captain created this nft incorporating an immense load of ideas. And we all already feel the effects! :pray: :pray: :pray: