@King_A Testemonial #4
It’s been nearly a month since my last review and wow !
To say I’m amazed at the power of this NFT and I haven’t even begun to tap into 1/100000 of its potential lol !
But to put this simply… I FEEL FREEEEEE !
For a long time I was having a sort of identity crisis, I didn’t know who I was ! I was confused about who I truely am.
Who is King_A ? What is he ? Why is he the way he is ?
Then I started diving deeper to answer this question…
We know who we are… I am that I am, it’s like I had an ego death and my whole life was…
(If you know the show you know the joke )
I just want everyone to understand this ascension phase for a second,
The general of legends (Guan Yu)
And Blueprint of Love
All kicking my ass at the same time healing me and raising my vibration,
so yeah many mood swings, banging your head against the wall, depression, suicidal thoughts and many things of that nature. ALL AT THE SAME TIME and I had to keep a smile on my face in order to not worry or scare anyone,
Ooof and i can’t forget the constant tiredness that comes with it
Someone said something really deep to me one time, she said: “ your like an onion, so many depths and layeres intertwined with your personality’s and different versions of you”
See I thought this was a curse ! Because it’s so hard so flipping hard to be able to manage and not repress each side of you, lol one side is gangsta
Then the other side is like a kid dancing about not giving a Flying F***
And so many more I can’t even begin to explain…
Now all of these sides have started to integrate into one, like they don’t feel separate they are “Me” and all the things I was suppressing like my Rap/hip hop persona, it comfortably comes out now,
It’s like I’ve ascended to the point I truly do not give a about what anyone perceives and views me as.
You know when you think your the crazy one but then realise the world was crazy the whole time
So then like Neo you wake up and realise you are the star and director of your own movie
Yeah it’s like I had the re awakening that set me straight and showed me all this was a lesson and Im healing !
Now that’s not it… that was the beginning,
I was trying on some football shirts and some nice looking ’s asked if I was a model,
I was confused, I was like who me ?
They were like yes I’ve seen you somewhere, I was honestly confused
And they proceeded to flirt with me and I was playing along having fun and they kept on saying I should be a model etc
These encounters happened with more ladys as well, so many girls starring deep into my eyes and me smiling and then blushing etc
It’s like the inner confidence within was in my auric body and showing the deep LION ENERGY within
These are just some things here and there, lol I was at a point sometimes where I would feel anxious stepping outside now i walk with my head high, chest out enjoying the scenery living in the moment,
Before I would overthink and get anxious now my mind is clear and set and I just have fun
Now let’s go even deeper, relationships and types of females to be exact,
Lol I can’t connect with just anyone, like if I get bored with someone I genuinely can’t stick around for the sake of it, before there was not an abundance of woman that were just like me and really looking to just Vibe and level up,
Now they just flow in like a water fall, like sometimes I feel like Kevin gates…
The quality, The depth, the beauty of the woman I attract is just amazing, you know the types of people you never run out of things to talk about, you have fun, you can talk and not be judged,
And Lord oh mighty the sexiness
And I genuinely go in without a care and they love me for being me it’s crazy !
Imagine exploring your minds, souls and body’s together and enjoying every second, with substance and just pure unconditional love.
Lol there is much more I could have said but ima keep it and short for y’all (LOL THIS WAS A LONG POST
Much more reviews and growth to come, remember many more people are experiencing things out of peoples comprehension but they don’t say it… but Lord oh mighty it’s working
One love forum fam