Past NFT Projects

Hey I got only two lol


oh sorry lol!
i had this image in my mind of those kids shows, where they have 60 seconds to grab anything they can in a toy store


Deservedly so oniomania.

Dragons have to get it all.


Ok, got the last one for the day…The Prince looked good - face, skin, body, all of it…

So 3 for the day!!!

I ain’t looking at the store page any more lol I need to reign in my madness haha


You got the best shopping taste :rofl: @Maoshan_Wanderer

Best hat trick I have seen here


Heard all three audios for a bit, now feel so much energy feels like I can lift a mountain!

First effect I notice other than energy - my eyes were really tired and wobbly, now they are open, wide open and it feels like I am seeing the world in Ultra HD!


Ego Dissolution with it:

For others, Subconscious limits dissolver feels like this:


That was a very pronounced benefit that i’ve noticed from it as well. Not only that, it seems I can see a lot farther with everything being very clear.

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With Serum?

I know there were some effects with the gene mods of color visbility/perception and also visual processing.

But I can ask Captain.

Interesting to know, I think he also added the RGS-14 protein,

More benefits of that can be seen here:

Plus PRL for short-term 200% etc.

But yeah very OP, I still think we are just scratching the surface of the potentials of this project for even months to come, let alone a year or two with it.


Not sure which of the three caused that effect…

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A lot was in there possibly other additions from Captain, even outside of the document shared.

It was a good back and forth with research, man I can’t believe it was still created lol.

But got my confidence back after playing Ego with it, trying not to punch a hole in a brick wall :)


Try to get The Fighter

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Or wait for Inhuman X and then get it all.

Message me @Maoshan_Wanderer, permissions have it disabled to contact you.


I applied but didnt get selected

Thank you :pray: @Captain_Nemo

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I am the new owner of the following NFTs:

Godlike Fella
Keys to life
The Endocriner
The Beyond

Could you guys please add me to the private groups? I can send proof.


I just ended up getting Hanuman also, do you have any experience or insight about him you could share? :slight_smile: :pray:

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This might help :slight_smile:


Thank you @Maoshan_Wanderer, I will watch it now :slight_smile:

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Hanuman seems very popular in India, I found this Hanuman video with 2.8 billion views :slight_smile:

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