The Super Serum Project šŸ§Ŗ - Super Soldier NFT (Private)

How many time a day we should listen to it?

amazing strength differenceā€¦

With the audio, is the height aspect included automatically or do we have to activate it verbally?


Automatic from my experience, but intention is there to keep growing.

I just eat the raw honey, play some Ego Dissolution.

Instant results.


raw honey for height?


Adding a testimonialā€¦


Iā€™ve been spamming Serum, just more height stuff, and sleep.

New beginnings.


Iā€™m in

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Is this still your most powerful NFT or has been surpassed by The Dark Night or some others?


Anyone still selling this NFT? I am interested in purchasing.

We need to talk, I want to ask you to send me a PM

Whatā€™s the difference between the Super serum version and the Super serum X version?

Just a remint.


Owners of this gem:

Is this better for muscle gains than Yujiro ? Do you work with serum daily ?

Do you see muscle improvements ?


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In my case I used the super serum for 1 month or so. He was unbearably hungry, despite eating something quite consistent. I saw better physical performance but I didnā€™t feel more bloated. I am using yujiro for a month and I see considerable changes despite not having exercised as much. If your goal is to gain muscles, Yujiro sees it as the best option. The super serum is useful for other things but it may need more time for your body to make changes because everything is epigenic. Luck.


Thank you

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I definitely have seen more leanness and fullness of muscles despite really training that hard in the time Iā€™ve had it (just under 2 weeks I think). Yes you can use daily but I would keep it to 3-4 listens max. Also be sure to supply your body with good nutrition to fuel what the Super Soldier Serum helps your body build

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Even though this is more catered to Captain America, this is giving me that feel of Jack Reachers. Even though Captain America America is my fav character with his abilities, when compared to Reacher, that man is just straight up badass. I donā€™t have this NFT btw lol.