Imaginarium Divine (Patreon)

I had understood that if you have any negative thoughts, this was being transmitted to the HS, instead there is no such danger, right?

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No such danger :)


I wanted to pair Holy Light along with this and depths of your soul, in that same order, I would say it can fit


Sounds like a very nice stack :)

How many times do you listen to it? :joy::joy::joy:
(No need to answer :crazy_face::crazy_face:)


Imaginarium, once a day


I started listening to this about 3 weeks ago, attracted by the definition some people had given of this as a kind of mini Limitless, but unlike other fields, I haven’t had any sensation for many days. So yesterday, perhaps stimulated by the HS, I was attracted to take over a project, initially without pathos, as since the end of last summer, when I arrived at this forum; while I was drawing, I saw little by little new ideas and solutions coming to my mind until I experimented on a small scale, what we saw Bradley Cooper doing. As I proceeded in the drawing, however at a greater speed than last year and with much less uncertainty, the explanations of advanced techniques explained to me by the teachers came back to mind, which I immediately applied, as opposed to the period of the course. In short, I have seen a kind of mental movie on the type of this clip

with the difference that instead of dealing blows, I applied techniques / commands of the drawing; it was fantastic, an experience that was repeated even today, albeit in a minor tone, but equally decisive.
What can I say, surprising …



The fact OM came out of staying away to reply to this review. Speaks.


Lol welcome back


You motivated me, I went through phase 2 of the intelligence program and started imaginarium to get the same effects.

4h in, I did something sleazy to finish my job faster and go home. In the car I was feeling like sleepin jimmy, proud of how sleazy and crafty I was back there.

The voice in my head said “Sooner or later, you’re gonna pay for it”. Talk about a downer and I knew it’s true.
Welcome back to the inner voice !

It comes from deep inside me, it’s not judging me, just reminding me of consequences.


it doesn’t seem like a being that’s here for your own good

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Knew this would come up.

Let’s address this “myth” the Higher Self is all light and love and roses and bunnies.

It’s not. -.-

The yin/motherly aspect of it often appears as love and encouragement and kitties and puppies.

The yang/fatherly aspect of it often appears (esp to fragile egos) as tough, disciplinarian, rigid in it’s conviction to Truth and Integrity

which for many, is highly upsetting to their Ego’s desire to be forgiven instantly for being and doing shitty things with no lessons learned or repercussions.

The Universe can and does, everyday with everyone, surely kick one in the ass harder than anyone else possibly could, in order for one to learn a lesson until it’s properly learned.


Which field(s) is that? (Search didn’t help me out.)

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Pretty much sums up the ego vs Higher Self


Sorry, it’s not a real thing just me planning future stacks after the brain stack.
Imaginarium is basically a whole mental stack for intelligence on it’s own


You know I haven’t tried your famous mind stack yet?
Yes, it is on the list, but still nothing; who knows if this will push me in that direction.


Brain stack, THIS is part of the mind stack :+1:

Same as the others, not everyone needs to use it. If you’re not attracted to it, do something else :man_shrugging:
My brain stack is my money stack, if you don’t have a reason to use it, grow some abs and go straight to ascension :+1: that’s where we’re all heading anyway and this one will play a major part


oops, I was wrong :worried:

No, I am also interested in the brain stack, but as I had written on other occasions, the fear of making a mistake in the formula blocked me. Basically it is a problem of scrupulousness, and the brain is a very delicate organ, I have been aware of it since I was a kid. For some years I was looking for the mental aspect of Limitless movie, not only for the money but precisely for the processing power: I did it in the world of subliminals but with little results, only the psychic aspect resulted. So last week when that part linked to a hobby / skill emerged I was very surprised at how the field pushed me in that direction, as indeed some people had motivated me in the technical drawing course, motivation that occurred at the end of an intense cycle of daily meditation lasting several months.
Ascension Day? In reality it has never interested me that much, but soon I’ll also add VoC, because it is an important detail in this period, we will see how it can help me.




yea a friend of mine had already told me that, thank you for your detailed elaboration though ( though I don’t think my post was concerning this but just addressing the fact that there can be entities that mess up with you )

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