About Tags, a few questions

BPIL, let’s say to make it more effective, thus a general information

Hey i don’t think my question about the possibility of a field being able to be changed simply boils down to holding a one sided assumption such as someone having a more powerful mind. The mind is truly more flexible than black and white thinking and can hold multiple assumptions if necessary for the discussion of a topic.

But in all honesty, when i ask this question I’m not having any assumption besides being honestly curious. Simply exploring possibilities.

And btw… Are you a policeman or lawyer? You seem to be an excellent interrogator

Do you have energy servitors?

A couple of things I do with BPIL is to let servitors study its energy + study all aspects of my life and influence them all with Best Path in Life, all while increasing and amplifying the energy from the tag itself.

Another thing can be the Environmental energy accumulator field, use this to draw energy to your tag with the intention of growing it.

Navigator of Awe?

Of course with meditation and everything Monkeyowl has said.

I’ve found out focusing on one aspect like talents, hobbies, growing relationships, etc helps in meditating and drawing energy … But All = One so it’s the same thing, you can focus on all your life aspects or just choose one aspect of it to draw your energetic attention to.



have never listened to this field; it is necessary to do some preparatory operation before Enviromental, how to purify the area where it is used?

Up until now, apart from favorite cars, I haven’t seen much, it’s like it’s “unscheduled”. Let me explain better, for example for cars he has perfectly guessed what I like, often showing me only those and limited to making it happen a little more frequently, but apart from that, nothing more. The situation is a bit like having a nice new PC running the latest version of Windows, perhaps with only Office, but the other programs I need / like / know are completely missing; so it is as if he did not detect my abilities, consequently not starting to show anything related to these abilities.

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Do you have any of the servitors then? Dragon can be really good with this, even light and dark servitors.

If you don’t, you can always use intercessions. I’ve been noticing how dragons really “like” to intercede with similar things especially those that have to do with bettering lives. Somehow they just want you to be happy. (I’ve received instant help on similar stuff as well)

You don’t have to purify it since it works as a purifier anyway, but it does help to include some salt cleanse with your favorite negentropic ions release before the field (maybe the negative ions will act as a better carrier for your intention too)

I get you because I have not noticed major differences with best path in life yet, of course there are changes here and there, things also “feel” different, but other than that, not yet.

Dream of Purity has given the tag a bit of a boost in this part you’re talking about, but I highly recommend you Navigator of Awe … I’m planning to buy it for the same reason and its huge support to finding more leads towards your own best path.

What other paid fields you have? Conceptual Realizations? Think Servitors/Intercessions + Ego Diss. + Meditating to the tag + Growing it?

You can do so many things with these two fields and not just grow your tag!

Edit: Another thing, if you want the tag to study more aspects about yourself then have a glimpse into who you are on the inside. Try looping Uranus for a longer while with Neptune and Pluto and see how they help you. Depths of your soul? EMP so you have a non emotionally attached vision?


I have no servitors, I preferred to leave this aspect out

Well, I already use Air Revitalizer normally, so there are no problems.
Environmental energy accumulator, just play it a few times when wearing BPIL or is it better to keep it in the background like any environmental field?

Yes, Navigator Awe is my next purchase, because it seems to be moving exactly in the direction I want, however I wanted to somehow develop BPIL better

Here my full fields list

  • Alchemical Holy Light
  • Armor of Light
  • Aura and Energy Body Repair
  • Blueprint
  • BPIL Tag
  • Brain Growth Work
  • Capital Governance
  • Charisma and Glamour
  • Hydrogen Accumulation + Fission
  • Knight/Warrior mindset
  • Negentropic Jing
  • Soul Core Restoration
  • The Plasma Flower
  • The Plasma Protocol
  • The Unbreakable

I’ve never listened to Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but I’ve been listening to Deepth Soul together with Imaginarium Divine for a week
Here is some feedback how Imaginarium Divine pushed some skills forward


Leave it on playing for some time with your tags next to the speaker and with intention of growing your tag. I remember Maoshan had a post on growing his tags in the same way.

Or wear it while having the field in the background with directed will and intention (so no need to leave the tags for hours)

Then do the work yourself… it’s fun to do these kind of psychic stuff yourself gives you more power over what you want to achieve in life

What I’d to is to tap into your own life as a whole… gather the space of it and its existence … capture it in your head … hold it and be existing into it … play some fields in the background like Salt Cleanse + Alchemical holy light; send this to your life as a mean to clear it out and induce new concepts to it

Build up with the fields from there … Hydrogen Accumulation… Throw in some Mstate… Energy body repair, Armor of Light … Blueprint… Jing and Soul Core, huge doses of charged best path in life, finish off with unbreakable and plasma flower.

If you wanna cut it short then just alchemical holy light, hydrogen, jing and soul then best path in life and finish off with plasma flower.

Maybe it will help if you have the heal around you field playing in the background while you send these energies to your life in Space.

Uranus helps you with self authenticity and discovery, Neptune helps you with the mind, and Pluto helps you with mental strength, together with The Tower they help build your original state and rebuild it into a better and more profound and stronger ground.

(I genuinely have a feeling you should add spiritual growth into your playlists)

Such an inspiring review you have posted; I’ve read your words and reminded me to add Imaginarium Divine daily instead of every couple days. I should get back to it but the only reason I seem to drop it is that it overwhelms my mind with realizations and it makes me hear things even more. But I want to be more consistent with it.


I ask you a courtesy, if you can: could you translate all this you have written into an appropriate recipe stacks?
Thanks for all the answers you have given me, I appreciate it very much.


Yeah sure … anything ;)

Option A- Easy Way
Environmental energy accumulator on loop for a couple of hours while you are in the same room; energy willed and directed to work on growing and amplifying the energy of your tag.
Variation: leave it in a different room looping for longer hours. Same willing and intention spoken to field (I like speaking to the blue crystal :slight_smile: )

Option B- Psychic Way

Prepare your Enhanced tag through Accumulator field or do this 1-2 hours into growing it.

Just as you start: Longevity ISIRB x2 Mstate Gold and Silver x2

Refer to Psychic tapping into Space concepts of your life intuitively as you’re guided to or through steps above

Salt Cleanse 2x
Alchemical Holy Light 2x
Hydrogen Accumulation 1x
Mstate of your choice 2-3x
(I’ll edit and link Maoshan’s post)
Aura and Energy Body Repair 1-2x
Armor of Light and Glory 2-3x
Blueprint of Life 1-2x
Negentropic Jing 2x
Soul Core 2x
Charged up Best Path in Life where the energy flows + changes + restructures all aspects of your life until you feel all aspects are fully charged. Use Accumulator’s help at this point too. (By gathering more energy to aid the direction and yourself even)
Unbreakable 1x
Plasma flower 2x

Flow all these energies to your life as a whole, break it into small portions only if it helps but with holding the concept of doing this as a whole.

It helps to play Heal Those Around you while you are in the process of energetically restructuring your life for ease of connection

Simultaneously let the energy work onto you as well

You can always add or change any of the fields. Feng Shui or the Vaastu alternative as well as Mana Circuits is another good addition

Variation- B

Alchemical Holy Light 2x
Hydrogen Accumulation 1x
Mstate element 2-3x
Negentropic Jing 2x
Soul Core 2x
Charged up Best Path in Life
Plasma flower 2x

Another thing is that you can just non chalantly play 1-2 fields, so maybe Jing 2x + Soul Core 2x then play Energy Accumulator field 2-4x and ask the energy to flow into your life in Space. You can always do the same thing with Best Path in Life too. (Instead of doing the whole psychic process but maybe after attuning yourself and doing it at least once so your mind knows what you are talking about, although your mind will know in all ways)

And of course it’s favorable to always grow your tag so 2-4x loops or more if you’d like, nightly or in your comfort time, and let the energy work its magic! 🪄
(All aside from your listening practices, action required, and knowing yourself once more)


Wonderful, may thanks Desiree!

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Do these tag upload operations need to be done only once, or should they be repeated every day?


Yeah it’s better to keep doing this part more comfortably at 3-4 times or so before you sleep or as soon as you wake up. Any time works but these two times helps more with your intentions. Also if you play fields at night you + your intention with tags will benefit from the fields you were playing the night before if you do it in the morning.

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So, it’s an operation that needs to be done every day, right?

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Not necessarily but of course it helps yeah. Maybe twice intensively will suit your schedule better? Or for 2-4x each day. Even once or twice a day will help keep the continuity of growth.


For tag enhancement, is Enviromental better than Plasma Flower?

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hmm, thing about accumulator is that it gathers up energy that makes for this growth part. I’m not sure how plasma flower can do this but it can help when you play it before accumulator so it creates a plasma flower energy for you growing your tags.
It also helps in the psychic work part where you spread plasma flower into your BPIL enhanced space life.

I’d like to think it helps in so many other ways though.

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Each of us is the God of our own reality. We can rewrite things however we want. The replies to this post show that even spiritually aware, energetically sensitive folks such as those on this forum think it’s impossible, mostly because they can’t conceptualize how to do it, which is why I doubt you have anything to worry about.


so you could do like this:


  • Air Revitalizer to prepare the environment x1 hour
  • Enviromental charging the Tag x1-2 hours



  • Air Revitalizer to prepare the environment x1 hour
  • Plasma Flower to create Plasma Flower energy x1 hour
  • Enviromental charging the Tag x1-2 hours

Is that okay?


I’d split between Air Revitalizer and Negative Ion Generator because the combination of the two yields different results so 40m Air Revitalizer 20m Negative Ion and 40m Plasma flower, then charge with Environmental Energy Accumulator. Feels ideal to me but other two of course will work.

I do like option B more though!


Thank you very much, forgive me for many questions