Pendant of the Magi

Hey man! I’ve had the pendant for about 2 or 3 days now… Can you sleep with it on? Idk if it’s just coincidence but it’s been harder to sleep these past two nights, the other night i had my eyes closed for almost 2 hours before i fell asleep lol

I slept 4 hours last night, when I woke up it was like I’ve been awake for a few hours already (skipped the morning grog/sleepiness) and i was chipper and ready to go!

I’m never tired any more bro (that concept is a thing of the past now!), i still haven’t used this one at the gym cuz ive been working and now I’m recovering from a cold or something lol


if it works anything like the original DW piece (which is does) TAKE IT OFF BEFORE SLEEPING!

I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve missed sleep because I forgot I had it on.

me 4 hours into wondering why I still can’t sleep: “Oh yeah, I’m wearing DW’s energy collector… duh!”


Haha man, i wish I could have it some how placed on me after I’ve already fallen asleep, the feeling upon waking up is really nice, i like the sense of clarity

Imma try sleeping with it again tonight (although I took a forced nap today, so that might make it harder to sleep again) and see if it really works like the energy collector or not


Glad you reminded me!! I was about to sleep wearing it lol, will take it off tonight.


I wonder where my original DW energy collector is? Now I gottta find it… have not seen that recently!!!

Edit: I also got the Schumann Resonance one but I was so excited with the Magi pendant, did not even open this box yet, I will perhaps wear that to bed tonight!

Edit: A Testimonial from Xtrememind forum for the old DW Energy collector. And based on these, this person seemed to actively do nothing with the field other than wear it to reap the benefits.

I’ve been lucky enough to be a “test subject” for Dreamweaver’s enhanced Energy Collector pendant. I noticed that at first, my meditations reduced from 1 hour to 55 minutes. Then 52. Then 50 and it sortof balanced out at 45 minutes and stayed there. Every time I “woke up”, I noticed despite the shorter duration of the meditations the same (or at times even more intense) sensations of heat in the dan t’ien. Yesterday was the first day I tried his Industrial Strength Energy Collector, and my meditation yielded the same “mile-stone” signs… within approximately 30 minutes! Today, pretty much the same result, at a “29 minute to resurfacing”, accompanied with the same hot sensations. Definitely a very hot dan t’ien. Definitely a very hot piece of psionic ingenuity.


Enjoy your dreams! :wink:

“A Testimonial”??
I have sneaky suspicious on who wrote that… and I remember that testimonial convincing me to buy one for myself.

I mean, WHO talks about filling up their dan t’ien. Really! That narrows it down to like 2 or 3 people on XM. :stuck_out_tongue:


Haha I left out the name on purpose… It was the guy who pulled a “disappearing” act…after starting a course (I enrolled to that one and picked a weird name for myself - which was the whole thing about the course - pick a spiritual name which will change your chi and destiny) :rofl:


Well it was either him or you… lol only people talking about dan t’iens back then :stuck_out_tongue:


Your memory is really sharp! Yes indeed… though my Dantien never got filled by the name that was given to me by this person :sleepy: :smiling_imp:


Hey bro! Did you try sleeping with the pendant of magi yesterday?

I slept like 3/4 hours (had the opportunity to sleep way more but i feel like I’m transcending the need to sleep now haha) and i already know I’m staying up late tonight again! Looking forward to it!

Took me 2 hours to fall asleep last night too

I’ve been going to sleep later and later every day, and waking up earlier and earlier haha, i really feel like I don’t need sleep man, just pendant of magi and brain regen lol


Oops forgot to tell you. So now that I’ve been using Cosmo Volt and Plasma audios, my hunger and sleep both have increased (probably due to healing taking place)!

I have a “night” bag and a “day” bag of pendants and the Magi is now in neither bag - I wear it on my silver chain (with a Rudraksha bead and a Torus pendant) and I’ve started wearing it 24-hours a day. Thanks to Cosmo Volt and Plasma audios, I fell asleep as soon as I went to bed and had a hard time waking up today! I slept way more than usual…


Aaaah this explains a lot. I’ve been sleeping like a bear the last few days. I thought it was due to the upcoming conjunction :grin: but now I see it fits with the release of these fields. Super keen for the funkiness to pass and the higher state of functioning to become embodied


So, @IAmJonathan - I have now been wearing this tag round the clock.

Thanks to Plasma and Cosmo Volt audios, I am eating and sleeping WAY more than usual. @This_Boy_Here knows I don’t sleep much, my body just does not need too much sleep. But the last two days, I’ve been napping and sleeping a lot as my body seems to be healing big time!

The thing though is - credit to Magi - I don’t feel tired and forced to sleep. I sleep and then it takes over. Without this pendant, probably I would have experienced a lot more tiredness as I used to when I was looping Advanced Healing all the time. Also, I need to note here that I have been somewhat stretching the limits with the Plasma one (crazy me as always, but I can’t stop with this one haha)…

Plasma, Cosmo Volt, Torsion, Conceptual Realizations, Imaginarium…


This is my life rn

I’m taking a much needed week long break from the gym, physical savagery (except yoga) in general and also muscle gain, hormone, sarm and fat loss fields. My intention is to sit and be with the “inner” fields as much as possible.

And I’m sleeping like a baby for the first time in 6 months… it’s so wonderful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yeah. Same here. These fields definitely make you “sit with them”.
Forgot I hadn’t played my normal “hormone, SARM, fat loss” stacks since first listening to these.




It’s a welcome break… and feels nice to just field out lol at my own pace with no pressure to hit my targets and produce an outcome :blush: deep decompression


@Maoshan_Wanderer and OTHERS !
didn’t wanna derail the plasma thread, so asking here.

But do you feel like the magi pendant helps with normal energy levels as well .like just to get through the day without getting exhausted ?

Do you feel like this stresses or overstimulated you sometimes?


Yes! In the past 2 weeks while owning pendant of magi I’ve probably had an average of 4 hours of sleep every day and I’ve had stayed up over 24 hours a few times (consecutively once), one time 30 hours lol

Pendant of magi has made this extremely easy man… Honestly I’m in love too so there’s that lol most times I eat once a day and barely have water… But I’m back to normal now! Sleeping, eating and drinking water good again!

But yeah it doesn’t overstimulate you and you don’t notice exhaustion… Maybe I’m not the best example though since I’ve been madly in love! But honestly this is definitely a “must have” just like the SLR tag is, it allows you to listen to more fields and wear more tags! And everything works better too!


I’ve been wearing my pendant for 2 days. I do think it helps with energy but it fluctuates so sometimes I’m sleepy and them sometimes I have alot of energy