This is designed to store massive amounts of energy from the ambience and the excessive junk energy build up around you.
All this energy will be purified and stored in an ever expanding storage pocket.
You can also direct from where you want energy gathered to be stored, perhaps you are walking around in nature and encounter some wonderful high level energies. You can direct the ring to store this energy for later use.
While wearing it, it will continuously provide this storage service.
It will also automatically use that energy to augment and psychic work/ magical work / energy involved work that you are doing.
it does this on a mild automatic basis but you can increased the output to suit.
The versatileness of this if left to your own imagination, perhaps you simply need to energize your legs for to aid in increasing
your running speed or muscle recovery.
Maybe you are wounded and need that extra push to boost your healing and recovery speed.
It may be that you are a healer and need a boost to your energy transfer for a more effective working.
It is up to your imagination.
I suggest working a bit with it to figure it out and gauge your own levels.
Hey !!! @PatronSaintBiceps Your survey was very important for this article to be launched! in fact the captain said that “The labels have spoken!” Esooo !!!
hahahahaha brother you are not going to believe it, when the Sempai said that the field of glory can be a bit uncomfortable I did not think that regarding fulfilling if or if your objectives would be so literal, I remember once I was working on a particular objective already Once out of tiredness I fell a little asleep, and Gloria woke me up every 10 minutes with this phrase really cute :
Oh i believe it alright! No time for rest till the goals are completely obliterated! I’m glad you and gloria are getting along nice, treat her good and remember to take out the trash (complete your goals) and she’ll treat you nice as well (she’ll let you sleep haha)
Yes brother! it is super powerful! I feel in another league when I use it, it does not stop procrastinating, it does not let rest, literally as Capitan says, success at any cost! For now I am taking out the garbage as you say, I am using SRL, I am doing very well, it is a very interesting label with quite beautiful effects!
Nice man! I ordered SLR almost 2 weeks ago, I’m waiting for it to ship… I can’t wait to experience what you’re experiencing!
That’s very kind of you to say GianLee! I’m always doing well for the most part, just grateful to be here, i hope you’re doing great as well! (I already know you are! ) a hug to you too my brother!
yes it will be all weekend till about Tuesday
sapien shop 20 percent
teespring 15 percent
gumroad. 15 percent
Remember, the items go into production firstly in the sapienshop, as they are each custom made, after it is made then it is shipped,
Production can take a while sometimes.