
Nowhere, it was just an extremely exaggerated example. If you prefer another comparison, you could sign up for 100 different courses at your college, but it will take a lot of time until you have mastered each course, much more than when you would have attended one after the other.


hey man where are theses APE and Matchmaker and other fields?

can u please drop links?

thank you

Not available any more bro

You can look into:

Voice of Charisma

Pendant of Magi

Sacred flower


what are these things… fields, pendants, cards?


I believe these are the answers you seek.


Here’s the thread for each tag, they also have the links to where to buy them… I linked the threads because you can see more about people’s experiences with them. Also you can use the search bar on the top right to look up more threads about them…

However as you can see In this post, the shop is still not open until further notice… Good luck bro



Thank you so much for taking the time to find and post the links…!

I’ll go through them.

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I might sell mine eventually, as I didn’t notice much with them.

Your APE?.. :eyes:


Say what now?

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I think I got the last match maker tag ever made :grin:


@GoddessAndGodOfAll @RisingKundaFest

I got APE and Matchmaker, didn’t get any benefit, but I am not the best guy to ask about this stuff

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What benefit you were trying to accomplish?

APE especially was awesome, just sheer alone from the fact that it protected from both physical and psychic harm!

Rumor has it that those bearing the tag are yet to have their ass kicked


Haha, OK so here were my goals. With APE I had an injury that wouldn’t go away, I wanted to get rid of that. But of course I wanted to become a better athlete.

Matchmaker for better relationships with people and to eventually get more attraction to the opposite gender

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I feel you on that bro :face_with_head_bandage:

You don’t feel as though APE helped with that?

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Unfortunately not bro, I’ve had the injury for some time now and it doesn’t go away with anything I try to do

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Damn i know how that is… Have you gotten checked up on that? Or you been avoiding the doc? lol

Also what do you got bro?

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I was playing basketball one day a few years ago and I fell on my hip, so I have the pain since. An osteopath helped with it, but it came back. When I sit down it gets worse (impossible to avoid with a job on a computer). Doctors in my country only have limited solutions for a muscular issue.

I appreciate your concern btw, I wish I could help in return

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Damn that’s sucks man, I’m sure you’re listening to stacks already for it but either ways here’s what comes to my mind in case youve missed any of these

If it’s nerve related try body nerve healing on patreon

If it’s muscular related try the muscle massage to increase the blood flow over time

If its bone related try the bone strengthener, joint regen, osteoporosis, bone massage, bone marrow strengthening and enhancement, bone and organ breathing, experimental arthritis treatment (since it regenerates cartlidge), and ostarine can also help

Self healing and acceptance will help with your limiting beliefs revolving your injury, try thinking about the beliefs you have about it while listening like “it’s been there for so long… Ape hasn’t helped…”

Smart stem cells is a great investment bro… Definitely look into copping that one, if not definitely consistently listen to stem cells and scar tissue removal or fat to stem cells

Maybe try out heal those around you and instead of thinking of some one else to heal them, think of yourself and the site of your injury, picture sending the healing energy there

Also, lots of subconscious limits remover lol never enough of that (if you don’t already have the tag)

Get well soon homie


Did u get an official diagnosis, so u know if u are dealing with? For example: problems in your muscles and/or tendons and/or ligaments? That is very helpful especially when the problem has turned chronic. This will also pinpoint the best fields to target the area. Of course u can also use the general healing fields, but I find a combo of both is best. Also, if there is an inflammatory component consider adding the anti-inflammatory fields:

  • Induced Hepatocyte Growth
    *Vitamin C

Much of healing is trial and error, what works for you may not work for me.

If I were U I would try Platelet Rich Plasma- specifically to help with muscles, tendons, etc.