Perceived as creepy by other people

Isnt that like 90 percent of the population then ?

I feel like only a small amount of the popluation are into trauma healing and spirituality…


Everyone is being perceived as creepy :skull:

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Maybe it just becomes ‘normal’ but then when you meet people with proper porn addictions you realllyyyy feel it then…

An that’s why when you meet spiritually inclined people they have such a powerful presence as they aren’t held down like the addicts and such


~ 99 %

But of course, it is a spectrum.
Not everyone is equally creepy :rofl:


Normally people will only notice your appearance and behavior. Most people cannot perceive vibration, if it is low you will only go unnoticed as one of the crowd, almost everyone has low-normal vibration nowadays, the unusual thing is to find people with high vibration. Don’t worry about it unless you reach extreme lows of having the vibe of a murderer or a psychopath and I don’t think that’s a concern.

If you don’t want to look creepy, take care of your appearance, seek image advice if necessary.

Although I cannot deny that mental stability and energetic hygiene is important, as others have said, because what happens inside you can be projected in one way or another.


i know how it felt like i experienced it 3 times i felt so disgusted when I walked pass by them
they are teenage boys it’s not that their physical appearance are very ugly or something they look very decent
it’s just something off


It’s just sad that most think porn etc are normal and acceptable how we have a society that allows these things to exist is crazy… but human rights and all that.


Could be neediness/sexual shame/guilt.

Give PUs/Dreams Sexual Trauma Healing fields a testdrive.


Oh no haha I dont feel creepy nor has any1 said I feel creepy I hope :joy:

I was just wondering if people could potentially perceived u as creepy for having a low vibration or low energy from looping fields to much , because someone on private dm said that can happen

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I think we all misunderstood what you said. :open_mouth:


Nah the title makes it seem like people are finding me creepy :joy::joy::skull:

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Yeah. :sweat_smile:

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sorry guys english isnt my first language …


Interesting. The androistenol could have a creepy valley problem. Low vibrations and field spamming might read as unbalanced, but unless people were spamming some sort of attraction field, I don’t think they would be perceived as creepy from doing that.

Edit: I meant ‘uncanny valley’ — the revulsion generated by close but not quite human looking computer assisted/AI art or coming robotics. Not sure androistenol would read as creepy—false, perhaps, but not creepy.

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oh I see lol the simple act of looping a field is not going to lower your vibration bro, of course unless that field is designed to lower your vibration for some reason, there is everything out there. With Dream fields you can rest assured. Many people on this forum loop fields every day and have no problems, although it is not something I recommend. I think it is not necessary, once you absorb the information lasts a while taking effect.

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Same. Although a lot of people might be in dire circumstances or negative energetic state, I wouldn’t get the ‘creep’ vibes from most. But specifically with porn addiction / frustration, if taken to an extreme, it has seemed to me at times like a ‘parasitic infestation that has taken over the host’, which had not only a repulsive effect but also the ‘creep’ effect. It seemed like people in these situations might pose some of the highest risks for the well being of [whatever kind of person they are attracted to].
You can look into history to see the gifts sexual suppression has given people. I think in 1984 they had banned sex, no?

I had at some point wondered what the deal is with BDSM / some fetishes (‘punishment’, ‘sinning’).
Aaah they say ‘don’t look, don’t think, don’t wonder, don’t question, don’t touch’, or maybe even ‘the woman made me do it’, and then dangle the subjugating carrot of porn in front of you…

It’s interesting to wonder who/what that Devil represents…

Well if you’re doing it for the wrong reasons / are desperate / only looking for women as sexual objects – and don’t even have something attractive about yourself to back it up with, have no self awareness, but now are bolder approaching women and even expecting them to somehow to fall at your feet… Yeah, that can definitely be perceived as creep, dissonant (‘it doesn’t add up’), and dangerous (the sensation that they could misstep at any moment, even without them intending or being aware of it – moreso that they might not be ‘aware’ and that they might be deluded).


I´d generally avoid men (or women if you swing that way), that use porn. Entitys aside, it´s insane how much it warps ones perception of sexuality and the genders.


It’s true. It’s the radar that needs no justification. It knows and that’s that and there’s no explaining it.

I listened to some podcast and the guy goes “really when you get to the basics we are very animalistic” yada yada you know what I mean - in terms that we primitively intuitive. And he goes on to say “I always tell my clients who have been in abusive relationships to go back and think and remember the red flag you ignored, because I guarantee you felt off and ignored it” and well if that isn’t the truest thing I ever heard in my life. We alway know… always.