Opnions on hanging out with "Low vibrational people"

Yeah, but there are also effective counter-measures for that.

And sometimes it can be even the person’s subconscious judgement projection onto them as well.

With the tools we have and self work, I’d say it can be highly probable to be able to eliminate those happenings, but can also vary from the situation to situation and the level of involvement…


Cant say anything else in addition to the amazing messages people posted, it warmed my heart tbh the support in this forum but i wanted to post this



In the very same way “brokies” are triggered by “the rich”, and vice versa… :laughing:

Also this here is key!

If low vibe people are still somehow part of one’s person reality bubble, then this means there must be a subconscious alignment between the parties involvement – otherwise one would not manifest them into one’s reality bubble and they would not manifest one into theirs.

As always, “shadow work” and “subconscious beliefs change” is the answer.


Some really good stuff, and they all seem quite valid. I think part of it depends on what kind of stage you’re in, along with goals/life directions. Like it really is a choice.

Personally I’ve been in healing for nearly the past year, which has led me to “resetting” and my current irl solitude. Seeing this message was a little hopeful and reassuring.


That doesn’t make sense unless these low vibe people are your friends. Wherever we go, there will always be low vibe strangers. That’s unavoidable regardless of your state of being. Also, low and high vibe are relative and there is a whole spectrum of vibrations in between. I am speaking about generally grouchy and discontent people who’s negative energy is palpable.


This will make sense to you once you understand what I actually mean by “personal reality bubble”.

Of course, when you are walking down a busy city street, you will encounter a lot of people with whom you are not aligned with. However they will not really enter your personal reality bubble as you will not interact with them on a deeper level than a short scanning of each other’s auras.

When you don’t interact with those people, they are just part of the background scenery in a sense and the only reason you encounter them at all is because you have decided, with your free will, to enter that busy city street.


No bro I know what you mean by personal reality bubble and what you’re saying doesn’t make sense. By your logic, as a paramedic I shouldn’t encounter any nurses or medical staff that I deal with daily at dozens of medical facilities that are low vibe if I’m of a high vibration. That’s absurd. These people are more than strangers to me but less than friends. I see the same people all the time but they are in no a way reflection of my vibration. That doesn’t make any sense.

Do you know how many enlightened beings were born into unconscious families? What about the enlightened bodhisattvas that are helping people trapped in samsara suffering to overcome their demons? Is that bodhisattva of a low vibration? We don’t stop encountering and even having intimate dealings with people just because we are vibrating higher than them.

Karma/cause and effect is much deeper and more complex than that.

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Look bro, of course it makes sense.

By having made the free will choice to become a paramedic, you very well knew in advance and all the time that you will encounter certain types of people. And you have committed yourself to the service of people in general, regardless of their vibration.

You literally gave yourself and your own Subconscious Mind the permission that it will be part of your commitment to encounter and help ALL types of people. And thus, your Subconscious Mind allows this to be part of your personal reality bubble. You haven given consent and decided that it is okay this way and as a part of playing your role as a paramedic who helps unconditionally.

The Free Will factor is a big factor in manifestation and often overlooked by people. It is overlooked because the ego often tricks us into believing that “we didn’t have a say in it” and that “external circumstances simply happened to us”, but as you know, this is simply the ego trying to play the victim card and work against you using more of your Free Will.

There are many choices and contracts in our lives that we have entered because of the assumptions that we have to do something a certain way.
But did we really had to enter those contracts?

If you agree to something, you in a way, become contractually binded with something. And through this contract, consciously or unconsciously, it becomes part of your personal reality bubble.

People enter all types of contracts on a daily basis because of various assumptions, limiting beliefs and because of simply not knowing any other way. But that’s why I again, quoted the “Making The Unconscious Conscious” thing, because it implies also us understanding all the contracts that we have entered without us even being aware of it.

This is simply stuff that is uncoscious.

Once you make it conscious, you have the power, with your Free Will, to decide otherwise.

Theoretically, if you manage to make your whole incarnational plan conscious to yourself while being here, you could very well hijack and completely change your whole incarnation into a different path.

“As you adequately put, the problem is choice.”
– The Architect, Matrix Reloaded


Very well said

Question &/ Answer of choice

We’re not understanding each other correctly. While i don’t disagree with most of what you said, you’re missing the point. You said that if we raise our vibration, we stop people of low vibration from coming into our reality bubble. That was your original claim that I am rebutting. That’s simply not true. Of course, everyone we interact with there is a reason beyond our understanding that we have come into contact with them (barring passing strangers on the street) based on previous causes and lessons/experiences needing to be had. There is always a previous cause to every effect. That’s not what I’m rebutting.

No, karma/cause and effect is way beyond just “unconscious stuff.” Think about every thought, feeling, words spoken and action taken by all beings throughout all time/space. All these effects which lead to further causes, which lead to more effects create and equation that is unfathomable to the human mind. On an individual/microcosmic level, in a sense you can say karma is unconscious mind stuff, but it’s still way more than that. Everything you’ve ever thought, said, felt and did is recorded in the Akashic Records (personal and collective) and creating all that you are at this moment, which is constantly changing. This is why our timelines are constantly shifting. Now extend that to a collective level. Not even Dream and Sammy full understand karma. I remember Sammy saying not too long ago that their understanding of it is still evolving.

You don’t have it all figured out, bro. The more you realize you don’t know, the more knowledge and wisdom you gain.

Not too add to the slight debate above because we are all a mix of marbles and intentions both of you are right in your respective responses but there are factors you aren’t taking into account. The more someone wants to be right the more you’ll attract the equal response from another and I often see this be the case with JAAJ , it’s ok we often want to be right because of what we know or have come to know, doesn’t mean it needs to be right for another.

Anyways I just want to say to the OP and like Luna pointed out up above too it’s just a matter of varying alignments. People are where they are and so what? The reason you feel these things is because you aren’t aware you can attract better from them but you just don’t know how. These friends of yours you had fun times with at some point right? You shared love for each other right? You’ve shared laughter and joy right? Well focus on those moments or use your imagination to see them how they once were remind yourself of their positive aspects before you see them next time, tell yourself before you move into the next segment of life experience with them that you intend to see the best in them that you intend to have fun with them that you intend to bring out in them what you once appreciated so much to begin with. Don’t focus on what is, that is just practiced momentum of you noticing what’s been going wrong and the reason you feel that way is cause your higher self isn’t condemning them or pushing them away…. Your focus of wanting to do that is why you feel that way… hence the misalignment in you. The need to wanting them to change so you can feel better is the rub. Find those qualities that you want to draw in them and activate them thruout your day and even tho it won’t be immediate you’ll start to see you’ll only be able to draw that out in them.

They’ll either rise to your expectations or bounce out in discomfort or like others have put it in irritation to your offering vibration. But don’t let others decide how your gonna feel by observing something unwanted… you have the power to see it and create it better…. Vibrational adjustments are gradual so don’t always expect them to or yourself to instantly change just be and let be and know that what they are doing as you once did with substances and such were only engaged to get you or them into coping with misalignment or finding alignment to begin with. As for you engaging said practices of drugs again make peace with it and realize what it did for you and thank the strong asking that lead you to where you are now but bringing negative attention in disgust of what it is regardless is holding you in a lower place as well. Everyone’s finding their way thru the sea of perspectives and intentions we all hold. Just remind yourself that they are doing that too and even tho you realized your way of feeling better now that they are in the process of that too.

Of course this is just my offering added to the above suggestions and responses. None of them wrong and all of them supportive and in spirit of finding what works for you. :heart:


@JAAJ Not to mention, we can be currently vibrating high at any moment but still have patterns in our subconscious minds that aren’t of a high vibration. That’s actually a guarantee. We wouldn’t have physical bodies in the first place if we were purely high vibrational beings. The very existence of our physical bodies are a result of our karma. We would be in the Pure Lands or one of the higher Lokas. So, within all of us is SOMETHING that will still attract all kinds of people into our reality bubble.

Well, okay I see what you mean.

Let me explain:

You can raise your vibration indefinitely and into infinity, but you will always have a say in the matters with your Free Will.

An increased vibration will not suddently force you to give up your Free Will and make you only make “higher vibrational choices”.

Your Free Will will never be overriden.

So when you raise your vibration, yes, you will be naturally INSPIRED to make “higher vibrational choices”, but you will not become a robot on auto-pilot where your Free Will gets ignored.

Even the most high vibrational being can choose to do or participate in something “not so high vibrational”.

Now it happens to be that an increase in vibration is something that has rather an INDIRECT influence on you and your life (versus proactive Shadow Work where you DIRECTLY work on what you manifest).

So when you raise your vibration you will be INSPIRED to abandon certain beliefs, certain assumptions and certain contracts that your past self was carrying with you. This is the effect that is happening with all the “Increase Vibration” fields that we have here.

You will not be forced by the higher state of vibration to abandon those things, but you will be heavily inspired and pushed to let go of that past stuff.

Indeed, it will be even impossible to raise your vibration further higher if you choose to hold on to certain “low vibrational” beliefs, assumptions and contracts!

You will have to let those go either way if you want raise higher.

You cannot fly upwards and at the same time keep holding on to low vibrational stuff that keeps pulling you down. This would be incongruent.
Your raising in vibration must be happening congruently, i.e. on all the necessary levels of your being, because only when you become congruent to a new reality, you can manifest that reality.
You cannot be high vibrational at one thing in your life and but allow for low vibrational stuff being part of your life in other areas.

Raising vibration and getting rid of everything that lowers this vibration goes hand in hand. This is what is congruent and this is how your Subconscious Mind knows that the new reality it shall be manifesting for you is fully aligned within itself!

That is the reason people go through an “Ascension Detox” when the raise they vibration. They are pushed to become congruent and aligned with that new level of higher vibration – which means they are heavily inspired and pushed to let go of that lower vibrational past self. This is an unpleasant process sometimes and that’s why it is called a “detox”, a “De-Toxification”, a removal of toxic stuff.

And so when you let go those negative beliefs, assumptions and contracts, your Subconscious Mind will automatically start manifesting a new personal reality and experience for you.

This is the important part here!

If you are still manifesting low vibe stuff, then there is more shadow work to do, more beliefs to change, more contracts to renew.

Because if you would be already so super high vibrational in a congruent way (!) and not just in selected areas of your personality, then it would be impossible for you to hold on to certain beliefs and contracts and it would make no sense for you to make choices where you would know that you will encounter low vibrational stuff. Congruency cannot be faked. You are either congruent or you are not. The Subconscious Mind is a genius and will manifest what it currently perceives as the most congruent thing!

For example, being a paramedic is a noble thing, and you are helping out people. However, you also very well aware that by doing so, you will necessarily encounter the average human with their average level of vibration.

So choosing to be a paramedic on physical earth is like choosing to go on a rescue mission. When you dive deep into the trash bin (incarnating on physical earth and deciding to rescue people), you know that you at least will get somehow vibrationally “dirty” along the way. All choices come with their consequences and have their own levels of vibration. I guess it could be possible to still be a paramedic and only manifest “positive patients” but in order to make that congruent one would need some super high level coneptual and subcoscious programming skills :man_shrugging:

On the physical, I would say that one can reach a point where one would outmanifest 99% of the low vibration stuff, with the 1% remaining and being the fact that we agreed (= contract) to participate in this human physical realm by our own choice. So for that 1% we will still somehow be affected by the average vibration of the human physical world because we agreed to incarnate here. But for the rest 99%, this is up to your own choices, your subconscious beliefs that are manifesting your personal reality. Increasing vibration is a way of looking at your own beliefs and contracts, making them conscious and then, make new choices. And if those new choices are overall congruent, then your Subconscious Mind will choose this new congruent version to manifest your personal reality.

Not really.

Karma is just “Unprocessed Trauma Stuff” + “Unconscious Beliefs” + “Unsetteled Bills with Others”.

But guess what, there are things like “Free Will” and the “Law of Grace” that stand above this karma stuff.
That’s how souls are able to redeem themselves in an instant!
This is possible and it is happening from time to time.
I have done and experienced it myself.
Nothing is set in stone when you realize that you, just like God, have ALWAYS FREE WILL.
If you don’t acknowledge your own free will, you can never become like the Source because the Source is always free and not bound by some “karma mechanics”.

Yes and as a Soul Continuum owner you should now know that by adding your Free Will to the mix, you can switch timelines and delete a lot of that “karma” stuff, like you are switching to a timeline where you suddenly own a completely different “karma account balance” :slight_smile:

That we can agree on.

I disagree. They are the result of our choice to be here and experience this stuff.

You (consciousnes) are created in the image of the Source. That means you will always have Free Will. You are not a feather in the wind of some “karma mechanics”. While these mechanics do exist and make sure that the big simulator game is running as intended for the big experiment, it does not mean that this mechanics is the god itself.


Simply not true. I emphatically state that our physical bodies are the result of karma. Even @Maoshan_Wanderer says the same and he knows more than both of us combined. I was reading through the indexed collection posts the other day where he stated the same. I came to the same conclusion along my path too.

This whole “we choose our incarnational plan” notion is New Age crap. Your Higher Self/Divinity/The hierarchies of Archangels (all these things are connected btw) choose your incarnational plan based on your previous karma, which is manifested as your astrological template. Karmic mechanics do control it to about 50% and the other 50% is free will. Then your free will creates more causes and effects and it’s a giant ongoing cycle. We keep developing the planetary/zodiacal archetypes wrong and keep coming back until we develop all the archetypes properly.

I don’t have time to address the rest of what you said because I am about to be on a call. I’m at work.

@JAAJ of course this is all my current understanding. Not gospel. I am very emphatically stating that we are in 3D matter due to karma though. Most of us at least. When you are at a certain level you can then CHOOSE to incarnate or not. There are many Masters here who incarnated to help.

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Yeah, you should read in full what I wrote.
“Karma” is just a game mechanic.
Not something that “always decides your fate”.
Especially not, when you as your Higher Self have also a say in it.

It is also not the only mechanic, but just one of many!

The more unconscious stuff you carry with you, the more this game mechanic will affect you. That’s why I always emphasizing the focus on exercising and training your Free Will, instead of whining about “karma”.

This is a thing they get right actually.

My opinion is based on all the info I have collected from astral travelers, from NDEs, from afterlife sources and from my own Higher Self.
YOU are doing the choosing.
Maybe just because your Higher Self and Spirit Guides convinced you to incarnate with various good reasons, does not mean that you it was not you who ultimatively agreed to enter that adventure!

Also, here is what Dream said in the webiner when I asked him about his opinion on karma:

Notice what I underlined in red:

  • He clearly said that it matters what you focus on = your free will and choices of where you put your attention and energy to
  • He clearly said that only by not-learning and realizing a pattern, one would be triggered to repeat that pattern. But you can learn that pattern and realize it through other means, i.e. NOT necessarily through the karma mechanic, then your soul is also fine with that and got what it wanted.
  • And then again he repeated that Free Will is a factor that can override even this karma mechanic

So stop praising this karma game mechanic as the ultimate truth and religion.
It is one of many tools of how a soul can achieve its goal of “completion” and you have to realize that it is not the only one and that there are ton of other ways too.

So yes, of course you choose your incarnational plan in the physical.

I think most of us do, is simply because we are IMPACIENT and want to reach that soul completion as quickly as possible, hence we enter the most challenging environments, VOLUNTARILY, so that we can achieve our desired result faster.

Brother, WE ARE at that level!
Because you are NOW aware of that choice.
You are now aware that you have this choice.
This is my message.
What you do with that choice is up to your free will.
But since you are doing the spiritual work that you doing and being here on this forum etc. it seems clear to me that you are like me: an impacient soul who wants fast results instead of twiddling your thumbs.


As usual, you misunderstand what I’m saying. It should go without saying that we can change our karma and override it. That’s literally the point and what we’re all doing here. Especially people like us. I’ve never said otherwise. What I’m saying is we come into every incarnation with a specific template based on previous lives. It’s up to us whether to continue on with the programming or to override it. That’s what we use our free will for. But you’re claiming that we don’t come in with a specific template based on our previous actions. What do you think our chart is?

I’ve never praised karma as some God bro. I’m overriding my karma all the time. You don’t know the work I put in.

You’re always going off on a tangent this is unrelated to the points I’m making and assuming my viewpoint when I’ve never implied such things.

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But you can also change the template while being a normal resident of the astral. The only reason we come here into the physical is because of some special physical challenges and because the development here happens much faster due to this big stress-test.

It is not like that “you have to continue in your next incarnation where you finished in the last one.”

Most souls never incarnate into the physical at all!
They still reach their completion one day.

Physical incarnation is a growth accelerator.
Not something you must do.
Most souls learn their “karma mechanics lessons” on the astral planes – it just takes longer.

So it was never the “karma mechanic” that dictated to you that you have to incarnate and follow certain incarnational patterns. It was your own choice to speed things up.