So I have a practical exam that is somewhat like a job interview. I noticed that I tend to withdraw, lose confidence, and get really anxious during these (crazy palpitations, sweating, shivering with cold, tensed muscles). Are there any audios that have a lasting effect that can help me go through this without performance anxiety? It can be quite debilitating from all the stress. Thanks.
print and enjoy
print them good, fold them good, or print them so that you dont have to fold them but let them keep the original properties of the image, these mandalas can be worn 24/7 really, some people here will advice you some fields tho, but these are a gem for everyday life
Well depends on the extent of your perceived problem.
The effects compound for most.
Subconscious limits: Will work on your inner blockages (the effect compounds)
Fear-Amygdala: recommended 1-3 times a day
Self-Love, extreme self-confidence and Mental audios: Will compound on getting the mind back to a healthier state (listen 'till you feel good, I’d say. literally.
Luck audios: Might be listened more than once also, even though two or three times might be enough?
Most important than any guidelines given is how you feel. Question yourself, work your audios and issues and reevaluate.
Another non-SM tip, which is taught to orchestra conductors: when interacting with jury, etc. look at the 3rd eye/ajna of those people. They’ll still think that you’re making a simple eye contact, but the deep effect will be different ;)
:))) insert Ryantraveling already regretting to have opened this thread
In mortal simple terms: a logic pretty much resembling the suggestibility techniques or whatever they call them (depends on the source). Like “look at the person’s left eye in order to tap into his emotional side” and blabla.
When looking on the 3rd eye, you centralize/balance this, while also “sneaking” into one of the essential areas of the person. Controlling without enslaving, if you will. Highly useful in orchestras which are often the most monstrous examples of herd psychology and destructive ambitions, although they look very nice and civilized in their elegant black dresses.
How big do I print the mandala, and can I just put it in a pocket or a identification tag? Can I fold it too? Thank you for all your help _/|_
There’s no ideal size,
Some use as a phone back cover (hiding it in plain sight). Others carry on their pockets.
I’ve seen some in their wallets as well “as cards”
The important thing is to avoid folding it… So resize before printing!
It’s impossible for me to put the tags anywhere in plain sight because phones or wallets are not allowed in exam areas. I can only slide it behind my identification tag (in a plastic holder) or put them in my pocket. Is having it around with me enough?
So basically u have anxiety right I guess the only audio u need is amygdala one I don’t think u would need other ones if u lack time.Also add confidence+fear reduction mandala that’s it.
Yes, it is. I put one of mines in my hand bag while going out and have another one hanged to a wall (near the headside of my bed). They both work perfect.
Every Time I have a gaming session, I loop Confidence and Self Esteem Boost, I drop like 30-35 kills every game in Counter Strike Global Offensive, When I dont put it on I do way worse