Permanent protection?

i’ve noticed that some people that are not spiritually aware or spiritually tuned are unconsciously way more protected than most of other people.

this seems to allow these people to not be drained, manipulated and mind controlled by any agent, although they ignore completely the existence of entities, egregores, psychic attacks, etc.

i believe that being rised in a safe environment with healthy parents allows this to happen.

the opposite of being rised in an unsafe environment with narcissitic & abusive parents that actually train you to create in you holes/gaps in your aura and teach you to be drained/mind controlled/manipulated by them and other people later in life.

is there any way to adquire this permanent protection that folks who were rised in a safe environment have?

personally i use shields but they don’t seem to last longer, as i need to continiously use them perpetually for them to keep working.

i’d like to develop a “permanent shield”.


Perhaps we just need to cycle back around and complete the loop back to what you wrote above. For everything else, there’s shielding 3.0, but if you missed the end of the nft sale, you might be out of luck.



I think you should try to develop a more permanent form of protection consider incorporating regular mindfulness and grounding practices into your daily routine. Building a strong sense of self and maintaining emotional boundaries can also help reinforce your natural defenses some time distance is maintained things better. Additionally working with a therapist or spiritual healer might provide more personalized strategies for achieving lasting protection.



Shielding is just a short-term symptom fix.

The key long-term is to raise your vibration, heal your traumas and your self love levels, so that you become “invisible” to lower negative beings and thoughtforms.

If you don’t fix the underlying issues, then you can shield yourself forever until the end of days…

Raising vibration will make you immune to most lower astral parasites and negative thoughtforms floating around.

Also, those negative forces that are really powerful, are not interested in most people in the first place because these people have no use for these forces. These forces are aiming at recruiting advanced and powerful souls into their armies of darkness. Why would they be interested in “NPCs” joining their fraction?
“Being chosen by the devil” receives a new meaning from that perspective.
It is a compliment from the dark forces, that you are actually becoming “recruiting-worthy” lol.


I think that’s partially caused by the “energy flows where attention goes” thing.
If you are spiritually inclined, read all the stuff about curses, entities, evil eyes etc. and believe it you empower those things with the power of your belief.
All the energy, psychic and spiritual stuff is real ONLY if it benefits me.
(Im joking ofc, but you get the idea)


This could be helpful: The Archetype of Parental Love
also on Patreon: Parental Love Patreon


Thank you for bringing that field up to my attention. I never took the time to read its description but now it seems very much needed.

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It may seem this way with other people, but having spent a lot of time discussing spiritual and energetic topics with lay people, including skeptical laypeople whom I can see entities attached to, they equate the terrible sensations and feeling as a part of them.

They think it’s depression, they think they’re just — ahem, “donkeys”, they think they’re just meant to be stuck in life.

Any time I’ve met a willing layperson who I assisted in removing an entity on, they’ve exclaimed about how much better they feel. No longer feeling heavy, etc.

It affects them. They just don’t realize it’s not a part of themselves, and therefore may be afflicted for longer. Those of us aware and repelled by such entities due to super sensitivity often can’t bear five minutes around those beings.


whenever i go to the side of town that had been historically more poor, undeveloped and uneducated, i notice that it’s a common thing between people to steal energy and be stolen.

it’s even encouraged by parents to initiate their children into this practice.

to create holes in other people’s auras (physically or psychologically) to manipulate/mind control other people through their unconscious suffering-enjoyment.

i think this is one of the main causes why these undeveloped parts of the town never get better. everyone is at each others throats.

when i’m in the more developed side of town people seem to avoid this kind of energetic exchanges with strangers, they see it as a bad thing and do it more privately (through sex, work, and other forms of relationships in which both parties consciously or preconsciously agree).


I am curious about this

When basic needs are not met, people become desperate. You’re witnessing the effects of desperation, lost hope, and people who are not being helped with resources. There’s often a crab in the bucket mentality… if someone starts doing well, others pull them down because they haven’t had the same opportunities. It’s something human kind is susceptible to, when lacking, for example, shelter, safe water, food, ability to freely travel, and when experiencing abuse. It’s no way for someone to live.

Additionally, eating unhealthy, processed foods like those more easily available in places with little resources, create aggression from imbalances and ingredients.

These parts of towns don’t get better because they aren’t wanted better. They don’t receive the same levels of funding and care as other cities…

I say these places are severely underdeveloped because policies are severely underdeveloped in programs that truly help people learn how to live while also supporting them out of poverty.


I’ve seen many parents being proud of their children bullying other kids or manipulating other people/adults.

Yes, it is a circular problem. If kids cannot find safety in their homes they will only reproduce what they learnt. And homes won’t be safe if there is so much lacking.


Right now i am at ICU seeing my grandfather and i’ve seem many nurses leeching on patients that are about to die. It’s awful.

Luckly i am using environmental fields.


I’ve seen many parents being proud of their children bullying other kids or manipulating other people/adults.

I work with kids and unfortunately I see this with other teachers, too. The adults who operate that way reward manipulation, ill will, and other nasty behaviors. It’s tough in this program because those in charge are the same and also reward it, and discipline good teachers who try their best to encourage the children to be well and have empathy (hello, including myself). The irony is without even witnessing us in action with the kids, they project and say WE are the ones yelling at the children, and we need to be nice and kind (what we are already doing and what they lack).

I never knew how much/ how deep of a problem it is, till I worked in a school.


I assume you mean energetically speaking, are you seeing it in their behaviors too?


both things.

i removed my shielding fields from my playlist to change it for physical fields (brain ones for my grandpa) and a doctor that never comes around (she’s usually on the other side, and i’ve already spotted her because she’s a very attention-seeking narcissist), started to stare at the distance for a very long time. i wasn’t paying attention and felt very tired after 30 minutes of her being there on a straight line using her computer.

i’m guessing she unconsciously felt that the shields were off (they’re usually always up when i’m there) and came around to drain.

then she started to mock everyone very loudly at ICU and shouting orders to nurses. ofc with all the stuff she drained me for half an hour. and cherry on top she started to psycally attack me on my way out of ICU.

those folks at hospitals are with their heads way up their asses with all their objectification of patients that they completely forget what they’re even doing with them on an energetic/subjective level.

ofc not everyone is like this, but the people who are in position of power should be the least to do this kind of stuff. if you read Michel Foucault “Madness and Civilization” he gets to the point.