Personal morphogenetic field

I have a question about how morphogenetic field apply to a particular person.

Say a person has been through a lot of trauma and that they kept allowing toxic people around them. The person was in an abusive relationship and then also victim of severe character assassination from all the toxic people.

In a nutshell, a person who has passed the past almost decade fighting in loneliness.
A person who has felt that those past years people keep misinterpreting who they are.
They get accused of doing things they didnā€™t and never would, they get a reputation where what is thought they are is 100 miles away from who they actually are.

But because of all the toxicity around them, they lost love in their lives so no one knows who they are except themselves anymore.

Apologies if this isnā€™t all very clear.

My question is this : will the person carry around a morphogenetic field with the FALSE things believed about them?

Or will their personal field be who they TRULY are, outside of the lies?

Or can people who just meet the person ā€˜senseā€™ the field which includes all the bullshit?

And all these false believes about said person within the collective unconscious, how can they be fought?

How does the person reestablish the truth within the field and the unconscious?


It depends on the field. The ā€œbest path in lifeā€ field for example finds the best path for you also trauma release and subconcious limits removal does the same, they find your trauma and your limits and releases them. Fields like grounding or diabetes or any physical is the same for everyone.


No thatā€™s not what I mean.

I mean the field that person carries around within them which can be sensed by others.

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you mean while releasing that people around you will sense your trauma and loneliness ?

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I think the person would carry the morphogenic field of their own experiences and all the subsequent beliefs, e.g. that no one really sees who they are.
I would say that you need to be extremely energy sensitive in order to precisely sense all the morphogenic fields that someone has about them. I would argue there are very few people who could do that.
However, people might be able to pick up on this and that via intuition, like how people can more easily sense a sorrow around someone, or a heavy or more light energy.

This is why aura clearing, energy blockage removal, subconscious limits removal aidios, as well as the mental health album, and alchemy of love album, would be very useful in this case to work on de-patterning.

I suppose the new plasma light audio is useful for everyone for any purpose as well :slight_smile:


I mean I am wondering if people can sense within others a morphogenetic field which carries around all the false information many others believe about them?

The person who has been victim of character assassination now has a terrible reputation and because they were abused and isolated by their former partner, the last person who ā€˜knewā€™ them, at the moment a huge part of what is in the collective unconscious about this person is LIES.

So if there are tonnes of people who believe lies about you and this has been going on for years, do the new people you meet sense this information but without knowing they are lies?

Does the person carry around a field charged with all the lies said about them? A field which inevitably is sensed by the new people meeting them?

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I donā€™t think othersā€™ believes are part of your morphogenic fields in the same way as your own patterns. There could be some lower level thought forms, created by this person themselves or othersā€™ believes that may hang around and drain energy.

Aura clearing + etheric cord cutter should get rid of these;
I think the soul restoration series as well from the paid audios (I donā€™t have that).


If I understand you correctly then yes but they have to be energy sensitive and understand what that energy is too which is not that common to people that show off and will make you feel bad about it.

Also if you think that you went under character assassination is not that ā€œbadā€ for you. You know who you are and others will aknowledge this even if it takes time.

In a sense what are you describing is a curse. What @MonkeyOwl said is a good way to start to solve the problem quickly.


Yes it really does seem like a curse.

Also when I found myself in situations where I should have stood up and defended myself with the right words I was always unable to find them.

Not explaining myself lead to much destruction in my life but itā€™s because I sense so much in others that I forget that they canā€™t see all that I see if that makes sense? So I forget I have to explain because I can guess SO MUCH without people explaining anything. It really is overwhelming actually, to see so very deeply not only just within others but this world in general and all the false constructs and beliefs in it.

Indeed it shouldnā€™t take long for others to see however the reason I ask this is because I have been misinterpreted and misunderstood so much that I have begun to actually seriously question if there is something deeper to it, such as the morphogenetic field.

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You are describing the effect of energy blocks, not morphogenic fields.

From what you said, you perceive the blocks around solar plexus + throat chakra area as most severe / affecting your life the most.

Of the free audios, these fields will help you most, but add to it some of the new fields such as plasma light, Cosmo volt and flower of Life:

I really encourage you to just give it 2 months to really follow the recommendation in the article (including the optional fields) + plasma light without even much expectation and then reconsider the view of yourself and your life. It is extremely transforming in a gentle/organic way from within so the changes will be observable but still feel somehow ā€œnaturalā€.


Itā€™s more about what you believe about yourself than what others think so. I donā€™t know morphogenic field is the right term for me to use here for my explanation. So I will stick with vibration. When you carry low vibrations due to past events, you are likely to experience similar stuffs again and again. Itā€™s more about you and what you think you are. Not what others have portrayed.
But yes, energetically , such negative vibes can deteriorate us.


In my experience those who are energy sensitive can sense the fields somehow, hard to explain

Thank you this is very helpful, I do feel tightness in my throat and solar plexus a lot and also in my belly.

These are the sensations that the memories of being a victim of abuse give me.

I think itā€™s a mix of the energy blocks, the vibrations and the collective unconscious.

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So if they can sense the field, does that make them dislike me? As such to make all the traumas i was victim of even more unfair in a way?

As in I was abused, victim of character assassination and much worse, and then cherry on top people sense this and it makes them think Iā€™m a bad person and they should stay away?

Mind you, much of those things happened because I have always had trouble with social interactions due to my high IQ and aspergers. Moreover I relocated countries a lot during my youth so there was the isolation factor too. Thereā€™s also the fact that my physical appearance attracted A LOT of jealousy to my life. Jealousy and predators.

I just really want people to see the truth when they meet me. I want all this unfair stuff to go away.

Wont make them dislike you, i meant for example if you use genius field they will sense that you are smarter than before. They wont be able to feel the release of past bad emotions

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Yous should try these:


Thank you for the advice I will give them a try :)

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Well I donā€™t think that I am those things that have been portrayed of me, which is actually why my enemies tried SO HARD to destroy me.

I have an extremely strong character and a pure heart which seems to infuriate evil people

It does make sense that the vibrations would still be around me somehow as you say

*Amygdala Healing
*Dream Seeds Emotional Release
*Trauma Release and Healing

The other suggested fields plus
try carrying the Instagram Empathic Shielding card.


Try dreamseeds energy blockage removal and chakra growth