Phoenix Sage

Phoenix Sage

These base beings are designed as smart field and beings, when made and worn, it envelops you like a suit, you can mentally command it to do its functions.
The base form, has seven ‘lots’ where you can buy abilities and add it to them.
each one will become permanent, once all 7 slots are filled, it will not be able learn anymore.
when not worn, it will take the appearance ethereally as the creature it is shown as.
What follows below is a base from which it grows and all of the passive effects it will have when worn or you can ask to use.
In the fascinating practice of chaos magic, the creation of servitors involves combining the attributes of various beings to produce entities with unique and powerful influences. Imagine a servitor formed from the mythical Phoenix, renowned for its regenerative abilities and eternal life cycle, combined with the profound wisdom of a sage. This extraordinary combination results in a servitor that embodies rebirth and enlightenment, offering transformative and enduring benefits to the individual it accompanies.

The most striking effect of this servitor is its ability to foster resilience and renewal. The Phoenix’s legendary power of regeneration infuses the person with an unparalleled capacity to overcome setbacks and challenges. Whenever faced with adversity, the individual can draw upon the Phoenix’s energy to rise from the ashes, emerging stronger and wiser. This servitor instills an unyielding sense of hope and perseverance, ensuring that no obstacle is insurmountable and every setback is an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Simultaneously, the sage’s wisdom brings a deep sense of enlightenment and understanding. The sage’s presence within the servitor enhances the individual’s capacity for introspection and self-awareness. This wisdom encourages the person to reflect on their experiences, learn from their mistakes, and gain valuable insights into their own behavior and the world around them. The combination of the Phoenix’s rebirth and the sage’s enlightenment creates a powerful cycle of continuous personal growth and renewal.

The servitor also promotes a relentless pursuit of knowledge and self-improvement. The sage’s influence inspires a deep curiosity and a lifelong commitment to learning. This drive for knowledge is not limited to academic pursuits but extends to all areas of life, encouraging the person to seek wisdom in every experience and interaction. The Phoenix’s regenerative energy ensures that this quest for understanding is constantly renewed, preventing stagnation and fostering a dynamic and evolving intellect.

Furthermore, the servitor’s influence extends to emotional healing and balance. The Phoenix’s ability to rise from its own ashes symbolizes the capacity to heal from emotional wounds and traumas. The sage’s wisdom provides guidance and perspective, helping the person to process their emotions, understand their feelings, and find peace and balance. This holistic approach to emotional well-being ensures that the individual can move forward with clarity and serenity, free from the burdens of past hurts.

The servitor also enhances the person’s spiritual journey, guiding them toward enlightenment and self-realization. The sage’s deep understanding of spiritual truths combined with the Phoenix’s eternal cycle of death and rebirth creates a profound spiritual guide. This servitor can help the individual connect with their higher self, explore deeper spiritual practices, and achieve a sense of inner harmony and purpose. The continuous cycle of rebirth ensures that their spiritual journey is ever-evolving and expanding.

In terms of physical well-being, the Phoenix’s regenerative powers can contribute to a sense of vitality and rejuvenation. This energy can manifest as improved health and increased physical resilience, allowing the person to recover more quickly from illness or fatigue. The sage’s wisdom provides insights into maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle, ensuring that the individual’s physical health supports their overall growth and well-being.

Socially, the presence of the servitor enhances the individual’s ability to inspire and lead others. The Phoenix’s symbolism of rebirth and the sage’s wisdom make the person a beacon of hope and guidance. Others are drawn to their resilience, wisdom, and calm demeanor, leading to more meaningful and impactful relationships. The individual can become a source of support and inspiration for those around them, fostering a community of mutual growth and understanding.

In essence, a servitor combining the attributes of a Phoenix and a sage creates a powerful and transformative influence. It embodies the principles of rebirth and enlightenment, fostering resilience, continuous personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual advancement. This harmonious blend of qualities empowers the individual to navigate life’s challenges with wisdom, strength, and grace, leading to a more balanced, enlightened, and fulfilling existence.

All are very tightly and finely programmed.
each one comes on an audio.
You simply hold the item and just intend or think this is the item you want to use.
Do not worry too much, once you are holding it, that is the intention already.

Works once, uses feedback from your subconscious to know when it is done or not.
So you do indeed need to buy more if you use it once. (one time creation)

Simply play the audio in front of your chosen item.
thats it.
wait 20 mins and its ready to use and enjoy.


Redescribed by GPT:

Passive Effects

  • Resilience and Renewal:
    • Automatically boosts the ability to overcome setbacks and challenges.
    • Infuses the person with energy for recovery and growth.
  • Wisdom and Enlightenment:
    • Enhances self-awareness and introspection without active effort.
    • Naturally encourages learning from experiences and mistakes.
  • Emotional Healing:
    • Provides constant support for emotional balance and recovery.
    • Instills a sense of peace and clarity.
  • Spiritual Growth:
    • Offers ongoing guidance toward enlightenment and self-realization.
    • Helps maintain a connection with the higher self.
  • Physical Well-being:
    • Continually supports vitality and rejuvenation.
    • Aids in maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle naturally.
  • Social Influence:
    • Enhances the ability to inspire and lead others effortlessly.
    • Naturally attracts meaningful and impactful relationships.

Active Commands

  • Resilience and Renewal:
    • Actively draw upon the servitor’s energy to overcome specific challenges.
    • Command the servitor to boost recovery from setbacks instantly.
  • Wisdom and Enlightenment:
    • Request enhanced introspection and self-awareness for particular situations.
    • Ask for guidance in learning from specific experiences or mistakes.
  • Pursuit of Knowledge:
    • Command the servitor to inspire curiosity and drive for knowledge in specific areas.
    • Seek insights and wisdom for particular academic or life pursuits.
  • Emotional Healing:
    • Actively use the servitor’s power to heal from emotional wounds or traumas.
    • Request help in processing complex emotions and finding balance.
  • Spiritual Growth:
    • Ask the servitor to guide you in deeper spiritual practices or meditations.
    • Command it to help connect with your higher self during spiritual activities.
  • Physical Well-being:
    • Actively draw on the servitor’s regenerative energy for quicker recovery from illness or fatigue.
    • Request insights for maintaining or improving physical health in specific areas.
  • Social Influence:
    • Command the servitor to enhance your ability to inspire and lead in social situations.
    • Seek its help in building meaningful and impactful relationships with others.

first 12-14 hours of having one of those beauties.

upgraded with Magic Stat.

the field is like nothing i felt before

fits like a glove , gives so clear feedback of ones energy

develops you, helps you in all.

and the clarity of mind, grade of emotional healing are really a new Level Accomplishment from Dreamweaver.

one should buy and try for himself, it is not really simple to put into words, but it is like this creature lives with you and for you.

made me greatly reduce and make more effective my energy work with fields

it gives long awaited integrity of being, independance, as far as i can sence it is healing deeply seated physical traumas.

it is also very sticky in the best possible sence. you sence when you are not wearing the suit very well.

all this is a review before i bought him his first slot for Magic.

then it became a hmm…well something omnipotent like, no probs we dealin…

i had done it so first wore him alone for maybe four to six hours and ofc my mandalas and let him decide and show me which upgrade will serve him and me best.

ofc Magic hehe.

so thank you @Dreamweaver ! you see this creature, i lack the words and also cannot form them to say what and how it does all but THANK YOU! for being a genious from the best goodhearted kind!


ah and it transorms the primal urge sexual energy into idk what but it does so good job it is unimaginable. like suit on i am okay, suit off. well hehe…


The energy explodes out :grin:

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i quickly found out that the state without this suit is in reallity unnatural, detrimental and tortourous.

i had a dificult time to let go of it also for it has be with me all my life since childhood.

in fact in my core i knew not what is peace and calm because of it ,

this situation beeing draining because of the artificial arowsal state and me trying to supress it to function this whole time.

and the feeling the whole world mokkes me for my unfullfilled desires that in fact this suit showed are not mine at all.


also this servitor loves me using the essence of burnt sage, mana circuits and the free plasma field. i fluently reintroduced those in my regime daily and also frequently during the day. also reintroduced the sun gazer audio in my routine thanks to him.


Got it like 3 hours ago (haven’t installed abilities yet), and the renewal and empowrenment I got from him is quite unmatched. I was pretty tired and “messed up” from the day, my other adventures with fields, etc. but this seems to have pretty much “fixed me” in an hour, lol.

This picture will tell some of its effects in more detail.


So I got the Phoenix Sage yesterday afternoon and I’m pleasantly surprised about its regenerative capabilities. I mentally told her to heal my right foot and left hip last night.

I have a pinched nerve on that hip and my right ankle and heel have been bothering me for quite some time due to switching to barefoot shoes.

Anyways, I felt both of those areas pulsating and it felt like a very warm embrace like everything is going to be ok. I’d say after 10 mins later, I don’t have the pinched nerve anymore and my right foot is almost healed.

I have to test my foot by doing my morning walk and see how it goes. I didn’t purchase the heal stat ability because I was curious about the base.

Oh also, my sleep was more comfortable and rejuvenating. I played Supreme Grounding+ on loop and having my item on me was like sleeping on clouds.

As for the item, I used my scrunchie because I always carry it around lol. Will continue to update!


I got it already, but thanks for caring.

I figured there probably wouldn’t rly be many ppl who have both and would make a testimony, so decided to not wait and to get it. Today I have it together with the healing and sleep abilities.

Later, will add the magic one, assuming the pocket is not rly needed since I have other fields for automated playlists.


Yeah, I deleted my post when I realised the previous post was yours :sweat_smile: :woman_facepalming:

I’ll also probably get the Phoenix one day, partly for its healing abilities, so it’s great to see how powerful they are, thanks for your testimonies, everyone :star_struck:


Update on my health

So my ankle is slowly getting better. I would say yesterday it was at 75% for my ankle while I was doing my morning walk. When I was doing my morning walk yesterday, I noticed that I feel a lot more confident in my self that day.

Something emotionally switched for me and it could be the combination of Phoenix Sage and listening to the Super Metabolism Boost Hypnosis audio. I feel like the Phoenix really amplifies your energy audios.

As for last night, I decided to get the health stat ability for Phoenix. After I activate it, I put my scrunchie in a ponytail and went to bed early.

And holy crap you guys! It felt like the Phoenix went on supernova overdrive on me. The warm hug feeling turned into like a hot furnace in a really good way. I’m not like sweating bullets or anything lol. Like I can feel it beaming and radiating throughout my entire body the whole night.

I woke up earlier than my usual and I feel so ready to go! As for my ankle, as soon as I got off my bed, I would say it’s 95% healed. Like as of now, I can still feel it radiating on my right foot putting the work on what’s going on with my body.

I told Phoenix to heal my right foot as top priority and any underlying issues that cause that pain. I will have to wait and see to get it fully healed.

Overall, I’m still in shock! The base is great and the health stat ability amplifies it like crazy. This goes hand in hand like pb&j lol




Within four minutes of playing the Phoenix Sage my head got super clear and felt fresh, its very impressive how quick these new servitors work and it feels like a big family now, only missing a new dragon :dragon: right now :star_struck:


I am glad you like it!


Yeah a dragon would be cool It is my favourite from previous gen also my personal wish would be a serpent/naga servitor with kundalini and chakra mastery :snake:


Hi everyone, it would be great to hear some testimonials from people who have been using the Phoenix for a while now. What are the longer term benefits you’re seeing?

If you want a huge booster of your health especially if you are using health-related fields, Phoenix should be your go-to.

I only put health and sleep stats in Phoenix. I’m still testing the sleep so that will have to wait. Anyway, my right ankle has been completely healed. It bothered me for months on end and felt like the healing fields helped me temporarily.

I noticed that now everytime I play healing fields like Cold Water Treatment and Plasma Flaunt, Phoenix boosts those fields like crazy.

I don’t feel awkward walking on a limp anymore lol.


Mini tag for this just arrived.


that’s lit!

where did you bought them?

do you mind to indicate the online store?

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