So I’m not sure, but I think fields may have saved my life twice in the past 24 hours. I say I’m not sure because in one instance, I can’t be CERTAIN it was fields other than prior experience. In the other instance, I’m certain it was the field, but I’m not certain the experience saved my life.
So, instance 1, last night. I’d read on the forums that it was a good idea to read into the audio descriptions to figure out HOW the field was producing a result and then determine if you had or knew of “off-label” uses for that same mechanism. As a prime example, there’s a field for sclerosis that works by solving brain/spine scar tissue.
So I see the Alzheimer’s field and notice it essentially gets rid of plaque in the brain. COOL! So I played it, and almost immediately I found myself feeling like someone was pulling a thread out of my chest. There were no unpleasant sensations so I continued to listen to the file. After it was done, I searched the scientific name for the plaque and “heart”. Yeah, turns out it’s one of the causes of those “omg, he was so young and in great health, and just dropped dead from a heart-attack” stories you hear. So, the field might’ve kept me from a future heart-attack.
Instance 2 was FAR more obvious. I was picking up my nephews from school. We’re in Florida and the weather was VERY Floridian today (I half expected it to inject an alligator with PCP’d Tiger Blood and then wrestle it while dressed in a Tutu… yes, that level of Floridian) and has been raining heavily and windy since before dawn. The roads are VERY wet as a result and there’s bits of debris sort of all over. On the route to/from their school, there’s a straight country road with a county dump and some nurseries on it. There’s a dump-truck in the lane next to me and some sedan wasn’t told “Wait your turn” enough as a child because they’re in MY lane as oncoming traffic.
Now, passing is a thing and more power to you if you’ve got somewhere to be and the conditions are ripe for overtaking legally. However, the road’s are soaked and slicked. There’s debris everywhere. We’re both doing the speed limit-ish (45-50) by the time they’re in my lane, and 20 feet is not enough room to go from sub-20 mph to 50, pass the dump truck, and get back in their own lane before they hit me in a head-on collision.
I actually had Ego Dissolution going on in the car and just… flowed. My nephews and I noticed at the same time. No fear (not normal), no panic (not normal), no anger (not normal), and no hesitation (DEFINITELY a new development) just “Oh, that car’s in my lane, but that’s okay, they’re not going to hit me” and this subtle steering correction while actually speeding up to make it in time, but again, no panic, no rush. Just this knowing that I’m fine, we’re fine, and if I just flow, we’ll stay fine. Our cars miss each other by a foot or two and my nephews sort of snap back to real-time reality “did that just almost happen?”. Yes, yes it did.
So yeah, 24 hours, and one of them I’m convinced the more I think about it, would have ended with 1-6 people in the hospital at best had I not forgotten to turn off a playlist while on a routine drive in bad weather.
EDIT 4/11: Just remembered, I had my Confidence, Dominance, and Authority fielded object in my pocket at the time.
EDIT 4/12: Repeated most of the steps again today and think I have a better handle on what happened. I’m driving in conscious alpha. Or at least I’m slipping into it, remaining aware as I do (and lemme say, so fuckin’ cool, been trying for this shit for years). Dunno if it’s the fielded item or audio (only tested with Ego Diss and Plasma Flower Node so far).