Pixel - Act with wisdom, but act

I changed some of the order around and wanted to know your thoughts. YEB includes subfields for Nervous System Development, so I wanted to place it directly after the wiring fields and give it some space from PBoY.

1: Complete restoration and rejuvenation of your energetic being.
Soul Restoration
Auric and Energy body repair
Cord Cutting

2: Strengthening and upgrading the energy system

Energy Blockage Removal with plasma torus field chakra stimulation and growth
Energy expansion aspects from the IG Card system
A combination of energies compressed into our energy body/energy system (Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana & Mana)

3: Nervous System help and Grounding
Nervous System development
Nerve Healing
Body coherence

So my thought was it might act as a BDNF substitute:

  • SLR
  • Wiring Fields
  • YEB
  • Transmutation and Microcosmic (to further process the Jing, Chi, Shen, Ojas, Prana & Mana from YEB)
  • Aura and Energy Body Repair
  • Plasma Brain of Youth
  • Grounding

Any ideas or comments?

Hmm, I’m not really sure what to recommend, so just try your methods and let us know how it goes !

I’m still experimenting with it too, not the best to ask on efficiency etc

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So to add my collection of random energetic and physical things (started, unintentionally with Pixel - Act with wisdom, but act - #27 by mrpixeltech)

I broke out in a random heat rash today. I didn’t feel hot, sweaty, or anything. I had been listening to my fields (same ones I always play) and felt a shift in my brain and went outside to process and just chill. My hands started prickling, and within 5 minutes my entire body was red and giving off, just skin deep, around 98-103 temps, just radiating heat. I took two zyrtec and waiting 30 minutes, and felt weirdly calm about it the whole time. It calmed down but, yeah, dunno what that was. No closing of the throat, no puffing of lips. Just really hot, red skin, and it felt like my skin became harder/less pliable until the zyrtec kicked in.

If anyone knows what this or the energetic waterfall were, let me know. I’m always hesitant to claim ascension or kundalini awakening symptoms because it seems like that’s the cause of everything in some circles. But if it is that, and it’s obvious to you, please let me know.

Hope everyone is well.

A thought I’ve had before.

Polarization of western beliefs is conditioned during grade/primary school through essays.

We are taught that the only way to convey an idea is to write it in such a way that neither the cons of the side of the debate we’re taking, or the pros of the opposite side, are acceptable to convey in the essay. “You must pick one side and support it to the detriment of the other.” This is the foothold of binary thinking in western youth in academia. It is further supported once we’re only awarded for documenting success.

3rd MP3 Player arrived today. Boosters on one. Focused Brain Field on one. All wiring fields on the 3rd (6.5 hour playlist).


Well, the boosters are obvious. The Focused is so some arbitrarily large hour count can be reached in record speed (24 hours a day == 500 playback hours in 21 days). The 3rd is because I want those fields to slowly help with whatever focused field I’m on by either deepening or widening the scope.

I’m only logging the focused field hours. For example, the focused player is currently looping Manhattan Method. Once I reach 250 hours with that, I’ll swap to Conceptual Conglomerate. Manhattan method will STILL be in the 6.5 hour playlist getting 3 plays a day, and continuing to wire, but it WON’T be my focus.

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Side Note: Carrying 240 grams (just over half a pound) in one pocket is reminiscent of the original iPod. Having lost a tremendous amount of weight/waist circumference and not yet refurbished the wardrobe… I had to search for a while to track down a belt just so I could run an errand xD

Or use suspenders, they go great with a beard :slightly_smiling_face:

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xD Oh man, I haven’t worn suspenders since I was a Junior Instructor/Assistant at a dance studio when the Swing trend made its way to the East Coast around 2000/2001. Those were some good times. Also the foundation for some rather painful ones but who told me to drink and smoke cigars at 17/18?

I might just take that idea up. Probably still have some rather nice ones somewhere and sewing buttons isn’t all that hard. EDIT: Correction - sewing buttons shoddily isn’t all that hard. I still have a pair of dress slacks an ex’s mom somehow practically bonded the buttons to on a molecular level, if not nanoscopic, and I’ve yet to figure out how.

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I’m sure someone has, but has anyone else tried mixing Torsion with the brain spam? Because I’m getting a significant increase, but definitely bearable, in the feedback.

EDIT: Interesting, it’s far more effective on the energetic leaning fields than strict wiring. 9-10 more days of MM and then I’ll see how it pairs with CC as my focus.

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I need to figure out which brain field keeps waking me up at first light without me knowing it’s first light (I sleep in a blacked out void) and then find which brain field “strongly discourages staying up stupid late“

Cause this 2 hours of sleep and can’t get back to sleep till mid day, while consuming 4-6mg of melatonin a night is some serious (and wasteful) bullshit.

The spiritual path isn’t lonely. It’s quiet. It’s without distraction, or at least, it’s without facade.

You’re no longer trying to be accepted, you’re now seeing if you accept. So gone is the constant hum of true but insubstantial companionship, overextended fears and reactions; your world is slowly losing story, and it’s uncomfortable.

Story has always been there. The constant over-analysis, the unending second guessing, and like chronic pain that just disappeared, you’re more comfortable than you’ve ever been in a way you’ve never dreamt.

That previously unthinkable type of comfort processes as pain, dis-ease, and danger. Because while your soul is rejoicing, you’ve just detached from everything you’ve ever known and your mind and body are in shock.

Welp, just completed day 4 of my Manhattan Method 24/7 lollapalooza. I’m still noticing field reactions, but still waiting for that 0-1 click-over (which I would not be surprised if it didn’t happen till day 10 or 20).

I added BDNF to the 2nd device Booster Stack and took my “All Brian Fields” device and just set it to Stress and Anxiety. Now THAT was a damn purge. Holy hell, I had the worst case of gamer-shoulders/neck I’ve ever had for about 12-15 hours. There’s still some after effects. That area usually associates with nervous fry as well, but this didn’t feel like an exposed nerve, just really bad muscle tension. Maybe I’ll write on that later today.

As to why I went full SnA… I can roll with punches. Most of my life has been about surviving this and that, but most of my life has been being more worried about finding the next shelter from the weather instead of capitalizing on the storm. I feel a large part of that is that while I can push myself to handle ridiculous amounts of stress and anxiety, I’m holding that weight, not transmuting it. SnA gives me a chance to actually use it as fuel.

When it’s temporary or light, that’s not a big deal. When it’s an active condition or attribute of your life, the stacking effect is pure damage over time.

Once I’ve gotten to 10-20 days with MM, I’ll switch to CC, and then once I have 10-20 days with SnA, I’ll probably switch to either IPF/Psychic Stimulation, or ProActive Brain.


How do I know if my nervous system is fried and/or frying?

Obviously this won’t apply to all cases, or even more than mine as I’m a sample-size of one. That being said…

I generally feel it in my upper back/neck (the same sort of stiffness you’d get from playing a game hunched over for too long). Coincidentally, this is where I carry all my stress. However, this is less “oh man, I can work that muscle out but it’s going to take time” and far more “that feels like a constant exposed nerve”. If it’s a horizontal line under/across the shoulder blades, I’ve fucked up bad and I’ll need at least a few days to recover.

The other primary symptom I use to diagnose is fear. Not mental fear, but bodily fear. If something that I’d normally have little to no reaction to, saying a bug flies on a collision course with my face, and my body responds with a fear response, I’m fried. If an unexpected loud noise goes from “oh that was surprising” to chest clutching and breathing with intent to calm down, fried. Keep in mind, you have to have an idea of your baseline fear response, so you’re really judging +/-, better or worse than normal, not the actual health of your nervous system.

Field-types and fields I prefer for recovery. Grounding is a must. Healing fields are decent. Energy body healing fields are great. Probably the most effective is Plasma Brain of Youth + Grounding + Your Energetic Being. As I’ve mentioned before, YEB seems to grow to meet the demand.

Also, lots and lots and lots of “as pure as I can get it” water. We’re talking 50% of my body weight (pounds) in ounces. But that’s something I’m supposed to be doing regularly for my TCM diet anyway.

  • “Why not mention Soul Repair?” - Well, outside of it being a sub-component of YEB, I don’t own it so I can’t speak to it, same goes for any other number of fields I could recommend.

The last thing I use is a twice daily play of LnL Awakening’s Nerve Repair on YouTube. That’s strictly light language and she’s been pretty solid for me in terms of results. Another from her is the PowerSet for Body Cleansing. If I’ve already passed the point of no return and YEB has no hope of catching up (hasn’t happened yet thankfully), then I spam the healing fields and do my regular breathing practice/energy work/etc for the day.


Huh, maybe this is a thing, maybe it isn’t.

500 hours of listening time is equivalent to 500 days of a 1 hour practice of whatever that thing is. That’s 1.37 years.

1000 hours of listening time is equivalent to 1000 days of a 1 hour practice of whatever that thing is. That’s 2.74 years.

24 hours a day, you can get that done in 42 days.
12 hours, 84 days.
6 hours, 167 days.
4 hours, 250 days.

At any amount of listening time over 1 hour a day, so long as it’s devoted to a single goal, you’re saving time. Not to mention this isn’t you bumbling around and making mistakes, this is time spent in PERFECT practice.

And ultimately, that’s why, I believe, Dream/Sammy recommend 4 fields. There’s the energetic load, but for “quick results”, you can’t beat nailing down 2.74 years worth of devoted practice of 1 hour a day in less than 2 months. If it was a 30 minute practice, that’s double the time. That. is. insane.

You could get 10 years worth of practice done in less than 6 months.

That means, earlier today, I just ended the equivalent of the 96th day of practicing the mental methods in Manhattan Method. 24th day of Stress and Anxiety management.

Just nuts.

Or I’m completely wrong, still a fun way to think about it.


Do have BK or Opus playing alongside? Just asking because especially for this it’s important.

I mean without it you will still get some recovery/healing with PBOY and just straight sleeping but it might not be the most effective

A lot of it is looping but some strategy mixes well

My 2 cents for you :smiley:

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Thank you! And no, not enough expendable income for the newer booster fields at this moment. I did ask Dr. M for help on my stack to try and mitigate some of the hurt as much as possible though. I’ve been spot checking my nervous system and brain, but if it comes down to it, I’ll just shut it off for a day or two and patch myself up and then hop back on it :slight_smile:

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Yup, sounds good! Let’s keep frying :sunglasses:

You can’t believe the gains I’ve been getting :sunglasses:

Although fried as heck :skull_and_crossbones:

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Honestly, I’m really looking forward to going from 0-1 on MM and CC. Like to the point I hope I haven’t over-hyped it in my head.

Blow my mind, what kind of gains are you getting? Let me share in your bliss from your progress :slight_smile:

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My study is just becoming way easier. I am starting to have a mind within a mind. Dual processing even. Honestly some of it it’s just hard to explain, but especially the processing speed has gone way up :+1:

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Thinking about goals/results is cool. But imagine the results u won’t be able to think of because it’s not within the current comprehension system of your mind right now, that’s the key. It’s a lifestyle, I’m sure you have heard it from other legion members. But it’s true. And we will realize a lot more…

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