Pixel - Act with wisdom, but act

!!! That’s awesome! Congrats!

I guess my biggest gain so far is I’ve got memory recall and working memory improvements which is huge at my age and even better considering how sick/diminished I was 2 years ago.

The one “show stopping” effect has been during my daily meditation. I reach that sort of day dreaming zone out, not only consciously, but with some freedom in eye movement without being kicked out of it.

Normally I breathe energy into my heart from above and exhale a spinning torus, alternating the direction of the spin between breathing and reverse breathing. Today, I was able to exhale both toroidal fields at the same time, spinning in opposing directions. It looked like lattice work.

It was crystal clear in my visualization, but it was almost happening before my eyes. Like an overlay filter in photoshop with a really low opacity and light blur; ethereal, but almost manifested if that makes sense.

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I definitely agree there. That’s kind of the realization that caused my post above. Sure, I can pump 250, 500, or 1,000 hours into each brain field and get something out of it. Or I can get to the point that not listening to one is the exception and look back 10 years from now, having accumulated a multiple of that in enhancing my intelligence and mental capability, laughing at just how naive i was.

I prefer the 2nd scenario. Just have to eventually create the mp3 player I keep designing in my head so I can have less weight in my pockets all day.

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I think I understand, more and more, why SLR is almost always paired with Ego Diss. They are the floor and ceiling. Killing all your limits without gaining parity with your Ego, or refining its purpose, is a one-way ticket to full fledged megalomania. Reigning in the ego without removing your limits is a one-way ticket to sheepdom. As in all things, there seems to be a necessary balance.

SLR → raises the ceiling + removes the road blocks
Ego Diss → temporary switches off a part of the firewall (so that the ceiling can be raised more efficiently)


I highly recommend, you additionally pair with a vibration increase field.

Increase in Vibration → ceiling is easier to move

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Thank you, that was confirmation for some stack changes I made :grinning:

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Saw this question in another thread and didn’t post this there because it’s not a direct answer to the question and mostly rumination on my path.

Fastest way to ascension is via our human form.

True or false?

I can’t speak with any certainty, but I highly doubt we are here to divorce ourselves of the very tools and forms that define the dimension we find ourselves in. It is a path, you create a sharp single-pointed spearhead and shove through, and everything follows.

Interesting then that the imagery of Atlantis is always a trident, a 3-pronged pole arm. Body, Mind, Spirit? Maybe :man_shrugging:

Prime example. I was VERY sick, I’ve mentioned it here and there. I took a year and pursued meditation and energy exercises with great fervor while adopting a fruitinarian diet (as classified by TCM, so potatoes and black beans/lentils are still considered fruit).

I gained a lot of control over my thoughts and slowly felt energetic sensitivity ticking up… and then I stalled. I felt healthier but I still had chronic pain around my liver and gallbladder and I was still struggling with this and that. I couldn’t figure it out. And then my relationship fell apart and I had nothing to do with my time, so I went for a walk.

I kept going for a walk. And as my body came into better and better health, after over a year of listening to RIFE frequencies and singing bowls and light language, Sapien Medicine pops up on my YouTube feed. I was near audibly told to drop most of my meditation practice for now to make time for other things several weeks prior. I began listening to fields, and my progress stalled again. So I started making more use of my mind, and more progress.

I think we can take the spearhead approach and pierce through what’s above us, but I imagine actually elevating our body/mind/spirit is the hidden bonus objective. And it’s preferred. Bottlenecks are a valid and valuable part of growth, to allow you time to digest what the path you’ve tread meant and what you’ve learned from it. How wonderful, then, to have 2 other mechanisms to work on while one rests.

So first, w00000000t, Virtus Victoriam Legion! Can’t wait to see how that all unfolds :slight_smile:

Now, for the day’s realization.

It is simultaneously annoying and inspiring how many layers a single realization can have. You can experience the following states of a given thing: unaware and aware. But aware breaks down into so many sub-components. You can know something, you can experience something, and you can understand something, and you can feel those at varying degrees of granularity.

As an example. I know jing/chi effects my daily field count. I KNOW THIS and have previously added 2-3 jing fields a day to top-up so I can handle multi-devicing and one of my 4 devices having a literal 24 hour playlist. But then I realized I was seeing fewer results on my standard field set since adding the 3 new devices and decided to try playing jing/chi/shen fields on loop (through a 5th device), then a balancing field to even out any overage or underage. Next thing I know, the brain fields are back to day 1 intensity.

See? I already knew it, I’d experienced it, and I’d thought I understood it. And then I went through all 3 phases again on the same realization.


Huh, more companies trying to offload data storage to the device rather than cloud. Get ready folks, looks like the global market might finally be letting some of the real prices go through (storage being hoarded by a large data-footprint corp is usually a sign of price increase coming).

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“Fields don’t work for me”

I try not to judge these sorts of threads, though they are frustrating. I imagine it’s partly because my inner skeptic still crops up from time to time, for all sorts of things, no matter how much experience or proof I have to the contrary of its claims.

So instead of being frustrated, I’ll share my own perspective, relatively privately, and hope it helps somebody - perhaps my future self - deal with the same.

I could address this from the “everything is energy” angle but it’s so wrapped in and out of woo that while it works for me, it won’t work for most. Instead, I’ll address the placebo effect.

Studies have been done on the placebo effect and a quick search gets you all kinds of results. 50% effective, 30-60%, blah blah blah. Point is, studies have concluded that the placebo effect is an effect that brings about actual change to the physical form. The most drastic example being a woman believing she is pregnant strongly enough that the body begins to change - mind you, no fetus is created, but every other sign and symptom is there.

The conclusion science has come to, placebo enhances actual medication, up to 50%. But that feels like correlation. Instead, I’d say, for every effect, there’s an intentional component and a belief component. Meaning some combination of the 100% intentional and 100% belief gives you a 100% physical effect in whatever ratio that breaks down to. The reason this separation is important is because if placebo truly only effected a process actually taking place, then there would be no way for belief to exist as its own process.

So, if you somehow believe you can slap yourself every morning and it’ll bring you perfect health, that belief will cause your brain to enact everything it has to bring you as close to perfect health as it’s currently able to do. That’s without any impetus; just belief.

On your own, you’re capable of doing every physical thing a field can, just by believing it. That principle probably spreads further, but lets stick to the physical changes. So then, you might ask, “what about the impetus, the intentional aspect”. And that’s where energy comes in. Energy becomes the intentional effect, your belief it can do what it’s designed to is the placebo effect - which we already know is part of the success of mainstream medication.

So there you have it. If you’re not getting results from fields, or you’re worried they’re not working on you - work on your belief. Belief it can work, belief you deserve for it to work, belief it will last.

If you have and it’s still not working, switch perspectives. You may believe it’ll work, but do you believe you deserve it? You may believe you deserve it, but do you also believe it sounds too good to be true? Change your belief, change the outcome. It’s a simple concept but it can be a challenging mindset to enact.

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So my brain started a riot 2 days ago and it’s still going on. No doubt, I probably need a spam break of a few days, and will once I reach my goal, but I started playing with looping acetylcholine today (beyond my standard 24 plays a day while looping) and that took a huge edge off. HGF knocked inflammation down, and the hyper-interlukin 6 has helped boost some of the brain regen fields.

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Today, in about 6 hours is the second to last day of 25 days of Manhattan Method, and 21 days of Stress and Anxiety. So that’s roughly 400-600 hours of MM, and 336-504 hours of SnA (as of tomorrow).

I’m excited XD. My plans are to take a 48 hour break consisting of pure PBoY goodness and then substitute either CC and IPF (Classic), or CC and Strengthen Old Memories for a joint 21 day run.

Man, all the old brainheads were right. Near 48 hours of PBoY was super boring and as soon as I loaded up CC and Strengthen Old Memories, I felt the “burn” and smiled.

Brain-mania gets rather addictive. Then again, the male line on my father’s side could get addicted to tic-tacs, so YMMV.

Next break on 7/19.

Slipping in and out of a fugue state is weird. Like my brain itself is this quantum thought experiment and sometimes it’s there, and sometimes it’s not and only I’m there. Now if I could just figure out how to superimpose the two simultaneously.

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Star reiki - seems to be far easier to sink into, so that you can really feel what you’re doing, if you start from a base of horse stance. Feels really obvious after the fact.

There I was, reading a story that started in the middle of everything and 8 chapters in… while I understand some of what’s going on, I don’t understand. But I’m still entertained and enjoying the story. I read the reviews and realize many people haven’t even read this far and are all criticizing things that are explained later.

Then there was a gentle click of something unaligned setting into place, and I realize that used to be me. I couldn’t move forward unless I understood. I was the type of person that would wake up in the middle of a storm-laden boat, and my need to understand - while it could be pushed past - would, at first, paralyze me. Rather than immediately set upon overcoming the challenges of my unexpected environment, I’d ruminate on needing to understand everything first, foregoing the priority; survival alongside adaptation.

From there I remember being so damn frustrated with my teacher because he wouldn’t answer or explain anything. No real answer to HOW? or WHY?. Nothing of what I wanted to pursue in the realm of spirituality would and I was frozen with analysis paralysis trying to figure out where to step first instead of just taking one and seeing what happened. I’ve spent more of my life analyzing than I have living and it’d only gotten worse over time. I won’t say I’m free of that, but I feel like I got a resistance buff somewhere in my journey.

I can honestly say, while it would be nice to understand where it came from and how, it’s not more important than recognizing that it exists, having gratitude in that, and experimenting (in reality, not my head - or it becomes another layer of the same lesson) to figure out how to exploit the hell out of it.

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You’re meant to use other’s opinions to temper your own, not to formulate your thought processes from them. Your opinion is to exist first.

If InfluencerA (and any consciousness whom’s words have been given weight is an influencer) was meant to form your opinions, they’d have your name and you wouldn’t be here.

Furthermore, opinions are an interpretation of facts or data, they should not be spawned from the ether but formed and fed from reality. Even if that reality is your gut, the further feeding should have some due diligence to it.