Plasma Protocol

So I didn’t listen to these for 4-5 weeks and started to start again - stacked protocol 1,2 and 3 x 2 past 5 days…

Results :

Skin is very very clear
Detox symptoms cleared by 3rd day
Less sleep required
Organs seem ‘massaged’
Hair grows bit too fast lol
Joints definitely better

I think my SLR tag is making everything work faster but protocol stacked is mighty lol be careful if you are generally weak. Take it slow.

Ps. Add on mots - c and plasma mito audios if the detox becomes intense

I will do everyday for atleast a month. Will update!!!


Yes to both of theses on my end!

Along with better brain function (still not sure which audio is causing the change)


Yesterday I started stacking the three audios 3 times a day, I will let you guys know in about a week


Well basically today lmao, I need an extremely hard reset, I have my cousins wedding to in a couple of months and I need to stay on top of my health lol, I don’t need anything interfering, so I’m gonna Stack all of the plasma protocol audios 3 times a day no matter what, so basically 9 audios, 3 each

Enjoy a very difficult detox then…


Thx lol

I’ve handled worse in my life

If you go to a doctor and they diagnosis you with an illness and prescribe 100 antibiotic pills…

Is one supposed to take all 100 in one day or take 3 a day over the next 30 days?
And why?


I had a hard time at 6 loops a day.


I was going to do plasma 2 and 3 at the same time x 3 each, and tho ive been for years working with energy and can handle a lot, at the end i decided to take the suggested way by the creator himself :woman_shrugging:t2:

Then a second time ok i could mix them but once after I watch how my body has handled the protocol the first time. Why rush something that is already healing at a super rapid speed? My opinion tho of course you can do as you wish, but we also say it because weve seen people posting here feeling extremely overwhelmed after stacking to the max, using different stuff at the same time like is going out of business, ignoring warnings and usually is either ppl with little to zero experience or whose body is weak and ill to begin with (auto immune like yours is not a joke) trying to get an even faster solution to something they caused themselves and posting the results all over the net as if is Dreams fault or that his fields make things worse :exploding_head:

but up to you still … shrugs


Try doing each only once and spread out during the day. I do them 3-4 hours apart


Nah im already on day 3 of plasma 2, and im also listening to other several fields lol

Ill take the normal route first :kissing_heart:


Wonderful response


I got angry it, but I put aside my emotion and realized that all of you are correct and thank you everyone for leading me into the right path, god bless


At first I was ok listening all combos same day, but then I started feeling tired.
I prefer to go slow but safe.


yes my friends! i too have taken a break with plasma protocol for a few days and only looping the whole album twice for today!

already feeling relaxation!

less is more in this case!


I listened to it for 3 weeks - One week per stage
After the 3rd week, my body felt 10 years younger. I noticed lots of small hair in my bald spots. However, after few days, my body still feels good but the new hair have vanished.

I am now planning from next month I will listen to each stage at least one month.


Plasma combo 2 cover all internal organs, does it replace heart restoration v 2.0? @_OM


use both. for a few days i felt pain in my kidney, i played plasma 2 and kidney healing and pain was completely gone quickly


After the first round of 1 week per audio, you can listen to all on the same day, at least that’s my understanding.

Tonight will be my last day of the 2nd audio :slight_smile:

I spent the weekend with a small group doing winter sports and some parts were a bit difficult in terms of endurance. I got some remarks / questions about my workout routine saying I seemed very fit :tada:
In reality I do maybe 20-30% of sports now Vs in the summer and supplementing with audios.
It’s a mix of course, but I didn’t use any of the weightloss/endurance fields, only mots-c, ojas and the plasma protocol over the weekend. :blush:

we also went and did things together in the summer… and they noticed a positive change :)