Plasma Protocol

Do you listen this plasma alone or inside a playlist?

I listen inside a playlist overnight


Can you show the playlist?

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Over the weekend I was with ppl so couldnā€™t play overnight, just played it on its own in the morning


Seriously people keep it simple listen to one each week or even more than week, to get noticeable results. Mixing things gets you mixed results it wonā€™t help at knowing what each field do. I mean by knowing ā€˜feelingā€™ā€¦


Iā€™ve finished the 7 days/rounds of the second audio.

I had some issue with eczema/dry skin in some areas years ago that comes back sometimes and itā€™s gotten quite bad. Iā€™m lucky because it has never really been much painful for me.
This past weekend the skin on my hands opened up and bled a bit and itā€™s all uncomfortably dry/feels like itā€™s being stretched. I put heavy creams on that normally work continuously but so far no improvement (ok it doesnā€™t bleed anymore).

And today I also noticed a rough dry patch on my face - I have applied heavy face cream 3x today because of dryness, and still.

I do hope it is because of the audio otherwise Iā€™m in trouble :grimacing:
Iā€™m taking 1-2 days break now and start the 3rd


Iā€™ve had a similar issue in the past with that. Good chance you have a fungal/candida thing going on. Supplementing with nascent iodine could also really make a difference (could be an iodine deficiency which is way more common than most realize). I used to have cracking all over my hands every winter, and patches of dry skin. Now my hands and skin are silky smooth all the time and I use nothing. No lotions, none of it. Hopefully that helps you a bit :beer:


Hmm thanks, Iā€™ll check out the iodine supplementā€¦ I would be surprised if it was fungal/candida but who knows :sweat_smile:

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Trust your intuition and go from there. This might save you the years of trial and error I had to endure to come to the ā€œsurprisingā€ discovery of the true underlying cause(s) :wink:. A lot of information is suppressed in the mainstream that would solve dozens of common issues.

Maybe test out the fungal field and see what happens. Take it slow though in case thereā€™s a detox reaction. Either way, good luck and let me know if you have any success :muscle:t3:


5th day audio 2 ā€¦

Yesterday and today have been a bit rough, :woozy_face: i feel the detox stronger, i am so glad i didnt do 2 and 3 together :sweat_smile:

I had 2 days break between 1 and 2 but i think im gonna rest 3 days before doing the 3rd audio so all settles better in my body.


So that means I can run a playlist of part 1,2 and 3 on the same dayā€¦hmmm, that looks enticing than running each separately. Though I am little scared of running all 3 on same day due to fear of fatigue. My first run was quite tiring.

Btw, I was reading about the new The Blueprint of Life and little confused with the description and and the long thread. Can the bluperint replace the plasma protocol in physical healing ?

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I also have eczema (painful).

When I use audios for the skin it gets better, my skin gets smooth but it starts hurting more for some reason. My skin really looks better so I use the pain relief to keep up. Once itā€™s over, I get days/ weeks before it comes back again.

Let us know how it goes for you :+1:t2:


I donā€™t have blueprint of life ATM so Iā€™ll let someone else answer. :slight_smile:

Yes, you can run them on the same day after youā€™re done with the initial 1 week/audio.
If you donā€™t feel comfortable, give it some more time, just go with whatever works for you :slight_smile:


Read this below

Hm thatā€™s interesting, your skin hurting more when itā€™s smooth o.O

For me the eczema is mainly (normally) just on my scalp, the first dermatologist said it was psoriarsis but what he gave me didnā€™t workā€¦ then I went to someone else and he said eczema and what he prescribed works very well, but I havenā€™t been using it for a while.
I figured out that if I dont eat dairy it doesnā€™t flare up - so clearly that doesnā€™t work in the summer since Italy is too close and I canā€™t miss out on the food :grin: -, but normally if I pay attention to my diet itā€™s thankfully not too bad.

I am on the 2nd day break after the 2nd audio and itā€™s already better. My skin feels dry and I moisturize all the time but at at least it doesnā€™t break anymore.
Iā€™ve been reading about Ayurveda and looked up how to do the hot oil self massage, that seems to have helped a lot. Itā€™s just a bit messy with the oil :D

I feel exhausted from the Ascension+chakra tags so Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll have the motivation to start the third audio today :sweat_smile: itā€™s targeter to the skin so either it will make it better or worse šŸ¤·:smiley:


I read it. what about the blueprint of life?

Interesting about the food. Iā€™ve focused on my clotheā€™s fabric and I try to stay cool. When we reach 28-33Ā°C and I start sweating in my eyes but my patch feels even drier and starts burning thatā€™s when I lose it lol

I thought it would be better for you with the cold, when I can I open my shirt, swipe the sweat and put my eczema next to the AC and it calms down (if it gets really bad). It only hurts when itā€™s hot and I sweat :man_shrugging:

Also, a friend recommended it so I switched to some honey-based soap. Itā€™s great

Good luck :+1:t2:


Itā€™s not possible to explain it here, I invite you to open the appropriate topic and ask the questions you want there

I can only say that those who have tried it have said that it is wonderful


Follow your higher self guidance and listen to your body, this protocol is strong and ppl react differently. No need to rush, let your body get accustomed to it in a harmonious way. I am in a 3 days break before starting plasma 3, ( i might just do 2 days break, ill see how i feel) then after plasma 3 ill start each one x 3 days, 1 day break in between. and after that i will try the 3 audios x 2 times a day and then take it from there if i want to increase. im following my body guidance, you follow yours :slightly_smiling_face:

no its a totally different process. tho we know body mind and soul and intertwined and one affects the other, and while these 2 work on the same purpose ( bringing the whole you back to normal and then to a perfect you) they use different pathways and eventually meet and continue together.


Hah yeah we have very different problems with the weatheršŸ˜‚
I see how sweat could be irritating, but cold and wind dries out the skin very fast.
Especially from a couple of degrees sub-0, there is not much humidity left in the air so that coupled with the cold can be quite brutal when someone has this skin issue.

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