The Blueprint of Life



Loving this track.

Initially my body just started twitching and goosebumps ran all throughout my body.

A warmth is slowly building up inside near my throat & heart area.

I need to do this track some justice and listen at home.


I suppose this is not really for people pursuing material goals ?


Yes yes id say yes.

More often than not, what stop us from being financially successful are things buried deep inside us, emotionally, feeling undeserving, family karmas, past lives debts i mean you name it, i dont have this yet but ill def buy it soon, however i throw in my 2 cents because i have witnessed ppl transforming material lives by healing.


just listened to it twice. i started feeling my whole body buzzing, after a couple of minutes i felt blissful and started crying. the feelings I got… is not something that I can describe in words, but this is what every being should feel like.


“okay that’s it! This is the last thing I buy! I need to save for my trip next month” - Said TheAscendingBicep 10 fields ago lol

Mannnnn i just had to! The more I read this thread the more :drooling_face: i was!

Listening to it right now! Going to loop it 3 times and decide whether or not I should loop it during a nap afterwards… Grateful for the opportunity to grow into my negentropic self :pray:

Edit: after 3 listens i decided I’ll give plasma protocol a run and… I’ve never felt plasma this strongly! My first time ever listening to the protocol i only felt it lightly, this time it was as if my hole body was buzzing! It calmed down after 10 minutes but still! It was like it activated something in my body! Not sure how to explain this better lol

Going to finish the protocol in my nap my stack will look something like this

Plasma P1 x1
The blueprint of life x1
Plasma P2 x1
The plueprint of life x1
Plasma P2 x1
The blueprint of life x1
VoT x1
The blueprint of life x2
VoT x1
The blueprint of life x10 (until i wake up)


All Fields we have are Investation right, for our future kids. :blush:


What I think about these fields down the line.

Also think of getting a USB and locking it up with all its gold.


Ha same here bro. I have no self-control. Maybe I’ll learn one day.


24 posts were merged into an existing topic: New Item - Pendant of the Magi

I had dreams revisitting deep childhood traumas in the form of me being a character in a video game after listening to the blueprint of life a good 18 times or so (like 13 times during my nap)

I’m grateful i did but now I’m gloomy awaking from my nap… lol

Time for some releases, self love fields, grounding and trauma release :)

Stick to 2-3 listens guys if you want a smooth ride, I’m all about big leaps over here though lol so I’ll continue the loops (saying this reminds me i didn’t complete the SEE course… lol :/ that would’ve been a huge leap)


:sob: OM ain’t addressing me anymore :broken_heart: def get on the course tho, I’m going to keep at it.


I looped this for 2 hours before bed last night and had a clear dream and insight about at least one thing this field does and will help with greatly.

This field will speed up manifistation by synchronisity by order. I got the metaphor of when laying a pussle, if you start by having all the pussle pieces in great dissorder, maybe even the pieces is laying around the whole house and perhaps even missing, then it is going to take a long time to lay (manifest) that pussle. But if all the pieces are already put in perfect order then all you need to do is simply put them together and the pussle is done (manifested).

When manifesting something, your work is to put the pieces together, if the pieces are many and is laying everywhere in dissorder and some pieces may even be missing, then it’s going to take much more work find them all and put them together. So perhaps you could even use this pussle metaphor for enligthenment. Enligthenment could be said to be the biggest pussle ever and you spend countless lifetimes finding all the pieces to finally be able to put them all together, see the whole pussle of life and when seeing the whole pussle of life as one piece, become enligthend (to what life truly is).

Order gives synchronisity which gives manifestation.

All life is in order, the more you are in order the more you will be and feel a part of life/ feel alive. The more dissorder you are/ have or focus on the more left outside of life and less alive you will feel.

This is atleast the insight from my dream. I felt I needed to get up from my bed, turn on the computer and write this before the insight went away :slight_smile:


Totally gorgeous track!!

Possibly my favourite track Dreamy’s created. Poignant music fits the field perfectly. Such an amazing field too… very difficult to do it justice in words.

Thank you @Dreamweaver for the beautiful music and field. :pray:




Keep the reviews coming! :upside_down_face:


my hips start tingling. Can it function as an golden body ratio field?


My simple review: give yourself and your close ones a favor, and purchase it.

Thank you infinitely Dream & Team :pray::heart:


Phew… ok my turn now :flushed:

listened to it 3 times.
1st time i was like good in 3 mins or so feeling cool enjoying the music and thinking well this is making me feel super happy! So i guess no tears for me, i guess ill just enjoy the audio. then i saw an image and felt as if it was me, i knew i had seen that image somewhere and soon enough i remembered where: (i just realized something but ill said it later)


I saw myself in the top of a very high mountain just contemplating the land down there with the breeze touching my hair and suddenly this feeling of completion rushed inside of me with joy, and the joy turned to tears but still those were happy tears while i said : finally!! Now im ready to go home. when i understood that the image of me was the same of the 3 of wands in the tarot i cried even more because i got the message… no, its not time to go home, you are home. You are whole now. 3 of wands represents movement, going after greater goals with full determination, see the wand? My Magician’s boy wand? :sunglasses: and the sword resting on the ground. I was home.
And then while crying and crying and letting that music running through my veins, fast flashes of hundreds of previous lives, different places, different bodies, different battles, different scenarios were shown to me, the more I understood the more i cried, cried of happiness, seeing all the struggles in every life, how much love i felt, and so much despair as well, its like if i was the Earth remembering all that has happened throughout the times on its grounds.
2nd listen carried me quickly to the imagery of all those times and lives me being a grown up and at the same time seeing the inner child inside those grown up bodies and then i cried even more because I understood that part of the reason why i kept coming back here was because in all lives i carried the same inner child, with the same personality, the same dreams, the same innocence and hope that had to fade away every time at the mercy of having to mature to survive in each and every life, and every time i came here i was supposed to evolve that child but i never did i never wanted it to die.
3rd listen it showed me in the womb of each Mom in all my lives And i could hear my soul saying, i am going to do it this time for sure so i dont have to come back… only to forget it again once i turned into a child.

What i felt in that mountain was finally a whole me now ready to fulfill my purpose, which is pretty much to help others.
Humanity has hurt me all my life, every single pain of any kind felt anywhere in this world i have felt it, hunger has hurt me, illness has hurt me, Animal agriculture has hurt me, war has hurt me and ive been for ever looking for answers and trying to find ways to understand things because nothing ever made sense to me, it has been a battle feeling like i dont belong here all the while feeling here is where i need to be. My life has been happy and blessed but i had carried a wound and a hole in my soul that never seemed to be able to heal or fill up, my inner child has been my back bone and my strength keeping me anchored to love and hope no matter what.

Tonight I finally felt whole. And the tears of joy while up in that mountain were of success, knowing all ive been through in all lives and specially in this one trying to heal a wound i didnt even understand how or what kind of wound was it exactly, i saw why it all has been worth it. I finally merged my inner child with grown up me so now i can clearly see what is in front of me. :blush::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I dont even know if Dream has idea of the magnitude of his work and what he is building but all i know is that this is the beginning of a change we all want and need to see around. I feel so lucky and so ready :blush::heart: Thank you for this.


I’m pretty sure he knows what he’s doing…:wink: