Plasmafied Near Infrared Chakras

maybe adding the Bioenergetic Crystal Essence into it? would be :fire:


Double up the Bulletproof!! :gem: :shield:


2x of this
1x inner armour shield

Felt very very nice


the field works like an energetic glue for other fields afterwards. also one can loop whenever , but it really felt so. great thing. wondreful needed present. thank you!


How does this differ from Mandelbrot?


The mandelbrot symphony had a focus on expansion and development as well as clearing.

This looks like it has a stronger focus on the clearing with an element of revitalization. The energy of the forum has shifted a bit since people have used it.


Plasmafied. Near Infrared. Chakras.

Nice set of bridges. I didn’t know (my ignorance is a vast domain) that infrared light could interact with chakras, by which I mean it never even occurred to me to put those things together. Such a revelation. Can this be extended to jing, chi, shen, ojas, mana, etc?


It may not be directly. It may just be evoking the essence of near-infrared. :thinking:

Then again, a lot of traditional practices use light for visualization, and any full-spectrum light would include near-infrared.

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The Negentropic Plasma makes sense to me, the NIR, essence or otherwise, however, was in the wrong box in my mental attic. Now, I know better.


Root and Sacral chakra generate sexual energy (jing) and Hara chakra “song of the core” from Mandelbrot, generates life energy (chi)


Yeah, I know those general definitions. I was just wondering aloud about applying NIR to them. That seems really interesting, especially when combined with plasma.

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I’d like to know how NIR works on chakras (or in this field…as it could be a carrier or smth), and how it would compare to FIR :thinking:

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Well, at least this part is true. :heart_decoration:


Do you have a different take on what this field is doing or what Mandelbrot did? I want to figure it out before I make anymore purchases in the near future :smiley:

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Noe is pretty spot on with the function of the fields. I was referring mostly to the observation of the forum’s overall energy being better for the stated reason.

This WILL give you more energy and dissolve rigid patterns better tho. (More energy across 7+ dimensions of your existence is quite significant)

I think combining the two would be great, or, this with Your Energetic Being, as it seems to have most of the basic function of MS minus the fractal delivery matrix.

ALL OF THE FIELDS, is of course the ideal answer, but, time and energy allocations usually don’t agree.


It takes everything I have not to continuously devote 64 GB’s of RAM to looping 200+ mp3’s simultaneously.

I did honestly try it, more than once, the energetic overload was almost offset by scratching the “MOAR!” itch, but not quite.


About 8-10 is the charm for me, w 2 being exceptionally kickass boosters :smiley:

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any updates on this?


I’m looping it right now, I have played it about 15 times per day since release, it feels like it is unclogging a lot of stagnant energy and emotions from the body and energy system, feeling more flow, empowered and aliveness altered with insecurities and lower emotions coming up throughout the days.


Do you have prior experience with Dream’s original chakra fields or with the Mandelbrot set?

I’m asking to determine if you’re getting all that effect from a system that’s already been heavily tuned up or one that is relatively untouched.