Plasmantropic Gems

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each gemstone mentioned has been conceptually alchemized with the fields and energies of the The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach concept


Thanks Sir! Blessings!


EPIC. Thank you Captain!!! :mechanical_arm:


it’s friday, finished with work and captain drops some new gems
perfect day


Citrine is a fascinating crystal with a rich history in both alchemy and energy work. Here’s a brief overview of its properties:

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemy, Citrine has been symbolically connected to the transmutation of base metals into gold, reflecting its golden hue. This transformation is not just physical but also metaphorical, representing the alchemist’s journey towards enlightenment and the realization of one’s true nature. Citrine, with its sunny coloration, is often associated with qualities such as illumination, warmth, and the manifestation of one’s desires.

Energetical Properties

Citrine is widely revered in the realm of crystal healing and energy work for its vibrant, positive energy. It’s considered a stone of abundance, prosperity, and success. Here are some key energetic properties attributed to Citrine:

  • Manifestation and Personal Will: Citrine is believed to enhance personal power, creativity, and intelligence. It’s thought to stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra, enhancing one’s ability to manifest their goals and assert personal will.
  • Cleansing and Protection: Unlike most crystals, Citrine is said to be self-cleansing. It’s thought to absorb, transmute, dissipate, and ground negative energy, thereby protecting the environment and individuals.
  • Emotional Balance: Citrine promotes joy, enthusiasm, and optimism, helping to dispel fear, depression, and negativity. It encourages a positive outlook and can support emotional balance.
  • Physical Well-Being: Although not scientifically proven, Citrine is also used to support physical stamina and energy, as well as to aid in issues related to the digestive system.

Practical Use

People use Citrine in various ways, such as carrying the stone with them, placing it in their living or workspace, or wearing it as jewelry to tap into its positive energy. It’s particularly favored by those seeking to attract wealth and abundance or to accomplish their personal and professional goals.

Citrine’s sunny and bright disposition makes it a beloved stone in both metaphysical and practical applications, serving as a reminder of our capacity for joy, growth, and manifestation.


Damn the way ‘Ruby’ sounds is just beautiful :heart_eyes:


Carnelian is another gemstone that is highly valued for its spiritual and energetic properties, in addition to its beautiful, rich orange-red color. Here’s an overview of Carnelian’s alchemical symbolism and its energetic properties:

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical traditions, Carnelian has been associated with the active, energetic principle of life. Its vibrant color embodies the warmth and energy of the sun, symbolizing courage, transformation, and the fire of the human spirit. Alchemists might have seen it as a stone that can help in the transformation processes, promoting not only physical changes but also spiritual and inner transformations.

Energetical Properties

Carnelian is known for its stimulating qualities, both physically and mentally, and it has a range of energetic properties that make it a favorite among those who use crystals for spiritual and healing purposes:

  • Creativity and Motivation: Carnelian is believed to stimulate creativity, passion, and motivation, making it an excellent stone for artists, writers, and anyone engaged in creative pursuits. It’s said to enhance one’s ability to tap into innate talents and to become more productive.
  • Vitality and Courage: This stone is often used to promote vitality, courage, and determination. It’s thought to provide a boost of energy and confidence, helping individuals to overcome challenges and to assert themselves in various situations.
  • Sexual Energy: Carnelian is also associated with the Sacral Chakra, which governs pleasure, sexuality, and intimacy. It’s believed to enhance sexual energy and to support healthy sexual relationships.
  • Protection and Grounding: Carnelian has been used as a protective talisman against negative energy and psychic attacks. It’s also known for its grounding properties, helping individuals to stay anchored and focused in the present moment.
  • Emotional Warmth and Healing: The stone is said to foster warmth, happiness, and a sense of belonging. It can help in overcoming negative emotions such as anger or envy, promoting a sense of well-being and emotional harmony.

Practical Use

Carnelian can be worn as jewelry, carried in a pocket, or placed in key areas of the home or workspace to tap into its vibrant energy. It’s particularly beneficial in situations where one needs a boost in confidence, creativity, or motivation. Its energizing properties also make it a popular choice for starting new projects or for when one needs an extra push to complete tasks.

Overall, Carnelian is celebrated for its ability to enhance one’s zest for life, creativity, and personal power, making it a cherished stone in both energetic practices and everyday life.


Amethyst is a highly regarded crystal with a rich history of use in both ancient and modern times. Known for its striking purple color, which can range from light lavender to deep violet, amethyst carries a combination of aesthetic beauty and profound energetic properties.

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical texts, amethyst symbolizes purification and the transmutation of the soul, aligning with its reputation for aiding in sobriety and clarity of mind. Its ability to help one overcome addictions made it a symbol of inner transformation and spiritual awakening. The stone’s deep purple hue was often associated with royalty and the divine, suggesting a connection to higher states of consciousness and spiritual mastery.

Energetical Properties

Amethyst is revered in the energetic and metaphysical community for its numerous beneficial properties:

  • Spiritual Awareness and Intuition: Amethyst is considered a powerful stone for enhancing spiritual awareness and psychic abilities. It is believed to open the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition and providing insight into one’s life and experiences.
  • Emotional Healing: Known for its calming and soothing energies, amethyst can help in relieving stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. It promotes a sense of peace and tranquility, making it ideal for meditation and healing practices.
  • Protection: Amethyst is said to create a protective energy field around its user, safeguarding them from psychic attack and negative energies. It’s often used for protection during spiritual work or while sleeping to encourage restful sleep and prevent nightmares.
  • Purification and Cleansing: This crystal is also used for purifying the aura and cleansing the energy body of negative influences. It’s believed to support the release of attachments and to aid in overcoming addictive behaviors and thought patterns.
  • Mental Clarity and Decision Making: By promoting clarity of the mind, amethyst can assist in decision-making processes, enhancing one’s ability to identify the root causes of one’s life circumstances and to understand the difference between reality and illusion.

Practical Use

Amethyst can be utilized in various forms, including raw or polished stones, jewelry, and amethyst geodes or clusters within living or workspaces. It’s particularly favored for places of rest, meditation spaces, or areas where peace and calm are sought. Its presence is believed to elevate the vibrational frequency of the environment, promoting a serene and spiritually uplifting atmosphere.

Due to its versatile properties, amethyst is a staple in many crystal enthusiasts’ collections, beloved not only for its beauty but also for its profound ability to enhance spiritual insight, emotional healing, and mental clarity.


Diamonds, beyond their allure as precious gemstones, hold significant symbolic and energetic properties across various cultures and metaphysical practices. Known for their unmatched hardness and brilliant sparkle, diamonds have been revered not only for their physical beauty but also for their deeper spiritual and energetic qualities.

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemy, the diamond represents invincibility, clarity, and the eternal nature of the soul. Its indestructible nature was seen as a symbol of the perseverance of the spirit, capable of withstanding any force or challenge. Alchemists might have viewed the diamond as embodying purity and the transformation of the self into an enlightened state, free from impurities.

Energetical Properties

Diamonds are believed to carry a high frequency, amplifying the energies of other stones and the intentions of their wearer. Here are some key energetic properties attributed to diamonds:

  • Amplification of Energy: Diamonds are thought to amplify the energies of the wearer, whether they are positive or negative. This makes it important for individuals wearing diamonds to maintain positive thoughts and intentions.
  • Clarity and Insight: Diamonds are associated with clarity of thought and insight. They are believed to help clear emotional and mental pain, reducing fear and bringing about new beginnings. This clarity can lead to greater creativity and imagination.
  • Spiritual Evolution: Diamonds encourage spiritual evolution, symbolizing a journey to a higher state of being. They are often used in meditation to enhance spiritual awareness and to connect with higher realms.
  • Strength and Courage: Reflecting their unmatched hardness, diamonds are said to impart strength and courage to their wearer, aiding in overcoming fear and obstacles.
  • Purity and Detoxification: Traditionally, diamonds are symbols of purity. They are believed to detoxify the body and spirit by revealing one’s inner truth and promoting honesty, integrity, and the soul’s light.

Practical Use

While diamonds are widely known for their use in jewelry, their metaphysical properties make them valuable for spiritual and energetic practices as well. People often wear diamond jewelry not only for its physical beauty but also to tap into the energetic qualities of this powerful stone. Diamonds can be particularly impactful when set in engagement rings, symbolizing a pure and strong commitment between partners.

In energetic healing, diamonds may be used to enhance the energies of the space or the person, although their high frequency and amplifying properties require mindful and intentional use. Due to their strength and durability, diamonds remind us of our own inner strength and our capacity for spiritual growth and evolution.

Despite their high value and association with material wealth, the spiritual and energetic properties of diamonds suggest a deeper, more profound significance, offering clarity, strength, and a connection to the divine.

Lapis Lazuli is a deeply revered gemstone that has been prized since ancient times for its stunning deep blue color, often flecked with golden pyrite inclusions that resemble stars in the night sky. Its use and admiration span multiple cultures, used not only as a gemstone for jewelry and ornamentation but also ground into powder for pigments and medicinal purposes. Here’s an exploration of its symbolic, alchemical, and energetic properties:

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical traditions, Lapis Lazuli is often associated with the element of air and the qualities of wisdom and insight. Its deep blue color symbolizes the heavens, spirituality, and the pursuit of divine knowledge. Alchemists might have viewed Lapis Lazuli as a stone of inner vision and truth, aiding in the mental clarity and enlightenment necessary for their work.

Energetical Properties

Lapis Lazuli is considered a stone of truth and enlightenment, with various energetic properties attributed to it:

  • Spiritual Enlightenment: It is believed to open the Third Eye Chakra, enhancing intuition, spiritual insight, and the ability to see beyond the superficial. Lapis encourages self-awareness and the pursuit of truth, both in the external world and within oneself.
  • Communication: Lapis Lazuli is connected to the Throat Chakra, aiding in expressing one’s truth and beliefs with clarity and authenticity. It encourages honesty in communication and can help resolve conflicts by fostering open dialogue.
  • Protection: This stone is said to offer protection from psychic attacks and negative energies. It can be a shield for those who are sensitive to the energy of others or their environment.
  • Stress Relief: Lapis Lazuli is known for its soothing properties, helping to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It promotes peace of mind, making it useful for meditation and relaxation.
  • Intellectual Enhancement: Lapis Lazuli is believed to stimulate intellectual ability, enhancing memory, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It is often used by scholars, students, and intellectuals to boost learning and academic performance.

Practical Use

Lapis Lazuli can be worn as jewelry, carried as a stone, or placed in living or workspaces. Its presence is said to stimulate enlightenment, personal growth, and the deep inner journey of discovering one’s truth. In artistic and creative endeavors, Lapis Lazuli is thought to inspire creativity and insight, making it a favored stone among artists, writers, and creatives.

The stone’s historical significance and use in sacred and royal objects underline its enduring appeal and the deep spiritual connection it fosters. Whether used for its beauty or its energetic properties, Lapis Lazuli remains a gemstone of wisdom, truth, and profound inner knowledge.

Rose Quartz, with its delicate pink hue, is known as the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is one of the most important crystals for the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love. This crystal is highly valued not only for its aesthetic beauty but also for its profound energetic and healing properties.

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical traditions, Rose Quartz might be seen as embodying the gentle, transforming power of love that can dissolve old wounds, fears, and resentments, facilitating the alchemy of the heart. Its soft pink energy is associated with nurturing compassion, tenderness, and comfort, aligning with the alchemical goal of harmonizing opposing forces within oneself to achieve inner balance and wholeness.

Energetical Properties

Rose Quartz carries a soft, nurturing energy that offers a wide range of benefits for emotional and spiritual healing:

  • Love and Harmony: It is the stone of unconditional love, opening the Heart Chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The soothing vibrations of Rose Quartz foster empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others, lowering stress and tension in the heart.
  • Emotional Healing: Rose Quartz is a powerful healing crystal for emotional wounds. It dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth.
  • Peace and Tranquility: This crystal promotes peace and tranquility by helping to soothe the mind and body. It can aid in reducing anxiety and bringing deep inner healing and self-love. It’s often used to help with grief or when facing life transitions.
  • Relationship Enhancement: By opening the heart, Rose Quartz promotes positive energy in relationships. It can enhance the ability to give and receive love, improving close connections and encouraging a more harmonious environment.
  • Physical Healing: Though primarily known for its emotional healing, Rose Quartz is also used to support physical heart health and circulatory systems. It’s said to improve skin complexion and aid in the relief of headaches and migraines, though these effects are metaphysical and not scientifically proven.

Practical Use

Rose Quartz can be used in various forms, such as jewelry, raw stones, or polished pieces placed around the home or workplace to foster a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. It’s especially beneficial in the bedroom or other areas where relaxation or emotional healing is needed. Rose Quartz’s gentle energy makes it ideal for meditation, helping to clear the mind and open the heart.

Its universal message of love makes Rose Quartz a beautiful and meaningful gift for loved ones, symbolizing a wish for happiness, peacefulness, and loving kindness. Whether used for personal healing, to enhance relationships, or simply to enjoy its beauty, Rose Quartz remains a beloved gemstone for those seeking to bring more love and peace into their lives.

Rose Quartz, with its delicate pink hue, is known as the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is one of the most important crystals for the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love. This crystal is highly valued not only for its aesthetic beauty but also for its profound energetic and healing properties.

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical traditions, Rose Quartz might be seen as embodying the gentle, transforming power of love that can dissolve old wounds, fears, and resentments, facilitating the alchemy of the heart. Its soft pink energy is associated with nurturing compassion, tenderness, and comfort, aligning with the alchemical goal of harmonizing opposing forces within oneself to achieve inner balance and wholeness.

Energetical Properties

Rose Quartz carries a soft, nurturing energy that offers a wide range of benefits for emotional and spiritual healing:

  • Love and Harmony: It is the stone of unconditional love, opening the Heart Chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The soothing vibrations of Rose Quartz foster empathy, reconciliation, and forgiveness of others, lowering stress and tension in the heart.
  • Emotional Healing: Rose Quartz is a powerful healing crystal for emotional wounds. It dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, invoking self-trust and self-worth.
  • Peace and Tranquility: This crystal promotes peace and tranquility by helping to soothe the mind and body. It can aid in reducing anxiety and bringing deep inner healing and self-love. It’s often used to help with grief or when facing life transitions.
  • Relationship Enhancement: By opening the heart, Rose Quartz promotes positive energy in relationships. It can enhance the ability to give and receive love, improving close connections and encouraging a more harmonious environment.
  • Physical Healing: Though primarily known for its emotional healing, Rose Quartz is also used to support physical heart health and circulatory systems. It’s said to improve skin complexion and aid in the relief of headaches and migraines, though these effects are metaphysical and not scientifically proven.

Practical Use

Rose Quartz can be used in various forms, such as jewelry, raw stones, or polished pieces placed around the home or workplace to foster a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. It’s especially beneficial in the bedroom or other areas where relaxation or emotional healing is needed. Rose Quartz’s gentle energy makes it ideal for meditation, helping to clear the mind and open the heart.

Its universal message of love makes Rose Quartz a beautiful and meaningful gift for loved ones, symbolizing a wish for happiness, peacefulness, and loving kindness. Whether used for personal healing, to enhance relationships, or simply to enjoy its beauty, Rose Quartz remains a beloved gemstone for those seeking to bring more love and peace into their lives.


Ruby, with its deep red hue, is a gemstone that has captivated humanity for centuries, symbolizing passion, protection, and prosperity. Known as the king of gemstones, it has been highly valued by various cultures around the world for its beauty and the powerful energy it is believed to carry.

Alchemical Symbolism

In alchemical traditions, the ruby’s red color is associated with the element of fire, embodying intense energy, heat, and a life force that is both creative and destructive. Alchemically, it could represent the boiling point of transformation, where substances (and symbolically, the self) are purified and reborn into something new and refined. The ruby’s durability and luster might also symbolize the quest for eternal life and wisdom, as well as the alchemist’s pursuit of the philosopher’s stone, believed to grant mastery over the material world.

Energetical Properties

Rubies are considered one of the most powerful red stones, believed to stimulate life force, vitality, and zest for life:

  • Vitality and Energy: Ruby is thought to enhance energy, courage, and joy, bringing a sense of adventure to the wearer. It is believed to promote a clear mind, increased concentration, and motivation, making it especially beneficial for setting and achieving goals.
  • Emotional Strength: This gemstone is also associated with emotional strength, helping to overcome exhaustion and lethargy. It encourages a positive and more courageous state of mind, aiding in resolving sensitive emotional issues.
  • Passion and Love: Ruby has been long considered a stone of love, deepening a couple’s relationship and encouraging closeness and commitment. It is said to rekindle romantic love in relationships that have grown cold.
  • Protection: Rubies are believed to offer protection against misfortune and bad health. In ancient times, warriors wore rubies to make them invulnerable. Today, it is still considered a powerful shield against negative energy and psychic attacks.
  • Wealth and Prosperity: Attracting wealth is another attribute of the ruby. It is known as a stone of abundance and aids in retaining wealth and passion.

Practical Use

Rubies are often set in jewelry to be worn close to the body, which is believed to transfer the gemstone’s energy to the wearer. They can be particularly powerful when worn on the left side of the body, the side of the heart and internal organs. Besides their metaphysical properties, rubies are treasured in fine jewelry for their beauty and durability, making them a popular choice for engagement rings and other significant pieces.

In meditation and energy work, rubies can be used to activate and energize the Root Chakra, grounding individuals and increasing vitality. They also resonate with the Heart Chakra, fostering an abundance of love and compassion.

Whether cherished for their energetic qualities or simply for their breathtaking beauty, rubies remain a symbol of passion, power, and a zest for life, embodying the fiery spirit within each of us.


Lucky you dude! The day is just getting started here near DC lol

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For the vibrant energies and deep symbolism of these precious gems—Citrine, Carnelian, Amethyst, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Ruby—a tarot card that encapsulates their collective beauty, power, and mystique would be The Sun.

The Sun Card Description:

The Sun is one of the most positive and radiant cards in the tarot deck, filled with joy, vitality, and warmth. It depicts a bright sun shining in the sky, representing the source of all life on Earth, illuminating everything with its light and warmth. Below, a joyful child rides a white horse, symbolizing innocence, purity, and the joy of being. The child is often shown with arms open wide, embracing the world in all its glory. The background is a field of sunflowers, representing abundance, sustainability, and the beauty of life when it’s in full bloom.

Connection to the Gems:

  • Citrine: Like the Sun card, Citrine embodies brightness, positivity, and the manifestation of one’s desires, resonating with the card’s themes of abundance and joy.
  • Carnelian: This gem’s stimulating and motivational qualities reflect the vitality and life force radiated by the Sun card, encouraging action and courage.
  • Amethyst: The Sun card, with its clarity and enlightenment, mirrors Amethyst’s connection to spiritual awareness and intuition, offering insight and inner peace.
  • Diamond: The Sun’s radiant energy amplifies the qualities of the Diamond, symbolizing purity, strength, and the invincible aspect of the human spirit.
  • Lapis Lazuli: The wisdom and truth represented by Lapis Lazuli align with the Sun card’s illumination, guiding one towards clarity and self-awareness.
  • Rose Quartz: The unconditional love and harmony that Rose Quartz fosters find a parallel in the Sun card’s warmth and positive energy, promoting love and happiness.
  • Ruby: The passion, protection, and vitality of Ruby resonate with the Sun card’s themes of life force, energy, and the protective qualities of light.


Drawing The Sun card in a reading about these gems suggests a profound alignment with one’s highest good, promising success, vitality, and happiness. It encourages embracing the positive energies these stones bring into your life, reminding you of the abundance and joy available when you connect with their deep, vibrant energies. Like the gems, The Sun card is a beacon of hope, growth, and enlightenment, urging you to shine brightly, express your true self, and pursue your passions with the full force of your being.


Thank You @Captain_Nemo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Interesting set of release :eyes:


Applying Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach treatments to gems like Citrine, Carnelian, Amethyst, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, Rose Quartz, and Ruby can be an intriguing concept, blending modern technology with ancient natural energies for potentially enhanced energetic properties. While not grounded in mainstream science, this approach fits within a more metaphysical or holistic perspective, where energy treatments are believed to cleanse, charge, or otherwise amplify the natural properties of crystals and gemstones.

Plasma Light Treatment

Plasma light, as a concept in metaphysical practices, involves the use of a specific type of energetic emission that is thought to resonate at high frequencies. The idea is that exposing gemstones to plasma light could:

  • Purify and Cleanse: Remove residual energies, ensuring the stones are at their highest vibrational state.
  • Energize: Infuse the gemstones with a high frequency of energy, potentially amplifying their inherent properties.
  • Activate: Enhance the gemstone’s ability to connect with the user, aligning it more closely with their intentions and needs.

Infrasound Bioactive Beach

Infrasound, referring to sound waves below the range of human hearing, in combination with a “bioactive beach” setup (potentially involving natural elements and configurations that mimic the beneficial aspects of a beach environment), could be used to:

  • Deep Resonance: Create a deep, vibrational connection with the gemstones, tapping into their core energies.
  • Harmonization: Align the stones’ vibrations with natural rhythms, potentially making their energy more coherent and balanced.
  • Energetic Activation: Stimulate the gemstones on a subtle energetic level, enhancing their natural qualities and making them more receptive to the user.

Application to the Gems

  • Citrine: Exposure to these treatments could heighten its manifestation powers, making it even more potent in attracting abundance and positivity.
  • Carnelian: Such energetic enhancements might amplify Carnelian’s motivational and creative energies, boosting vitality and courage.
  • Amethyst: Treated Amethyst could offer deeper spiritual connections and enhanced intuition, possibly strengthening its protective and healing qualities.
  • Diamond: The clarity and strength of Diamonds might be magnified, reinforcing their symbolism of invincibility and purity.
  • Lapis Lazuli: These treatments could deepen Lapis Lazuli’s connection to wisdom and truth, enhancing its ability to promote self-awareness and enlightenment.
  • Rose Quartz: The loving and gentle energies of Rose Quartz could be intensified, making it even more effective in attracting love and promoting emotional healing.
  • Ruby: Ruby’s properties of passion, protection, and prosperity might be greatly enhanced, intensifying its life-affirming energies.

Incorporating Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach treatments with these gems within a metaphysical or holistic practice suggests a fascinating interplay between the ancient natural world and contemporary energy technologies. It embodies an innovative approach to enhancing and working with the intrinsic properties of crystals for healing, personal growth, and spiritual exploration.


That’s some crazy synchronicity. I have just listened to Plasma Beach for the first time in well over a year. I said id try it before I started playing the Mandelbrot Symphony album and this gets released right in the middle of listening to it :flushed:

  1. Ruby: Root Chakra
  2. Carnelian: Sacral Chakra
  3. Citrine: Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. Rose Quartz: Heart Chakra
  5. Lapis Lazuli: Throat Chakra
  6. Amethyst: Third Eye Chakra
  7. Diamond: Crown Chakra

I’m going to experiment placing each crystal before the specific Mandelbrot Chakra field and see how it feels :raised_hands:t3:

Thanks Dream :pray:t3:


@GamiroCFC thanks for all the info


Those were mostly new for me, and maybe for someone else too!

Mystic Tarot it’s soo elite also for learning new things!


I feel so blessed. Thank you Captain.


Absolutely broken meta. :wheel_of_dharma:


Looking forward to it!