I think I know what you’re talking about, I’ve lived something similar to you for a long time so I can relate (psychic/spiritual attacks).
I would use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Wjd1baZkOY at least every day for a week, then as you need
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOfoS-EDcUA, this one asking specifically for help with your case.
These five are a must to be used daily, preferably in this order or with energy body/aura clearing as first audio in the morning and then the others.
Then it depends if you have money to spend or not.
This one was suggested and I also endorse it, extremely good and very cheap, if you can buy it and add it to the above stack before Angelic Intercession, or as a standalone in another part of the day.
There are other audios, such as Point of No Return (which also has been made as an audio in itself with the same name) and others to fix your psychological/mental state, but first you need to protect yourself…
For free resources I would use Psychic mental shielding and light servitor or dragon golem which are also free but need to be instructed properly, you can look for those on the forum.
If you can afford it there is much better protection stuff these days in the form of NFTs images to be worn (Shielding 3.0 and Warrior Monk I both highly suggest, especially the first) but the most important thing if I were you would be to start with the above list I’ve given (which is free and will also provide some degree of protection) and stick to it, followed by the ones in the Point of No Return original stack that I have also linked.