Please help me get my life back

Hello, I’ve opened several topics on the forum about my physical and mental problems until now and a lot of kind and good hearted people helped me. Especially Uial helped me with all my problems, I constantly bothered him about the problems I have and he has always been thoughtful. He suggested stacks every time and was nice to me.

I am 21 years old and have been in a void for my whole life. My childhood passed with trauma, humiliation and beatings. I was brought up very badly. I became an insecure, asocial, depressive, confined person. I was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder when I was 13-14 years old. Since then, I have used antidepressants but I saw no effect other than making me like a robot and numb. Antidepressants have impaired many of my bodily functions, most importantly hormones and the nervous system and anxiety, depression, panic attacks… I feel worse than have ever felt in recent months. I feel alone, hopeless, sick. I have done nothing to live this life. I feel really bad financially, spiritually and physically. All I want is to live and love. I have never experienced father’s love, mother’s love, brother’s love. I sent e-mails to many charity organizations to help me but they didn’t even reply. The reason I opened this topic is to ask help from good people. I want to get rid of the house i live in, I want to live, I want to experience love, I want to be safe and not alone and want to heal and to be with good people. I need all your support brothers and sisters. I want to reset my life to start all over again, but I have no strength. I’m thinking of suicide and I’m scared at the same time because I don’t know what will happen, maybe I’ll live the same horrible life again with reincarnation, maybe I’ll go to hell because I committed suicide. Maybe there is no other world, I don’t know. I need someone who can take my hand and lift me up and put me into life and take care of me. I need any suggestions and help you may also suggest, as you know, helping charity organizations that help young people like me.
Please understand my situation brothers,sisters. I am so desperate and hopeless. I need to fix my life. Stress and loneliness are slowly killing me. Please save me from this dark hole


Buy the vibration of series on gumroad. Listen to each one of them 2-3 times and use the Abundance audio from mind settings album. Also play Subconscious limits removal 2-3 times everyday.

The vibration audios should work wonderfully for you. It will make you feel peace, love, joy, and fulfillment. I honestly think it is the best thing in your case


Oh thats bad.

The vibration series would be the best fix

I guess i could recommend that you cut down on the audios.

Use these:

Deep aura clearing cleaning
Energy blockage removal
The exorcism rite
Subconscious limits removal
Abundance (Mind Settings)
Ego dissolution
emotional release

use these 2-3 times a day

Use only these and limit all your audios


We might need @uial or @Gpo to help here.


I feel disheartened reading this.

I’ve been trying to help you through PM’s mostly since a few weeks ago. I didn’t expect things to be going worse.

Have you tried any advice I gave you? Are you a Patreon member?
Hit me up anytime :email:


Have you tried sapiens audio for obsessive disorder? I had it to a slight degree, and it helped me a lot in very little time, paranoias and negative thoughts were all lessened.

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Lol cmon people…


-Ego dissolution 1x
-Subconscious limits removal 3x
-Trauma release 4x
-Self esteem/confidence 2x

Listen to this daily, stay away from social media (except here), and try to walk in nature.

After a few weeks you wont even remember how you were.

Then come back and ask for strategies to conquer life.


Fuck physical problems, they are easy to fix.

Play jing daily and the stack I offered.

Fix your mental health first. (It is connected with alot of “physical” problems, believe it or not)


@anon87668656 please follow @Samurai suggestion.

I know it is not easy and you lack the discipline atm to do so. But make an effort.
We are all trying to help but you need to also help us, help you.

Last suggestions I gave you, you ended up creating multiple threads. Possible done the same with uial’s advice… Don’t let OCD or any other condition stop you.

Follow the audios Samu suggested and keep us posted.

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@anon87668656 Just hang on a bit longer, help will come :relaxed:… has your emotional mind state is shattered lets fix that first and then move to the physically aspect.

Take a very deep breath and let it out slowly once those thoughts ( suicide etc ) come to surface, after a minute or two find a empty space and Scream as loud as you can, let it come out, it will feel good :wink:

There are many fields and it’s overwhelming, concentrate in one or two, results will come quick


Dont include me.

I already have christians praying for me and was baptized aka cursed as a kid.

Prayers do more damage than good in this shared reality

(Sorry if it comes off as harsh)


What do you mean accepted?

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Every intention is sent.

Sure, most peoples intentions arent backed by a strong enough will and “technique”, but still.

People gotta learn to mind their own business, everyone has their own path to walk.

Someone going trough darkness might just need to, to learn.

you must go trough hell first if you want to reach heaven ;D


Brothers and sisters, I want to ask something. Is there a healer among us and doing energy work on me? I feel like something but it’s not bad.



The mind is very powerful even when in a constant state of fear, immerse yourself with “Love , Gratitude” to love your being, fill yourself with that unconditional love and appreciation those feelings, to bring balance to your emotional state. These fields are in the Alchemy of Love Album. Used them 24/7 for a good week, nothing else…

Come back and report in a week with the new “You” we all be waiting to hear the results


Not sure if this will help, but I recite this almost daily.

It helps with both humbling me and empowering me, so I dont take this world and people that serious.

Quote by my personal hero (no names ;D)

You are one tiny person on a tiny planet in galaxy teeming with life.
and a lot of those other lives are far more advanced than us, yet even they aren’t enlightened yet.
then there are almost countless galaxies just the same way, teeming with billions and zillions of life.
all this makes up the massive collective of the universe/mind and just scratches the surface of what the source is.
this alone doesn’t even make up the whole of creation. there are levels of vibrations and frequencies in-between. Even on earth there are places that are located, entire worlds around us, just at a vibration and frequency we cannot perceive.
Out of all of this, why do you think you are special?
if you feel hurt, then that’s ego.
A self defined importance.


you are completely right.

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Hello @anon87668656 sorry to hear your struggle. The prior fields suggested were good in your situation, but I’ll add, if you can to join the water and food charger field on Dreamseeds plus the sun gazer field. And also vitamin C field on Sapien Medicine once a week.

If you want I can perform energy healing on you.

Stay well, brother. You are never alone.


This reminds me a bit of Allan Watts - The Real You