Please suggest me audios and fields for this rare ailment!

Hello everyone! This is my first post here. I first want to thank all of the sapien medicine community for such a positive and peaceful discussion space <3 :slight_smile:

A friend of mine suffers from a terrible disease called muscular dystrophy. It has been getting worse over the years to the point doing daily tasks is a burden for him (he uses a walker to walk).

Can you please suggest me some audios which could help him?

Thank you in advanced. I pray that all of you get the goals you want :slight_smile:

PS: Reference for this ailment :,many%20kinds%20of%20muscular%20dystrophy.


Thanks bro. Welcome btw, I forgot to tell you earlier. Okay, this audios should help. May your friend get better in no time. :slightly_smiling_face: :pray: And no problem! :grinning:

If there is anything else I can think of, I will add it here.


thank you so much Dang ! :grin: :innocent:


No problem bro! I will try and think of more. :grinning:


Do you know what kind of muscle dystrophy he has? According to that article there are several. Can you tell me which one? So I can add more?


im not 100 percent sure but i think he has Becker muscular dystrophy


I have added some more. I will continue to research, maybe there is something else I can find…


im so grateful to u…like it means so much :pleading_face:

and an appeal to the people in the community who have idea about this ailment kindly provide your suggestions… thank u once again


Thank you bro. I’m sure your friend will get better in no time! :slightly_smiling_face: If you have any more questions, please ask. There are many here who are extremely intelligent and more than willing to help.


Hi @tourist, welcome to the forum!

I’m very sorry to hear about your friend’s suffering. In addition to @This_Boy_Here’s excellent suggestions, these fields might help:

  • For the Skeptics (engorges the body and nervous system with bioenergy, which can be used for healing, energy levels or where it is needed)
  • Nerve Growth Factor (can improve muscle regeneration in muscular dystrophies, and maintain and develop nervous system wiring and development of new vessels)
  • Heart Restoration (particularly if it is Becker Muscular Dystrophy or any form of muscular dystrophy which weakens the heart muscles over time)
  • Lung Restoration and Strengthening or Pleurisy (Updated version on Patreon) (to regenerate lung function and lung muscles, which weaken over time)
  • Liver Cirrhosis (a field which regenerates the liver and removes scar tissue, as liver scarring and damage is often caused in muscular dystrophies, and impaired liver function can further impair regenerative and healing ability)
  • Kidney Regeneration (as kidney function is often impaired in muscular dystrophies)
  • Endocrine System Rejuvenation (can be of help with the body’s natural healing and regenerative capabilities, and healing many endocrine glands which might be affected)
  • BDNF (YouTube link currently broken, available on Patreon) (protects the nervous system throughout the body, regenerates peripheral nerves and generates new neurons, including motor neurons)
  • Superhuman Genius (creates a lot of growth potential in the brain and protects it, may be of help with neuromuscular wiring and brain-related things which often occur with muscular dystrophy)
  • Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity
  • Brain Regeneration (may be of help with neuromuscular wiring and brain-related things which often occur with muscular dystrophy)
  • Bone Marrow Strengthening and Enhancement (can be very helpful in natural regeneration and healing, can improve production of stem cells)
  • Radiation Removal (might help prevent or slow damage as it contains a damage suppressor protein that protects DNA from degradation)
  • The Super Human Mutant (can be of help with regeneration and healing, contains amblox expression and amblox can regenerate body parts)
  • Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant (prevents oxidative stress, which will slow progression and be protective against damage)
  • Mitochondrial-targeted catalase (prevents oxidative stress, which will slow progression and be protective against damage)
  • Far Infrared (can be of help with many of the effects of muscular dystrophies)
  • The Flow of Jing (can be of help with energy levels, rejuvenation and healing the body)
  • The Chi Elixir (can be of help with energy levels and healing)
  • Transmutation and Microcosmic (can be of help with energy levels and healing)
  • Bone and Organ Breathing (can help speed healing and regeneration)
  • Heal those around you (can be played by you or your friend, can also enhance the effects of another audio when played simultaneously whilst thinking about himself)
  • Healing card from Dreamweaver card system (available [on the forum here] or on Patreon)
  • Anti Aging (Patreon) (can be of help with regeneration and healing)
  • Sirt 3 and 6 Activation (Patreon) (prevents oxidative stress, which will slow progression and be protective against damage)
  • Photosynthesis (Patreon) (can be of help with energy levels and healing)
  • Vitamin C (Patreon) (can be of help with energy levels and healing)
  • Advanced Healing (Gumroad audio or Teespring item)

The Athletic Performance Enhancer dog tag item might also help your friend.

From the description:

Seniors often find functional performance difficult. This jewelry will give grandma or grandpa the boost needed to get around better and it will speed up any healing process their body is undergoing by at least 300%.

The Eternity dog tag item might help as well.

One of the subfields contained within, from the description:

Enhanced Healing: This is not just healing faster, or even using the energy of your body in a more efficient manner so that you can heal at incredible speeds, though it has those properties as well.

This field set will attempt to reproduce the ability to regenerate limbs and organs on a base biological level. If this is not possible for whatever reason, then the field will find the best option to get that limb or organ back! It will place information and opportunities in your path to do so and bring individuals into your life that can and will help you with this.

All the very best of wishes to your friend for healing!


wow @uial thank you so much for that thoughtout and answer. you and people like @This_Boy_Here make this such a positive community.
im so grateful to you for your kind suggestions! dont let the brevity of this message make you think otherwise.

I pray for your happiness and peace :innocent:


No problem. :slightly_smiling_face:There are many more here too that are extremely helpful! Please keep us posted on how things work out for him…

Thank you! :pray: :grinning:


yes sure brother i would… thank you again :slight_smile:

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You’re very welcome. Glad to be of help. This is a great community. I’m glad you’ve joined it and grateful for your contributions so far. :smile:

Let us know how your friend goes! I wish for your and his happiness and peace too. Thank you for your kind prayers. :pray:

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This article written by Dreamweaver’s teacher, Dale Power, might be of interest as well:


Is dreamweaver an alias for sapien?

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That’s mainly what he goes by. He has 3 different channels on the regular YouTube.


Here is a section from the about us page on the Sapien website that might be of interest to everyone:



Dreamweaver is the man behind all the fields you see on SapienMed and Dreammagick. He built a strong reputation in the xtrememind forums for his field work and over the years has become one of the most powerful energy workers in the world. You can get a grip of how effective his effective his work is through this testimonials page, threads such as this one in the xtrememind forums and dreammagick forums.


Dale Power is Dreamweaver’s teacher and the pioneer behind field work. He is a powerful psychic and transformed the lives of hundreds of clients. He also wrote dozens of valuable guides on his websites and they are all posted on this site. He has retired and his websites have as well but Dreamweaver has carried on his great work.


Sam is the creator of this website, answers the emails and manages the Facebook page.

Here are Dream’s channels on YouTube:


Hi I’d like similar information I’m suffering muscular dystrophy specifically limb girdle… if anyone here has any success with any sounds please let me know
I’ve been listening to stem cells and hgh today

Hi, hope the frequencies suggested have been helping.
Please can I ask if there’s any specific one that’s helped?