The best audios for muscular dystrophy

I want to ask what’s the best morphic fields audio for someone who has Muscular dystrophy? On the internet it says no cure for this disease :( is it possible to cure it?

Any of you have experience with Androgen Receptor audio?

(Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited diseases that damage and weaken your muscles over time.
Muscular dystrophy is caused by genetic mutations that interfere with the production of muscle proteins that are needed to build and maintain healthy muscles. The causes are genetic. A family history of muscular dystrophy will increase the chance of it affecting an individual).

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This thread and field might interest you. Mr. Saint Biceps


Check these posts that talk about it with suggestions etc :blush:

Muscular dystrophy - dysferlinopathy

Mstate Platinum, Mstate Indium & Iridium, Mstate Rhodium & Copper - Patreon

Please suggest me audios and fields for this rare ailment!


Collodial silver and gold waters, monoatomic ones. Supplementing minerals like iron, etc.

These are all not audios, but you really should be doing that if your dystrophy is serious.

With the audios you could focus on bone marrow, chi compression, etc.


Thank you!!

Okay it’s actually for my friend. I’ll tell him thank you!

Thank you from you replies. Definitely will check them out!

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Thank you! Will check them out!