Point of No Return

This ones so complex. Its got a lot in it. Firstly i was going through some emotional turmoil and this made it even deeper but now its healing me.

I will loop it longer from tomorrow. Its a happy field now. :sunglasses:


Just reading it sounds like a legendary field.

Does it also have ‘Raise your Vibrational State’ field included in it? This field was labelled as mandatory in the old Point of No Return stack.


I just got this audio with a discount on gumroad. Thanks a lot @Captain_Nemo ! :grinning:


Bro i am not sure of the that but i can tell you, it raises vibration through its application definitely. @Captain_Nemo always puts in goodies. Hes a humble promoter lol


Thank you @Rosechalice


I have tried a lot of medications and lot energy fields in order to heal my chronic gastritis, hiatal hernia, dizziness , weakness but with no success.
I wonder the how point of no return will help me in my case?

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Your answer will really depend on how much emotional and energetic blocks play a role in your ailments. Some of your ailments are structural (e.g., your hiatal hernia) so, on face value, this field might not resolve that ailment. (It’s a broad-reaching field but it is focused on emotional and energetic healing.)

Might that emotional and energetic healing help with your stress related discomfort? Perhaps.

Is that the focus of this field? Not really.


In that case, should we like listen to the same amount of that as before having that NFT or decrease it from like 2 to 1, when 2 is like the maximal recommended results meaning the greatest possible safe results without nft while with nft it would be like 1? What if we have more nfts that have the same sub-field? Or it is always very different with respect to each case and we should just try what works best and what makes us overwhelmed?


is negative and positive planetary effects audio included?


Hmm is it a bad sign or a good sign I don’t feel any different after hearing this? Whether it’s 15 times or twice. Is it a sign I’m doing well, or a sign I’m really in need of this
Will it still work for me just as well as it would for someone who really feels it? Or it’ll work, just not as rapidly


Yes. The fields work, whether you feel them or not.


Nooo I mean like,
will it work just as “intensely” for me had I’d been able to feel it. Like in comparison to the many attuned/psychic people on this forum: will it (or any SM fields for the matter) work for me at the same level of intensity as they’d experienced it
It will work for me but …not at that same level of intensity as they’d experience.

In short I’m trying to piece together after my experience with this track: did I heal or did I become more oblivious

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Yes. This field allows other fields to work much better.
It’s what would you call sapien medicie no.1 booster. :smiley:
Every stack should start with this.
Also I think it’s normal to start feeling the energy less intensely after a while. It’s becoming a part of you. But the effects compound.


It will work as “intensely” for you as you will allow it. It’s said in Sammy’s Official Sapienmed FAQ (Updated) (and elsewhere on this forum, including in my reply to you) that feeling the fields is no indication of how a field is working for you and that you don’t need to feel a field for it to work for you.

The rest of your line of questioning is you taking the opposite position and then talking yourself out of allowing the field to work for you You’re certainly free to do that but is that something that’s helpful to you? That’s something that’s unclear to me.

I personally don’t see this as a helpful comparison. On your journey, you are where you are. You’re not where anyone else is. You have your own history–with your own blockages, events, etc.–to heal. No one else is going to have that same mixture of any of that. Nor will they have they same combinations of tools, resources and understandings that you have to help you heal. Nor does everyone heal in precisely the same manner.

I want to say that your wondering is like asking, “Doctor, will this antibiotic work for me in the same precise way as it works for these neighbors of mine?”

At best, the doctor can say, “it’ll work. Maybe faster, maybe more slowly; maybe with less medicine, maybe with more; maybe more noticeably, maybe more comfortably. These things I cannot say. All I can tell you is that it’ll work. And isn’t that what matters?”

ETA: I’m not judging you here. Your musings here sound to me like ego defenses. I’d recommend that you use Ego Dissolution and SLR before this field to get the healings you want.


I don’t think I’m above this field or something if that’s how my comments came across; Im just wondering what is it I’m doing wrong (because even though I say “did I heal” I’m fairly certain I’ve not). But i like the ED/SLR recommendations. Thanks!


I’m not sure I’m going to join you in a presupposition that you are doing something wrong because you’re not having the same experience (or similarly intense feelings) as other people.

If you’d like us to help you troubleshoot your listening, you’ll have to tell us more about your listening, including your stack, your intentions for this field and how you will know when your intentions have been fulfilled.

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Wellbeing stop taking lil portions of my comments lol
it makes it sound differently than how it’s intended as. Im good now. Thank you.

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You’re welcome.

Has anyone noticed? The description on Gumroad on PonR has been updated a bit, uncovering more goodies embedded in it. One of the most recommended purchases for me until now.


You are right … Wow!