Point of No Return

Thank you. :blush:


And the atlas moth is one of the largest in the world so it represents especially huge changes.


In the past there was the original Point of no Return and then the modified Point of no Return

since the Audio Point of no Return was published i felt it was… a very complex energy healing tool… but something was lacking… and then i came to one conlusion: it needs Mana circuits and New perspectives for it to really work on every level… making the way of what you wanna do with the sapien medicine audios…

one good primer using this Audio would be:
Distributer (five elements balanced or Acu-Automation)
Mana circiuits x1
New perspectives x1
Distributer (grounding or Acu Automation or five elements balanced)


I have been listening to this since it’s come out and all I can say is that this field is truly remarkable. The speed at which ‘things’ are coming up to the surface is fast. That is the real work that needs to be tackled head-on and I’m truly grateful for it.

I’m starting to feel the depth of my heartbeat again.

Thank you for creating this life-changing gift @Captain_Nemo @SammyG and forum members! :sparkling_heart:



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So odd: this time listening, I’m having a strange ache in my cheekbones and tingling above my lips.

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Interesting. Maybe your body is going thru some type of transformation


i was brave to try someting today:

repel negativity x1
clear negative energy with enteties removal (gumroad) x1
Vibration of Creation, Love and Transdescense every one x 1 after another



I’m not sure that this has been addressed but I’ll mention it now. Often when people listen to fields, subs, do some energy work, yoga, ext… they might get a strange ache or feeling in a random part of their body. A consistent one that tends to make no sense. The reason for this is because sometimes energy gets trapped in certain parts of our body.

Now when you work on yourself and detrimental patterns get brought to the surface, sometimes those patterns surface as repressed energies and get trapped somewhere along the energy flow of your body. Most people will feel this as aches or strange and consistent sensation in a random part of your body.

It doesn’t usually mean something like ‘my cheeks are aching. This means my smiles are full of sorrow and hide the true essence of my pain. My joy is fake!’ lol. It could literally be an insecurity, a repressed pattern within the flow of your energy, that just got trapped in your cheekbones as you were clearing away such patterns. (Sometimes the ache is related to the part of the body though)

Fields like point of no return bring detrimental energies to the surface to help you rid of them and move forward in life.


@SammyG how do youget rid of them? which fields? or should one do it somehow alone?


Update - after two weeks.

Sam’s comment is interesting, because I’ve had a lower back ache, like at the bottom of my spine, since listening to this, smack inbetween my kidneys. Sort of like the pain when you sit in a crappy office chair awkwardly for many years.

Loads of emotion and insecurities have risen to the surface. I was feeling a bit more “stuck” at the beginning, but that seems to be fading slowly, although the feeling does still loom.

Objectively, I have nothing to worry about at all, but I have this lingering feeling of dread, about money, personal successes, fear of failure, self image, capability etc.

One thing I can note about this - I went years with only having an occasional dream whilst sleeping, maybe one very 6 months, or so.

Since listening to this, I dream deeply and vividly every single night. Some dreams are related to goals and desires, others are so random, I laugh at how nonsensical they seem to be.

I did the point of no return stack for around 8 weeks in July 2020, I felt more secure then, It didn’t seem to entice the same level of anxiety as this does, maybe it’s the amygdala element.

I’ll update again at the start of May.


I don’t have it (yet), but this field does based on the description. Also though, you digest the energy by fully feeling it, allowing it all the way through without resistance. It creates incredible energy and spaciousness. This is the way


This field does do what it says its really great short cut to lower your listening time. When ever start accumulating junk energies use this till feel relief and advance on developing new mindsets.


Even if it did… it’s an ideal field to listen to the first thing you wake up and then you can begin your day playing your stack.


How many audios are there with this field or is it just one?

Reading the description just seems like there’s more than one or the field is quite complex to be put in to one audio.


Just one bro


As @45stars said, it’s just the one audio that does a whole bunch of things.


Hey, Sunlight.77! welcome round


Yeah I was just seeing if I have anymore listening room in my daily stack.

I think all of us eventually are going to have to deal with this sooner or later, not just me. Something has got to be done about this because already I cant squeeze anymore in. I’ll be getting therapy soon for a morphic field addiction lol.


First three loops ever:

Felt my legs, arms, back tingling while listening. Also feels like stuff is being cleared off my being. after the three loops, I feel like my brain is being rewired.

I think I am going to listen to this x3 and then BPOL x3 for the next week as my daily stack.

edit: also feel thirsty after listening