Hey guys,
should we stop the weekly polling for our Mass Meditations on Saturday?
So every Saturday the schedule would be:
1st event at 5 p.m. GMT [1 p.m. EST]
2nd event at 9 p.m. GMT [5 p.m. EST]
Both lasting for 2 hours.
Set fixed Meditation time for every week
- Yes
- No, keep the weekly poll
And how about offering a 3rd Mass Meditation on Sunday. An alternative for people who can’t make it on Saturday.
We could do a weekly poll for this one, to offer some flexibility to people who need it. So here is another poll, to figure out, if there is demand for a third round:
Extra Meditation on Sunday
Please post your thoughts, comments, especially if you disagree or have a different idea 
a set time would definitely help consistency and for everyone to gradually place it in their schedule!
Poll - Time for Sunday’s Mass Meditation
Please keep in mind:
This poll is here to set an official time for the third meditation on Sundays.
Split up into two polls, so that we can vote for every hour of the day
- 7 a.m. GMT [3 a.m. EST]
- 8 a.m. GMT [4 a.m. EST]
- 9 a.m. GMT [5 a.m. EST]
- 10 a.m. GMT [6 a.m. EST]
- 11 a.m. GMT [7 a.m. EST]
- 12 p.m. GMT [8 a.m. EST]
- 1 p.m. GMT [9 a.m. EST]
- 2 p.m. GMT [10 a.m. EST]
- 3 p.m. GMT [11 a.m. EST]
- 4 p.m. GMT [12 p.m. EST]
- 5 p.m. GMT [1 p.m. EST]
- 6 p.m. GMT [2 p.m. EST]
- 7 p.m. GMT [3 p.m. EST]
- 8 p.m. GMT [4 p.m. EST]
- 9 p.m. GMT [5 p.m. EST]
- 10 p.m. GMT [6 p.m. EST]
- 11 p.m. GMT [7 p.m. EST]
- 12 a.m. GMT [8 p.m. EST]
- 1 a.m. GMT [9 p.m. EST]
Each poll is limited to 19 options max. So here is a 2nd poll:
- 2 a.m. GMT [10 p.m. EST]
- 3 a.m. GMT [11 p.m. EST]
- 4 a.m. GMT [12 a.m. EST]
- 5 a.m. GMT [1 a.m. EST]
- 6 a.m. GMT [2 a.m. EST]
@ConkerRyan Was waiting for you to get to this stage. 
Set times are great and keep a consistent schedule. Thank you!
@Starlight, @Mythicalmoth24 My pleasure!
So our official 3rd weekly Mass Meditation:
Sunday at 5 p.m. GMT [1 p.m. EST]
Sorry I didn’t end the whole poll sooner, but I’m still in recovery mode.
Here is a countdown for tomorrows event. Gonna post it later in the official thread, when the second round is over.