Possible causes of dark circles

Can excessive dark circles be caused by a diseased gland or lack of vitamins? Does anyone know what can it be? maybe the @XRPStorm know something

It’s often light toxicity - too much time in front of tech devices (toxic light), not enough time out in the sun (healthy light). Dr. Jack Kruse explains this very well, if you’re in the mood for research.


Quite possible to be my case

Your blood travels throughout the body, feeding cells with nutrients. It then gathers wastes from the cells and dumps them into the lymphatic system .The lymph then carries the waste products to the “(exit doors)” for toxins, which are the liver, colon, lungs, skin, bladder and kidneys to be eliminated from the body. The lymphatic system governs the mucus membranes. Mucus is that slippery substance that is clogging up your sinuses, causing all the congestion, and causing all that puffiness and those dark circles under your eyes. Excessive mucus is produced as a protective response to irritating toxic wastes. As wastes pile up in the lymphatic system, especially the colon, the respiratory system becomes the extra landfill sites for the colon. The mucus membranes in your throat and sinuses have to disgorge the excess mucus. Colds, post nasal drip, sore throats, plugged ears and allergies are warnings that your lymphatic system is over- burdened and full of trash!

Go check the videos i linked in “three audios that cure all Diseases”


As a computer enthusiast as a kid, and then later as an IT worker, I’ve spent most of my life in front of computer monitors. I’ve had dark circles under my eyes for so long I just figured it was normal for me.

When I found out about Dr. Jack Kruse’s research and starting implementing the changes he recommended, they went away in days. I was shocked.


Could you post the links here?

Kidney and adrenal
Full body detox
Lymphatic System audio

With bad diet it will take time, but with prolonged fasting (dry) or alkaline diet it will be super fast depending on how bad your body is inside

Dry fasting Is very important to get your kidney filtered super fast


I did but still no luck. I also have hollow eyes with dark circle doesn’t matter how much I sleep.

My dark circles are kinda like aids. Even aids can be fixed but not my dark circle. The situation is kinda like this lul.

What did you do? What did you listen to and for how long and what was your diet?

I think my problem is a matter of genetics too, my father also has a lot of dark circles, I think I can reduce it, but cut it out completely maybe with just a specific audio for that

My diet is fine as usual. I eat vegetable and protine most of the time …Drink more than enough water and avoid junk food.

And my parents doesn’t have them

Believe me thats not fine :blush: just go on a alkaline diet and listen to the 3 audios!

Alkaline diet = raw fruits

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That’s not possible do eat fruit every day. And not to mention that fruit has formaline so that it won’t get rotten. It will do more harm than good for me. But my overall health is perfect since I avoid anything that has artificial stuff.

I asked Sam if they can make such field but they said they failed to find any solution for it.

for dark circles?

You have to fix the cause of it first.

Yah Sam said they failed which is kinda impossible to believe…The guy who made revolutionary field wasn’t able to find a solution for puny dark circle… how it’s even possible…But I don’t 2anna disbelieve Sam either…Kinda confusing.


I wouldn’t be asking if I knew xD

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