Pots and Plants - Cooks and Gardeners - Make delicious meals, cultivate a beautiful garden, improve your restaurant, farm, help with homebrewing and homegrowing

Ideally helps create a situation where the owner of this NFT will be able create fully the process of going from farm to table for cooking.

I’ve combined both as I don’t particularly picture people having enough interest to participate in one or the other, but I can see both being a draw.

The only part that may be a swing is the homebrewing and growing aspects. Where I am growing is legal up to a certain amount. Certainly don’t want Sapien turning anyone into a Walter White wanna-be :smiley:

Cooking Skills

Will gain knowledge of the best cooks in the world.

Will gain knowledge to cook for any specific purpose. For example, will be able to cook for an allergy, a diet (keto, vegetarian, piscetarian, etc), a medical condition, to fix a nutrient deficiency, and many other things.

Will be able to make any dish beautiful in appearance as well as taste.

Good taste: will be able to match a dish or beverage energetically with a theme or concept. Will automatically know what foods work best with each color. Will know what foods work best with events, entertainment.

Support for creating new dishes and dishes out of whatever is currently available.

Enhanced intuition about what will taste good.

Unconscious competence: you will almost magically know when a dish needs to be turned over, when you need to let something simmer, change an ingredient, make an alternative, and much more. No more burning things.

Internal Timer: You will be able to set an internal timer, or the field will automatically remind you when you need to something related to the dish.

FUN! You will learn to enjoy cooking and have an increased appreciation for it. You will connect with the food and feel deeply grateful for the processes that have brought it to your table. Millions of years of evolution, thousands of hours of labor and transport, just to put an apple in your hand.

All food and beverage that you and your loved ones will eat will be infused with unconditional love, jing, and have negativity cleared. This works whether or not you prepare the food yourself, so long as you are around it.

Also works for pets.

All food and beverage prepared will have increased positive taste.

Automatic flow state when it comes to cooking.

Automatic time dilation.

Improved willpower for cooking and cleaning.

If needed, will send out a psychic signal to anyone in the immediate area who can help you cook or clean. Will only do this for people who are actually helpful, not people who will get in your way, OR, will only work when intended.

Restaurant Support:

Helps to attract employees who will benefit your restaurant the most.

If you own a restaurant, all cooks under you will have the ability to make all food taste better, will be more diligent with their cooking, etc.

Download the consciousness of the best restaurant owners. Know how they did business and what made them so great.

All food prepared in your restaurant will be charged with good energies.

Everyone who works in the restaurant and goes into the restaurant will be infused with positivity and respect for the restaurant (so people don’t damage things or be rude).

Restaurant will have a glamour whenever spoke about or seen, either in person or online, and through every advertisement. Logos will seem magnetic.

People will have a desire to tell others about the restaurant. Will leave positive reviews.

Will help your restaurant attract customers.

Restaurant and food will have a vibe of “value.” The restaurant won’t necessarily seem more expensive (as this will drive away some customers), but it will seem that it has an authentic feeling of value where customers will care less about the price and will be more generous with tips.

Will encourage customers to be more patient if food is taking a long time.

Actively repels customers who have bad intents. Such as those who put hair in their food for a free meal, those who harass employees, make huge messes, don’t tip (a bit controversial here, but it is a business. Maybe on/off this one or only by choice?)

Portal to the kitchen

Any kitchen or place you make your kitchen will take on an almost mythical quality. It will feel like you’re in another realm where you can let go of your worries and feel renewed and recharged. People in this environment will leave you alone if that is your desire. There will also be respect propagated to that environment so people will throw out their trash, keep things clean etc while you cook.

Sourcing Support

Will help whoever owns this NFT source the cheapest and highest quality ingredients they can. Perfect for those who buy bulk for their restaurants, or people who are eating on a budget.

Owner of the NFT will find great deals on food.

Will also find great deals on cookware, appliances, etc.

The Table

Exemplifying the qualities that a good meal and a generous host can bring, the user will be able to infuse any of their, and whoever they are with’s, time spent eating with a high degree of unconditional love, repelling and clearing all negativity, amplifying the senses, and increasing gratitude.

Will enter an almost meditative state with the meal.

Digestion Support

In addition to enhancing digestion right before a meal is eaten, this field will also work to heal any digestion related issues.

Will fix the stomach and intestines of all damage.

Will help the user poop more regularly if this is an issue.

The NFT owner will absorb all beneficial nutrients from their food.

Enhanced detox ability to remove unwanted effects from foods.

The Potluck

Effects will spread to foods the user has bought if they are going to a potluck for example. Of course, the effects should work even if you’re just warming up noodles.

Toggle on/off: people will always be encouraged to share food with the user.

Foodie Support

Will place the user in a flow of good luck for finding new restaurants and other places to eat.

Restaurants will be encouraged to give the user free food, discounts and good service.

Will also support the NFT owner in conceptually realizing things about cultures and their foods. Such as meals that may have helped a certain culture during famine, or ancestral foods, etc.

Support for learning languages where it will enhance the eating experience.

Barista Support

Will download knowledge of the best baristas to help make the best coffees, teas and other beverages.

Bartender Support

Will download knowledge of the best bartenders and drinks
Will help in selecting the best alcohols to go with foods

Homebrewer support -

Added support for those who create their own beers at home. Will be able to gain knowledge of home brewing and find end products are particularly tasty.


Will gain knowledge of the best gardeners in the world.

Plants will have excellent hydration and improved photosynthesis abilities.

Plant empathy - will know when particular plants need more of anything.

All time spent gardening will be infused with unconditional love and pleasure.

Will push the genetic limits of any plant he gardens.

Support for marjiuana growth where it is legal - all marijuana grown with this NFT will have the ideal chemistry desired, to the absolute limits that seed can create.

Nature enhancement

Will enhance all time spent out in nature.

Will be able to communicate with plants and the underground system of roots that they use to communicate with each other.

Will be able to source energy directly from the sun and mother earth.

Giving Back

Will propogate a field that helps heal and end world hunger continually while this NFT is owned.

Item Maker:

An item that can be placed in the garden.

Blasts the area with sunlight as required. Possibly turns off when actual sunlight can be provided. Or when a plant individually reaches the maximum amount of sunlight it needs.

All water that passes through the area is automatically blessed and charged.

Blesses the garden or area that this is placed in so that a flow of abundance and good luck spreads throughout the area

Will infuse all plants with unconditional love continually as they grow.

Will ward off all negative energies, people, and circumstances such as animals.

Wards off bacteria, pests, mold, and anything else that can affect the health of plants.

Will be a node of the Giving Back concept, continuously absorbing and purifying all environmental energy to be used to provide energy to end world hunger.

If possible, will be a smart monitor for all plants. Will find the perfect combination of hydration, nutrients, sunlight, etc, and then block any excess from being accumulated. It can neutralize sunlight for example, or cause the immediate area around the plant to dry.

Item Maker Function For Food: Food Charger

Rather than creating items, this function simply charges food and beverages.

Can pick between several different qualities to mix and match food with.

Perfect for specific situations where you need it, parties, children, restaurant food, etc

Thing such as


recovery (plasma light, CBD, muscle massage, muscle recovery, for workout recovery),

pre-workout (endorphins, energies of motivation, perseverance, prana, jing, chi, shen, mana, orgone)

sleep (melatonin, energy of sleep directly, brainwave states for sleep, stress relief) – will be perfect for babies as well, so if there is something that can make sure the energies are not overwhelming. Also should not be overwhelming so this can’t be used in any way to make things negative.

Taste (absolutely blasts a food or beverage with good taste and positive energies)

Chill (energies to help a user chill out wherever he is. Stress relief, muscle massage.)

Energy (positive energy to be used for any task)

Charge (Charges the user for energy work/magick)

Social (infuses food with energies that makes one want to socialize. Perfect for restaurants and parties.)

Coffee (infuses coffee with l-theanine)

Tip me :grin: (Can infuse food with a desire to tip or be generous if the person eating it is able to - they won’t be forced)

Can also charge bath water.


Hello :wave:t5:


I love gardening and enjoy cooking. So I am interested


Your ideas are always unmatched!





Restaurant owner :slightly_smiling_face:


wow interested. love gardening!


:raised_hand: :raised_hand: :raised_hand: :bowing_woman: :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

I looove gardening and growing my own herbal teas and foods!


I fleshed things out above from when I first posted, fleshing things out quite a bit.

I have a few reasons for creating this:

Save money

Eating out is continually one of my biggest expenses, so this will help me save money. Over the next few years purchasing this NFT will be responsible for me saving $1,000s that I can invest in literally anything else.

Healing on All Levels

I will continually be having the experience of consuming unconditional love which will help heal all physical, emotional, and energetic issues.


Women love a guy who can cook :man_shrugging:t6:

Enhance my walk with nature

I’ve added ideas to make all of our time spent in nature more enjoyable and fulfilling. It will be an absolutely beautiful experience being out in nature, something that will help us recover and recharge.

I want to make my own beer and grow my own plants

I’ve long been interested in creating my own beer and growing my own plants.

With beer I’ll be saving money and able to create unique blends using Sapien’s energies. I’ll also have all the knowledge and expertise I need to directly make a good beer.

Same thing with growing plants. I would love to smoke or eat something that has had the perfect combination of nutrients, sunlight, highly charged water and beneficial energies like unconditional love the entire time it was growing.


I love cooking so would love to be part of this project. :woman_cook:

I would also like to grow herbs that don’t die after 2 weeks. :joy:


You sold me with just this phrase!
Would love to know how to effortlessly put together a delicious meal as if it was second nature.
I hope this involves baking too.


Your added descriptions just made me want to join in. I would like to join, thanks.

My first ideas:

Enhanced sense of taste and smell so we can enjoy and appreciate the nuances of the food and brew. Also gain the knowledge of food and alcohol critics/experts to pair with the enhanced senses.


Also would like to join. Thanks!


That’s exactly what I was going to add also. Have the ability to pair the food and wine/drink perfectly to enhance all the flavors.


Include having the ability and gain knowledge to make wine, kombucha etc


Wow this sounds really cool I’d love to be involved with it! My cooking desperately needs help, as I am now cooking for myself for the first time at college & it’s not pretty to say the least lol


Literally the only thing that had me learning how to properly cook :D

I made it to measure things accurately only with your eyes level :D

@Beltloop i hesitated in showing interest in this one because this whole living alone thing at the end just made me angry with cooking :”D

So time to have a better relationship with making meals for myself and loved ones :) I’d love to join :)


I was literally just thinking of starting a culinary cooking group. Would love to join!


I grow micro greens. Would love to learn better techniques to a better garden & make my keto diet yummily effective! & a happy family!


I would love to be a part of this project!