Prestige and Grandeur

oh? @Brahma how would it compliment this field?

clear, fingers crossed, will update after a month of consistent usage.


Only noticing this NFT now after all this time!! :astonished:


How to activate and start using the image. I got the audio. I could download the digital collectible image from solano. Should I just print it and keep it in my pocket? How to tell my intentions to the mandala image?


You need to own the NFT token in your wallet, otherwise the audio and the image will not work for you.


I purchased from sapien shop using my own debit card and I followed the steps mentioned in emails received. I have downloaded the image and audio. This is my first NFT. I want to know how to use the image and audito together to get the best results.


Awesome first NFT! @Prabakaran :slightly_smiling_face:
All these could help and more: having the image printed, your connection to it, playing the audio, setting intention, placing awareness, talking to it, experimenting, etc

Read more here:


Thank you so much. I’ll print the copy. I already started listening to audio 3x. I’ll tell all my intentions to the print copy and play the audio. Thanks again :+1:


Quick question:

I’ve read that it might clash with other fields of the same type. I have Prestige and Grandeur, and I might have the opportunity to use The Flow for a while. I was wondering if combining them could be counterproductive.


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Not really. The flow seems to move you towards a more love based reality, no?
Prestige and grandeur sets you on a path of glory and fame, each action of yourself towards your goals get a boost

They don’t counter each other

Let’s say

If your PandG goal might be fame, admiration and respect? It will work synergetically with the flow NFt which increases love and love based actions in your life

If you want to become the most feared villain of all time as your PandG goal then no the flow won’t stack well with Prestige and Grandeur ;)


Thank you for your insight. We share a common view on this matter.

However, what bothers me is that:

and that from this topic: BPIL and Prestige and Grandeur simultaneously


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Prestige can lead you to happiness or love if that’s what your goal is.

But people can think their goal is to be an actor but as soon as they reach it they notice it is not what brings them happiness.
That’s where you have to be careful. People often believe they want to be something grand, rich and famous as fuck but in truth they just wanted love, acceptance and appreciation from their social circle.
Same goes for becoming millionaires, having a yacht or spending each month in Hawaii

But love? You can’t really go wrong with having more unconditional love in your life.

If you set it as your goal that’s where it brings you, no matter what might have been your “destined” path you know?

Like it’s said in your quote of powren
“Prestige leads you where you consciously want [to go towards]”

BpiL leads you towards what your higher self sees as your best path. It doesn’t really focus on the short term happiness or reaching your ego’s goals and desires, but on what your higher self’s decides.


You make a good point. As you mentioned, some people seek prestige or other things to fill an inner void. I believe that’s the wrong path because such attempts to fill emptiness rely on external factors and will always be a limited resource, even a weakness in the long run.

On the other hand, someone naturally open to the world, with a strong inner foundation, could truly benefit from this field. Their actions would naturally align with their inner values and strengths, I believe.

But for the thread, Powren quoted a post from Sammy when you open it completely. (It’s my fault, I should have included all the elements.)

What do you think ?

I’m a bit torn about this, haha. In the sense that maybe the path I’ve chosen with PaG won’t necessarily have unconditional love, like:

  • PaG → GOAL A (most efficient)

  • The flow → Goal A with love (more obstacles to achieve a reality with only unconditional love)

But if it’s just:

  • Goal A with love (most efficient and only unconditional love)

I’ll take it :)


May I ask what your p and g goal is? Just to get a better understanding why you think unconditional love will clash with it?

Also if you have been using pag until now - maybe it’s meant for you to be using the flow with it, you know? :thinking:


To keep it simple, I use it to boost my business for attracting and smoothing out the behind-the-scenes processes to become fully independent.

I also use it with Karma Crucible to similarly smooth and remove any obstacles blocking my path.

I understand that love isn’t inherently a bad thing, but it’s more about aligning with two different paths simultaneously.

Anyway, maybe I’m going a bit too far and I should just take things simply

At worst, I can just experiment.

Perhaps PaG puts this exchange on my path to clarify what I want :upside_down_face:


Hi guys - I started actively working with this field and have been getting a lot of stares (especially from women). Is this normal?


Pretty sure yes. It’s got a telepathic aspect to it.


Ahh fairs - any advice as to how to reap the most benefits from the field in general?

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Quick update on the business side – everything is coming together bit by bit. I can confidently say that I now have a solid foundation to build on. Every time I get a window of free time, I feel like this NFT actively helps me take steps toward manifesting my goals.

Insight, action, opportunities, learning by doing.

It’s support me with everything I need to gradually reach for the stars! :)


I feel like it works well for those who know exactly what they want, or who don’t have too many mental barriers or big lessons to overcome before starting something. My advice would be to get really clear on your goals and stay open to taking action whenever the opportunity arises. The more you align with what you want, the easier it becomes to reap the benefits!