Printing NFTs as Tags

Heart chakra says very nice! :slight_smile:


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Watch out with dropping them! They can crack lol i got a bunch of cracked ones haha


Sorry to hear that. I only wear one pendant that I keep on all the time. The other laminated mandalas are usually in my cell phone case or wallet.


Can I print Astrologically inclined and Dragon Bone Armor back to back in a locket and wear it? They will flow well with each other right ?
I currently have Eternal and Shielding printed back to back. They seem to be working well with each other and on me.


Newly printed mandala

The size of the photo, it just fits in the bag

Bought Shield 3.0 the other day and I’m printing a new one


Yes if you search forum sam had said yes to that (it was asked earlier) :slight_smile:
Just fit the whole pic thats it

Ive been confused how to do it though
Im like sus if they’d actually fit the entire image lol

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Great, thanks Violet. :slightly_smiling_face:
Have you got yours like this, in tags/pendants?

Im supposed to
But i keep postponing it. Like etsy is cool but
They’ve cheated me a bunch in the past. And i really want this to work lol

Lets say I send the nft photo to them (referring to projection one) but when they ship me the pendant and i look inside to see the photo projection, but some of the the photo isn’t there :no_mouth:
Then that’d suck because I think that means the NFT won’t function/work then. Which defeats the purpose lol.
So i keep delaying because i dont want to be let down lmao

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I asked them not to mess with aspect ratio and said that even if the image doesnt fit the whole tag its okay, just as long as the whole image is showning

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How does wearing all your NFTs in that bag all together work for you @Hauru ?

I read somewhere that each NFTs need their space and breath in order for it to work properly…

You can refer to this post


I only have two mandala in my bag
I have the eternity pendant, the eternity mandala will not wear

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Got it today :raised_hands:


After not having any NFTs made into tags for awhile I got this one. Reverse is Eye of the Beholder

from these guys on amazon


Did you give them any special instructions about fitting the whole image onto the tag? Thinking about getting a tag for an upcoming NFT but want to make sure the image doesn’t get cut off or anything

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There is a way to edit the way the image is placed on the tag so that it doesn’t get cut off.


Resizing it in paint?

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Should have been more specific, lol.
On the amazon site as a part of the tag creation process, the tag sellers allow you to move the image around so that it fits the tag properly.


Gotcha thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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