Problems with allergies

I’m very familiar with Bulgaria!!

And looks like we may have found something! It’s difficult to cut out some of those things, but I’m doing this myself. There is a huge difference when I cut everything out, including olive oil. Maybe it will work for you too

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Really from where are you?

I’m from America lol, but I’ve known a few people from Bulgaria, and I pay attention on History class :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

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That’s nice I remember I watched a show which said that americans aren’t familiar with europe and its countries. There were even people that didn’t know where europe is located (the last part is probably a hoax thought). It is nice that you are on the good side :D

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I have started an allergy combo that consists of :

  • full body detox
  • new stem cells
  • lymphatic system boost v.2

I started a few days ago when allergy was at its worst . Had read eyes and felt extremely lethargic. I listened to the full body detox for 1 minute and the red in my eyes disappeared almost completely and I got a lot of energy back .
Be careful to start slow I only add 30 seconds every week because it’s very strong .
I also own the advanced healing audio. I don’t know if it has helped with allergies. I didn’t listen very regularly though.
Thanks for whoever’s tip it was to include the bone marrow audio . I’ll add that to my playlist too.


I found this article about a boy who was cured from his peanut allergy by a bone marrow transplant ,which wasn’t intended. So bone morrow does seem to play a role in allergies and healing bone marrow is actually able to cure those.
I too have a peanut allergy so maybe I’ll be able to eat peanut in a few months!

It also works the other way around


Yeah allergies are a real curse especially when the seasonal allergies come around. I am glad you got better.


Epidermal growth factor might help with allergies !
Check this out


HAHAHA (it’s true, that’s why I knew I had to mention I paid attention in History class) :joy:


I tried bone marrow audio yesterday . Today my allergies were actually quite a bit worse .
I ll stop using it and see if its gonna be better tomorrow .


This may help:

From the description:

“ Aventurine benefits the thymus gland and nervous system. It balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Aventurine has an anti-inflammatory effect and eases skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It heals lungs , sinuses, heart , muscular and urogenital systems.”


Will be living for the next weeks with cats, whereas I am highly allergic to those beautiful beasts.

This is the opportunity to try to get rid of allergy for good.

Any good results here?

Induced Hepatocyte works but not when I stay too long in that environment, and I do not see myself looping it 6 times a day.

About the potential Bone marrow solution mentioned above, has anyone tried Ojas Marrowed and had good results?

I was feeling that perhaps having a focused intent with Microkinesitherapy and BoL to be done with it, could be a way also.

Update: the synchronicity, Captain just released Lymphatic drainage on Patreon. Perhaps this should help as well


Microkinesis and Acut-automaton are good for allergies.


@Kristiyan Quite a useful thread/thanks for the thread, since I also have allergies!
Thanks to everyone who has answered!

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autoimmune reveral field and dna rpr field