Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

Was just rereading the thread post. Man there are so many insights. Pieces that speak volumes of what mental health and illness are, with energetically such clarity in what was going on in my childhood, along with what people experience in the daily in this modern world. And really appreciate the added touch of the spiritual and soulful perspectives. Feels like life being restored.

I canā€™t imagine ever meeting a person in my life who wouldnā€™t benefit from what this project is offering.

Iā€™m also starting to see (connect the dots) on all the subtle changes described in the thread and how theyā€™re now being mapped out in my life. Thank you, really.


Would the audio work on family members?

If they are the official owners, yes.
if you are the owner and you give them audio - no

the effect (=> stable result) will not be significant
In this NFT, the " healing at a distance" function is not expressed

(feedback from a group member who is actively testing energy products, using mantics tools)


Thank you!

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My final review of this NFT: I had it for exact 96 days as of today. I hope the new owner will experience even better things and find it useful

It took some time before i purchased this one, sometimes i need a little push (**need to suffer haha) before i make choices.

this nft is a great one. it helped me be less stuck in my mind, less in the whole ā€œlittle poor meā€ mindset, less attacked by others negativities and opinions about me, more mental stability

dont get me wrong, i had bad days even while owning this one. but no where as dark as the ones before,

in combi with aura and energy body repair = less social fatigue, less social burn out


Why did You Sell it then Bro ? Did you receive an even better Alternative for Mental Health ?

It helped and supported me when I had to face a really unfortunate time period, as without it I would have reached rock bottom in zero seconds

At my current point I ā€œdonā€™t need itā€ right now, so someone who has a current more use for it is better of with it as when itā€™s collecting dusk in my wallet, imho


Maybe the reason you donā€™t feel you need it, is because itā€™s in your wallet?.. just a thought. I donā€™t plan on ever parting with this one


Can be, who knows?

As of right now, i just want to try improving the coping mechanisms i learned while having the nft and working on keeping my mind clutterfree and positive :slight_smile:

If i ever feel the need to get it again, i will be able to either buy it or via trade.

Also, there are still the good, old free fields and albums from dream on youtube which can also help

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I hear you, thereā€™s a lot of value in integrating what we have gained into everyday life :relaxed:


Anyone else experiencing sudden bursts of anger and frustration while using this?

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Yes, the first month literally broke my ā€œequilibriumā€ and built a new, more solid one. Flow into the process.


Crazy good field (understatement), make sure you ask the field to work on each individual thing you want it to do for best results (imo). Nothing else comes close to fixing your mind up if having issues


I confirm this message. There is also a stack I created to help (in my own experience) effectively work on a number of various psychological aspects:

Blueprint of Psychic Mastery
The Silent Mind
The Black Sun
Project Mental Health
Emotional Alchemy
EXP Potion


Anyone overcame intense fear and anxiety with this?

yes I have, this field has played a very big part in coming out of a period of deep burnout. Do you have it yourself?


I had it before now trying to get it back, going through intense fears and anxiety, nothing seems to work out.


Holding this intention for you :white_heart:


I am going to purchase these two when funds arrive:

Negative and Entropic Triggers Dissolver

Subconscious Wounds Healing

And this:

Omega Love

I have a feeling these just have to accompany PMH.

Also, look out for ā€œSelf Relationshipā€ in the Enlightened States store. Donā€™t recall who the vendor is, but that works mate. And itā€™s 0$ now so hurry.