Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

I had it before now trying to get it back, going through intense fears and anxiety, nothing seems to work out.


Holding this intention for you :white_heart:


I am going to purchase these two when funds arrive:

Negative and Entropic Triggers Dissolver

Subconscious Wounds Healing

And this:

Omega Love

I have a feeling these just have to accompany PMH.

Also, look out for ā€œSelf Relationshipā€ in the Enlightened States store. Donā€™t recall who the vendor is, but that works mate. And itā€™s 0$ now so hurry.


Also, completely forgot - find Remove Unconscious Clutter. I also always add this to the stack, and it helps rewire as well.


help yourself additionally by learning therapeutic breathing techniques.

I think there are plenty of them freely available.


Overcoming. I did also add Fear Release though. Coming to realize it should be a staple (did not realize the amount of fear that was going on).

Yeah. Definitely add Fear Release and grounding. Iā€™ve been going through extreme fear up to 2 days ago as well, things coming up to the surface. Besides PMH, here is my current stack:

You should add Ego Dissolution as well because apparently the ego may not like/enjoy you trying to heal/release/transform.
I also use Jindan in the morning (but was advised to add it here as well), it relaxes the anxiety a bit.
I also used chakras (Root/Sacral primarily), Angelic Intercession (which helped greatly), and some love.
Also this:


Fear release in Project Mental Health is much softer-acting. Amygdala Healing - I remember that vividly - could be overwhelming. So if there are panic attacks, best bet is Stellate Ganglion Block.

In addition, in another thread folks comment on how perfectly the Black Sun + PMH combo works. I confirm this message.

And trust me, The Unbreakable and The Silent Mind - you get both for around $ 140 - help A LOT. The latter calms mind down, which you need for deep work. The former gradually removes fear.


Yeah. Iā€™ve had very intense dreams with my fears coming up. Though the fears started to come up aggressively before AH, during wake, soā€¦ Luckily I was advised to add Angelic Intercession, Transmutation, grounding, and Jindan - and love.
A key was that I was made to get it through my skull that I am safe, that itā€™s false dangers, to proceed without fear ā€” which Iā€™ve been trying to remind myself when it would pop out again. Iā€™ve recently started to inquire what the fears are actually about and where they come from.
Perhaps with the help of Silent Mind (and not only), Iā€™ve begun to hear the names of the programs that have been running (instead of the constant noise) and get answers about the underlying issues. The key here seems to be inquiry.


Oh I know where my fears come from. Not a public discussion. But a lot of places. Identified - now working on them one by one.

Iā€™ve missed this gem actually: Omega Love. Going to grab it later. People say this helps a lot.


And there will come a time when that fear turns to rage. Thatā€™s quite a moment and you need to let go of it in just the right ways.


Iā€™ll know to come back here should this happen :)
ā€” welp, the most recent one where I could finally tell it as it is was ā€˜Godā€™ā€¦

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Just a thought - get Shielding 3.0 or Empathic Smart Armor. Too many parasites out there

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Thank you very much, on it!
I already have Shielding 3.0 (paused it for a while), but I have been wearing Cosmic Triforce X and Naga Shield. However, I did notice some foreign s* starting 2 days ago and Iā€™m wondering

What prompted you to make this suggestion? please ā€“ what was your ā€˜thought processā€™?

I would also like to learn because Iā€™ve been wondering whatā€™s been making me still vulnerable to some fkery while wearing shields (Iā€™ve been trying not to wear too many to avoid over-burden) ā€“ and if I should indeed also consider adding Empathic Smart Armour.

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What prompted: it was like the name of the Animals As Leaders song - On Impulse. No coincidences in this world tho haha

Okay, so what I am discovering is the same - that the "Fkery Afoot" is appearing notwithstanding any shield. So I am figuring this is most likely due to those ā€œcracks in the slabā€ inside in the form of childhood trauma, those stuck emotional bits and pieces that trigger your conscious from the subconscious etc. Also - karmic tails. In the last 5 months I got rid of five of those. Aaand Iā€™m still working on removing the rest. Too much sht in the bloodline lol.

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childhood trauma, those stuck emotional bits and pieces that trigger your conscious from the subconscious etc. Also - karmic tails. In the last 5 months I got rid of five of those. Aaand Iā€™m still working on removing the rest. Too much sh*t in the bloodline lol.

Thank you very much! Youā€™re touching on some spots indeed ā€“ so thank you for bringing it up to me, something inside me was agreeing as I was reading.
As a matter of fact, Iā€™ve discovered I was carrying severe childhood trauma from my parents and grandparents so far ā€“ behaviors and fears that were unexplainable by my childhood/life. Fears of things that have not happened to me even remotely. Have not even gone into things looking like memories from a different life altogether.

:clap: I know that must not have been easy. May I please ask how one might go about with those?

At the same time, considering my example above ā€“ issues unexplainable by current life, but coming from the bloodline (therefore not really subjected to what one might consider shadow work?) ā€“ where does this end, and how far could it go though? It would seem like chasing a neverending tail. There must be a better way.

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I have to work with shamans / lightworkers. Very difficult to get rid of those by yourself. Sapienā€™s Karma Crucible helps to ā€œunearthā€ and remove some, but if you carry something heavy, like myself, then you will need help. PM me for contacts if you want.

Yep. Thatā€™s it. These ā€œflashbacksā€ and ā€œdeja vuā€™sā€ are glimpses of what you have to work on in this life.

Also, if there is someone you meet / date, and there is this absolutely nasty churning feeling in your stomach saying ā€œoh f not againā€ but something says you have to do it, thatā€™s a karmic relationship right there.


I got this nft for a week. When I listen to this audio, my body heats up and energy flows, and my emotions and ego are very calm.

My body is surrounded by energy

I think itā€™s very powerful nft

In the future I will add gumroad past blueprint + The Shamanic Medicine Blend


This is a field that I play passively not looking for anything specific. But what Iā€™ve noticed is that the lows arenā€™t that bad anymore when it comes to depression. Used to be so much more debilitating.


This has definitely improved my anxiety by a lot, even more so than The All-Purpose Anxiety Removal audio. Plus the amount of time saved (16 minutes to 3 minutes) has been helpful. And thatā€™s not including all of the other mental health benefits in this audio! :purple_heart:


Bone Organ breathing with this is a great combo.