Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

Yeah whichever payment you want to use.

The split payment option is not available in all regions around the world. It depends region from region.


seems the case for me lol

Oh makes sense.

yes, i just moved from the first part of JAAJs to the second part, today. ready to face all traumas :see_no_evil:



will wait

yes two weeks is really big grudgeā€¦ thank you for helping me so with my issue it wont take so long.

I see where you are coming from. I seem to find it more affective when I use sub fields along with a main field which does everything. I notice results faster that way. For instance when I use Plasma Flaunt I would still always use the Liver and Spleen fields for extra emphasis on the healing for them so I thought I would do the same with tue mental health fields.

The first connection when it enters my wallet I usually feel very strong affects from most NFTā€™s, I usually do a small meditation while focusing on the NFT for only 5 to 10 mins and I played the audio also. My eyes being affected happened straight away though the second it entered into my wallet.

Panther is one that really affects my vision while focusing on the pic, everything goes very hazey but with Mental Health it was a different hazey affect, its a bit hard to describe.
Maybe it was working on a part of the brain that the optic nerve is connected to, I really donā€™t know though.

Iā€™m still getting bad headaches and pressure in my head but Iā€™m going to cut back to just 3 or 4 listens to the field a day i think. Iā€™m sure it will all be worth it in the long run though :slightly_smiling_face:


thank you for your support allā€¦ it came 3am in the morning. all good.

:clinking_glasses: :slightly_smiling_face:

I had an idea yesterday, but didnā€™t have a chance to write
itā€™s just an idea, and i understand that itā€™s not acceptable to everyone for various reasons - finances, square footage of living space, time, etc.

Do you remember the group Alchemical Astrology?
and we used to joke about pets and share experiences?

and those posts made a lot of sense, and most likely if you search on your own you will also find confirmation of this information

for example, a great additional psychotherapeutic factor is taking care of pets

Imagine sitting near an aquarium on a quiet cozy evening, quiet relaxing music playing, etc. :grin:
aquario-aquarium (1)-min


yes, i run almost every weekend to my parents because of their chow chow. she hated me first like everybody but my parents and my daughter but know we love each other. since she has arthrosis i give her always a full body massage( but she doesnā€™t like beautiful beasties :face_with_raised_eyebrow:). then i make her hair and then we go for a walk and she is the most beautiful dog in the forest :heart_eyes:


real true psychotherapy :)



is it advisable to listen to this field on loop (I donā€™t mean the first day) (for example 30-60min) or is it like ā€œNew Perspectivesā€ field, which can only be listened to 2x a day.

I ask because they seem to have some subfield in common. Thanks!


There are no special recommendations here. I guess itā€™s all individual.
I, for example, am a supporter of clear plans and schemes
I play this field exactly x4 times before going to sleep, then comes my individual nightly playlist

some iā€™ve seen on the forum manage to loop some fields for hours
I have always been surprised by this approach, but I admit that some people find this form acceptable :slightly_smiling_face:

also, you have to consider individual tolerance
I mean, some people manage to loop plasma fields for hours, some people need x1 times a day, ect
one day ago, in one of the groups I wrote:

everything is individual i think :slightly_smiling_face:


Where can I get a bow like this, Lou?
I think it would look great worn in the hair! :laughing:


itā€™s just a picture from the internet, so i donā€™t know where to buyā€¦
but no worry, soon we will have this written on our foreheads!


May I know would this help on concentration/focus or awareness? I may have suffered from a lot of unknown trauma (like, I donā€™t know thatā€™s a big deal event until I quiet down in meditation and realize these memories floating up to leave the system)

I have overwhelming intrusive thoughtsā€¦my researches show that it is related with ocd (Obsessive-compulsive disorder).

So does anyone use this nft and have any review about focus? Thanks!

and you know, Iā€™ve had some thoughts.
theyā€™re probably based on more literature Iā€™ve read in the past (related to energy healing)

it relates to the topic of ā€œwhy I might have worsening of my well-being in the early stagesā€. :grimacing:
the thoughts are more about the physical body, but if you think about it a little bit, you can draw a clear line to the mental state

Whatever state of health you have, if there is no aggravation at the moment, you are in a state of ā€œstable balanceā€ (this is relative)

the body has redistributed functions and resources, ā€œconservedā€ the existing waste products which it is unable to eliminate, ā€œset asideā€ a place for storing the new incoming waste products, in general, ā€œadjustedā€ the systemā€™s stable work in a lean manner. And then you ā€œintrudeā€ with your extra energy and new audio with powerful healing energy to return to the original healthy programā€¦

first your system resists, trying to maintain balance/homeostasis, and then, succumbing to your onslaught (you are the boss, after all), the illusory equilibrium you created collapses and restructuring/reformatting begins, which always starts with chaos and failure of the " adjusted system"., ect

it is probably very important not to perceive the worsening of the state of health as a signal to stop working.

Otherwise it turns out that all you have done is make a mess and leave your poor body to deal with it, depriving it of additional resources

The main task is to bring the body to a new state of true equilibrium, and this state has to be better than the previous one
Thatā€™s why patience is important :slightly_smiling_face:

I am a supporter of holistic approaches, and have advised myself many times to use medications, herbal medicine, and other methods of health care when necessary in addition to working with the energy :grin:

the task is to help the body to cope with the disease, not to accustom it to use only one particular resource

the aquarium method is very helpful (as example) :laughing:



thank you. i think i know what you mean. no way i will give up. i want to become stronger again no matter how people react. there is also the equilibrium between each other.

you feel so responsible for your projects and help us out, this means a lot, thank you!


I cannot recommend this field enough. This has helped me process my pain and grief in tremendous ways and in a faster amount of time. Iā€™m still working thru all of it but itā€™s not as debilitating as it was 2 weeks ago.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Dream and Ugnis!! :heartbeat: :heartbeat: