Psychic Development

Doubt it.

You were in alpha state, at most very light theta.

Trying to “see” trough closed eyes has actually more to do with astral sight, and its something you need to practice. Its not limited to the third eye. There are people with their third eye fully open, but they cant see shit with their eyes closed, so practice bro.

As for brainwave states, Theta is when you’re just about to fall asleep. Most people have weak theta waves and even then they last 2 seconds at most before losing consciousness.
Also when you move physically you disrupt the process, returning to alpha state.

So you cant walk around being in deep theta or delta bro haha. Anyway, sit or lie down, dont move a muscle no matter what, and then listen to the theta one, now try not to fall asleep, good luck :wink:


That one yes, I can maintain theta, delta, epsilon for as long as I want. I bought the fields and I spent days after days meditating to it. At first I was just losing it and poping up later. Now I can old it for as long as I want= as long as I have been patient so 1h max (I think it’s easier to stay in epsilon than delta, I feel less heavy)

  • I have the meditation field

I only succeeded with theta yes it was very light. Delta, a few step and it became ugly. I said “tried” not “succeeded” read again ;)

That clarifies it. I was surprised when it opened and I started lucid dreaming a lot but I couldn’t see auras


Then I would recommend soul traveling. It’s the easiest way to learn about the etheric world, including auras and shiz. Epsilon should get you out of your body in 2 mins.


I never heard of it, what’s that that that ? (20 characters at least)
Now that I think about it, I was not very energy sensitive back then. It should work better


Its similar to astral projecting, except astral projection is more remote viewing than actually leaving your body.


Auric cleanse can be listened any time? Not the same as deep aura clean from dream seed?

Yes, you can listen to auric cleanse, negativity remover, trauma, forgiveness and it won’t mess with fields. Regarding deep auric cleanse, Dream said listening to it 3h after other fields won’t wash them


Lol I’m interested what do you see? Are there entities that look straight out of a horror movie? Can you be really “prepared” for it or do you think even with a good base it’s like jumping into cold water?

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From the sound of your description I assume you have lots of experience. You should write a book about them, it sounds hilarious


Did the reptilian ask for tree fiddy?

Thanks! that was really informative while I’m not rushing this anyway it is nice to read about what happens once I can see more around me. Also I knew that the whole demon thing was exaggerated but not to this extent. You got dumped by a lust demon lol.

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The lust demon was for information regarding glamour spells and increasing sexual energy and power, not me fking the demon LOL.


I am new, but astral projected once. I am not energy sensitive, but i listen to 3rd eye / crown chakra audio at present. Before I have been listening to theta audio for 2 months or so.

One day while sleeping after listening to theta audio (half sleep i suppose) i felt my body vibrating like my whole body is placed on a vibrating surface. And I felt myself separated from my body and floating. I cannot control my float and i hit the ceiling. I saw everything from up there. Myself sleeping, also a little night lamp i used to have. As it was ON i can see the whole room. But this lasted only few seconds. Once I became frightened, I was drawn rapidly into my body and I woke up. I was really afraid about that and stopped listening to Theta audio from that.

This is my only experience. What is it actually? Can you explain what kind of astral projection is it? Will it harm me? I am really new and I wanted to know more. It happened 1 year ago and I don’t have answers yet. I hope you can help me.


Yeah you popped out, first time can be scary but it all depends on the energy in your room.

Light some sage, play the “spread positivity” audio for a few hours in your room, and try again.

The first few times are difficult to control, but once you can control it, you will love it.


Thank you for your reply. I am from India and I think there is no sage here. Probably there might be an alternative. Also is there any specific audio field from Sapien you recommend to Practice Astral projection. Like Theta or delta or epsilon?

Epsilon is the best one for astral projection, but if you’re new to all this just start with theta.


I have listened to theta for 3 months and left it. Is it okey to practice with epsilon straight away. Probabaly for few months to gain experience in that state?

Also please share your astral projection experience.

  1. What can we find?
  2. Is it a separate world or universe?
  3. Will there be negative beings? ( I personally don’t belive in negative beings but negative energies, I am not sure why. This happened after I have started with Sapien)
  4. Some mentioned that we have some sort of cord between our astral body and our physical body and if it is cut we would die. Is it true? ( But while i astral projected I haven’t seen any cords attached to me, Also I asked Sapien and he mentioned it is not true. But I have to be careful with negative entities, Mostly there won’t be problem. Also he adviced me to create my own servitor for astral projection)
  5. People mention that it is different realm or dimension. I am confueed at this part too.

Sorry for too much of questions. Probably it might help me and people who reach here. Thanks

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Sure, be your own scientist, experiment and learn from yourself.

The astral realm is more of a “mental” plane, in there, your emotions rule it. It is NOT the spirit world, like many people foolishly believe.

As I said, the astral plane is mental, so if you are in a negative mindstate, you will encounter negative beings, be positive to attract positive.

For some reason, people think that the etheric body aka astral body is the soul, it isn’t. You are made up of 3 things : The physical body, The etheric body (emotional) and the soul. Soul traveling is different from astral projecting.

It is the mental plane, which you can use to climb to other, “higher realms”.

I don’t know which religion or spiritual path you follow, but you can call upon ascended masters to guide you. Shiva and Yeshua (jesus, but dont call him that, he hates it lol) are really good at teaching spiritual things.

Research and find a guide before you go into other planes, don’t go alone.


Wow thank you for your reply. It gave me some insights. I can now see there is a soul travel and astral travel as well. But I am not sure how to differentiate them, or find valid informations about them.

You know google and the blogs and website are not always clear. No one explained there is a soul travel. Most of them pointed out that People would die upon astral projection, if the cord is cut. But when I asked experienced persons about this like Sapien and yourself its exact opposite. I don’t have a guide either or cannot find one at my place.

Is there any website, I mean a genuine website or a book which clearly helps me out. I would like to gain your kind of experience and I am ready to practice. But there are no genuine informations present at Internet.

Once again thank you for clearly pointing out the differences and the myths.


I am new into all this too. I am thinking to buy “Crown & 3rd Eye Chakra Clearing W/ Growth and Stimulation + Pineal Gland Decalcification” Audio As you use this audio pls tell me what will happen by listing the audio. I will be able to see the aura? or some other psychic power? I am curious to know… pls guide.


I hope you have replied to my message. I am listening to the audio for just 1 and half month right now. Not much benefits yet. But I can feel pressure in my 3rd eye area. It might give tingling sensation sometimes. I listen to 5 times every night.

As far as the benifits, I think it very much helps in psychic development and not give you psychic powers. Really not sure. Have to ask the experienced ones.