Psychic Development

Any way to harm myself with that if im not careful enough? What if I just use positive energies that way to cover them up? Couldn’t that help the mental plane or the astral by making them more positive? Can’t they evolve too? Maybe they’ll go from “parasites” to “butterflies” that spread positivity lol.

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Is it possible…? Very.

But see it like this, you said you are middle path buddhist, now if some higher being wanted it could turn you into a pagan.

But ofcourse you would resist like hell and it would be much easier for the higher being to get rid of you than to change you.

@Thomas Yes, it won’t really be physical harm, but after a connection with the void you might feel “alien” and “disconnected” from literally everything, so that could cause an issue, but trough awareness you can simply ground yourself afterwards.

Energy can not be destroyed (or can it…?) so as far as I know the only thing that could literally kill a form of energy would be the void.

Positivity should drive them away yes, and they can feed off that aswell, it’s just that positive people are on a slightly higher vibration so their presence alone would make parasites feel uncomfortable.

But they also feed on sexual energy, so if you’re one of those people who masturbate to porn and are “happy” cuz of the dopamine high then you’re essentially a food source.
Keep that in mind.


Hi Roku,

thanks a lot for your time!

Technically, buddhists are pagans because they don’t believe in a god. The individual schools are also in dispute as to whether something like a soul can exist at all.

If I understand you correctly, it would amount to the fight of two conscious minds and the (for me) obvious weapon would be fear on the one hand against peace on the other. That sounds quite polar…

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Pagan : a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main world religions.
-From Wiki.

Yes, but most parasitic entities aren’t really that intelligent and conscious lol.

Parasitic entity is not a race, even humans can be parasitic and feed off other’s energy.

Succubi’s for example are also parasitic entities , The entity lilith also has parasitic traits, so it really depends on the being you’re dealing with.

A high vibration should keep most away, and if it doesn’t then you’re either gonna have to banish them away or do it my way and slaughter them.


For the love of the almighty… (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


For the love of the almighty… (post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Paganism or Paganism (from Latin paganus ‘pagan’; see Latin pagus ‘village’) describes the state of religious history from a Christian perspective not to belong to one of the monotheistic religions.
From: Heidentum – Wikipedia › wiki › Heidentum

  1. High Vibration: I just experienced one attack a very long time ago - and yes, the higher Vibration won - back then (and until today) I just never would have called it a higher vibration. So, thanks!
  2. I have a lot to learn…

Don’t we all…? :slight_smile:


Would they feed off positive energy with the same principle you mentioned before? To deppatern that energy and just take the base form of it? Why do they even do it? Can’t they just gather zero point energy or any energy on their own or is it just preference on their part? I tried to vibrate them with om energy for starters and it seemed to work but honestly most of the time you can even learn from them. In the end they just work with your problems anyway. For example how it feels for me is that this entity starts with a small portion of fear for example then things you view as such pop up in your mind and of course if you don’t see through it you keep thinking about that keep fearing and keep projecting that energy on that entitiy. Nah I had some issues with pron in the past but I’m not using that anymore to masturbate. Or masturbate at all. If I’m horny I use the transmutation and microcosmic orbit. Most of the time its a entity that wants to make you horny anyway. Why should I strive for that cheap feeling of pleasure If I can feel joy and peace whenever I want. Again thanks for your time


As I said bro, parasitic entity isn’t a race of beings.

So why…? Depends on the being you’re dealing with.


What kind of attack? I can see people recognizing entity attacks. But I cannot. Probably need to be more experienced ? :thinking:

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Mindfulness and the animal empathy/telepathy or better the ipf tag would help. Energy sensivity too of course.

Have you experienced one?

Lol yeah many most of the time it works through emotions really (at least in my experience) Being mindfull and understanding the energy or where it comes from makes things easier. It’s harder to know where it comes from if you’re somewhere else with your mind.

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Hi Raaja,
you can see people recognizing emtity attacks? What does it look like and do you see or feel the entities?

To your question:
when I was about 17 years old, I got a room in the basement of our house. A developed, pretty cozy basement. :-) My parents used to sleep two floors above me, where I also had a bedroom. So I could choose where I wanted to sleep. Quite a nice arrangement for a teenager, as you can imagine, I think, my parents loved their new privacy as well.
One night after midnight I was still awake when a strange feeling came over me. I am not a particularly fearful person, rather the opposite. I felt that something, not someone, was at my door. I hadn’t heard anyone come down and my ears were working perfectly fine. I would normally have gotten up to look, but I could hardly move. I felt something evil. Like a cloud of pure blackness, something that wants to eat you if you let it.
It didn’t seem to move, it wasn’t in my room, it stayed outside my door. I knew I didn’t want to face it. I turned in bed, straight to the wall, so I wouldn’t have to see it if it came in. I crawled under my blanket. For the first time in my life I was terrified.
I don’t come from a Christian family, my parents are atheists. They had sent me to school for religious education, because they wanted me to form my own opinion - which I did: I didn’t believe in a god.
That night I was sure that the God, I didn’t believe in, was the only meaningful contact. The thing in front of my door was definitely not human and it felt evil.
So I started talking to God. I introduced myself, because that was the first time I said hello. I said that I was in need for help. That I’m scared. That I couldn’t solve the situation on my own. So I easily asked intensively and personally for half an hour for help. The presence remained at the door and what it radiated was terrifying. Quite suddenly, I was still talking, the air was clear and pure again. Whatever had been there had withdrawn.
I thanked him and fell asleep pretty quickly.
The next morning I asked my parents if they felt anything strange at night. My father had slept like a baby, but my mother said, she felt very uncomfortable and fearful in the middle of the night. She had stayed up for a long time.


Really a terrifying experience at that age. I am usually afraid of Ghosts and stuffs from my childhood, since I was told the ghosts stories to frighten me to eat or do stuffs now and then. I would have never slept at the basement if I were you :smiley: . Upon reading my experience I had the same kind of terrifying experience when I started hearing a meditative field, just a month back. Same experience but I came out of it easily. After that I started to hear Higher Self Connection field, which greatly helped me. FYI,after I have astral projection few times, My concept of reality and the negative entity changed so I was not afraid of them anymore for the past one year. Very comfortable. Just this once, I had the same experience as you.

Thanks for sharing though.


That reminds me you mentioned in some post that even an elite magican like dream has to deal with some negative beings sometimes that go beyond these parasites. What are they and do they attack differently? How would one defend himself against something like that are there practices or something you would recommend? Sorry I ask so many questions lol.


The more powerful the being the less chance there is of you meeting it.

The more connected the being is to the earth and other “lower” realms, the weaker.

There’s always bigger fish, but so is their “prey” if you will.

A lion isn’t gonna hunt a mouse, it’s gonna go after bigger animals.

So yes there are predatory entities who are really powerful but most of them aren’t around these realms, like you would have to soul travel to their realm and piss them off for them to attack you lol, so don’t worry about it.

The good thing about earth is that we’re equipped to deal with entities similar to our level.

Most powerful beings do not need to feed off your energy, they have more than you can imagine, so if they attack they’ll have their reason, good or bad.


So is it possible that the extraterrestrial beings can handle them well, because more experienced and powerful , spritually and technologically?

From the view of those powerful entity, the extraterrestrial beings might be worth feeding?

If they are in different realms, what or whom will they feed upon?

They don’t need to feed bro.

If a field created by dreamweaver can sustain itself by “feeding” on zero point energy, don’t you think those beings can do that and better?

Even humans can live without food or water, but that’s next level stuff.

They have their own realms and their own evolution to worry about.

You don’t go out to ant nests and kill half of them to prove you are stronger than them, do you?

My theory is that all things were “born” from the void, but are not “born” equally.

An elephant is born one, an ant is also born an ant, they both exist on earth but have their own seperate evolution to worry about with its ups and downs.

Similarly, I think, all beings are part of the universe, but each being has their own evolution and path.

Everything I say btw is just my thoughts, I don’t claim this as truth lol.