Psychic University FAQ

Do any of the fields work on heavy metal removal?

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🧙‍♂🧙‍♂ :100: :100:

will there be a field that stimulates the prefrontal cortex? @Psychic_University

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Godlike Willpower does that. But maybe fluid intelligence on patreon.


@Psychic_University I got the crystal pack from gumroad, but the only audio I see is Black Tourmaline and its 10 minutes long. Meanwhile on the red crystal pack it contains seperate audios for each crystal.

So I am wondering, does the Black Tourmaline audio contain all the other crystals in the pack? or am I missing the other audios?



Message me and I can send the complete pack to you.

hey PU,
is there a grounding / earthing field to come?

I’m remaking them with songs that are easier to meditate. This was a common request. Sorry for the delay.



My post isn’t directly related to this field, (though I am very interested)
how would we know when PU announces sale?
Where can I find announcement from PU?
Do I need to sign up somewhere?
I wonder when the next sale will be…

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Hi @candy ,

There was a sale over the holidays, and none of us know when the next one will be but you can find out by consistently reading the threads dedicated to PU. Announcements have also been made on the patreon in the past.


Can we listen to all the fields which target C19 and viruses in general (or which target their symptoms), one after another?

There is one for long Haul, there’s another field called Redox Stare Balance, and there’s the new field called The End of Viruses (and others too), and they are TRULY Marvelous, but would it be too much to listen to them one after another?

(Or on the contrary, it would be optimal?)

Thank You.

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I will create threads here.


Yes. It’s safe and recommended.


Hi @Psychic_University

First I want to say I am very grateful you exist, I am a big fan and customer!

I have a question regarding this product, I am new to this so i dont know to message you or ask here, but my question is: does this field use fat or fat cells to build muscle?

i have sapiens muscle fields but since they use fat cell and fat conversion it made me skinnier than i like

my preference is keep fat as i am trying to bulk for powerlifting purposes not aesthetic purposes, so mainly strength and endurance so i need the fat and bulkier wrists and fingers

if you can let me know if this field uses fat or not it would be nice

thank you👍


Hi @HonorableKnight.

First of all, thank you for the support and kind message. And welcome to the forum.

The answer is no, the field doesn’t have such programming. It will however redistribute fat in your body provided it increases muscle aesthetics.


I see, thank you for answering.

If I may request something ? Can you make a field to increase appetite? Make one very very hungry always and never feel full…?

Hello! I just have a question! I was checking out your fields @Psychic_University and I just wanted to clarification on what this line meant:

“The image contains a milder version of the field working passively, and an active function where you get infused with the full effect for 2 to 3 hours ( ‘Activate’ to use it).”

Im just unsure on what ‘activate’ means in this context!

active function - you need to say ‘Activate’ and the field will become active for 2-3 hours as if you were listening to the audio version

Hi @Nyxia!

Welcome Tara Hierophant

Welcome Package!

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does Shame Washer work for guilt too?

hey @Psychic_University can you do a good driver field?
knowledge of driving rules, analyze situations and make the correct decision very fast
I just failed my exam a 2nd time and it was so bad😭

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