Psychic University Patreon

A Life Full of Wonder (111 Patrons mark Gift)

This is a little surprise I planned for the 111 patron mark

This field aims to help you tap into the feeling of wonder, that sense of awe and curiosity that children possess.

It’s designed to help you break free from the routine and monotony of daily life, and to help you reconnect with the world around you, seeing the beauty and wonder in the everyday, while also cultivating a sense of curiosity and awe.

It will also attract more situations in your life where these feelings can be expressed at their most profound levels.

Use it up to 2 times and try to see what effects it brings for the next 24 hours.

Great combination with:

  • Dreams of Hope and Faith
  • Aries Healing and Development
  • Saturn Healing
  • Moonstone (Crystal Pack I)

Mental Laziness Dissolver

Mental laziness can be characterized by a reluctance to engage in cognitively demanding tasks, such as learning new information, thinking critically, or planning and organizing. Instead, individuals may prefer to rely on preconceptions or familiar patterns of thought, even when these may be less effective or efficient.

Mental laziness also can manifest in a tendency to rely on intuition or gut feelings instead of taking the time to analyze information and make logical decisions.

Additionally, it can be characterized by a lack of curiosity, a resistance to new ideas, and a lack of interest in personal growth and development.

The idea behind this file is to help you evolve from this state toward something where you will find yourself having better focus, motivation, and cognitive flexibility, and procrastinating less.

Up to 2 times since it rewires the brain (this is a general idea for brain-rewiring files)


All threads below are from Psychic University Patreon at February 2023

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Cancer Treatment Protocol

This is a series of techniques that have as the end result the death of the cancer cells and their replacement by healthy cells.

It will also strengthen your bone marrow, regulate body hormones if needed, and instruct your immune system on how to deal with a variety of cancers.

I also put an Anti Cancer Crystal Alchemy to help if a more aggressive treatment is needed (or if you want to start gentle).

Public field. Please share with those in need.


The Path of Healing the Queen of Cups Reversed

This field will help you start a journey of healing and development of the challenging traits from the Queen of Cups Reversed.

The idea here is to passively heal and develop some aspects while you actively deal with cycles that need conscious work.

(Works for both women and men)

More about the Queen of Cups Reversed archetype:

The Queen of Cups reversed generally indicates emotional immaturity. She can also indicate that you may be feeling overly sensitive, insecure, depressed or sulky. This card reversed warns you to avoid becoming bitter or vengeful if things do not go your way. You should always seek to rise above your challenges and not give way to spitefulness or jealousy. As a person, the Queen of Cups reversed can represent a female or feminine person who is weak, directionless or shallow. The Queen of Cups reversed represents a mature female or feminine person who can be overly sensitive, needy or clingy. She may lack empathy for others as she becomes caught up in being self-centred. As a mother, the Queen of Cups reversed can be disorganised, manipulative or smothering. As a friend or partner she can be disloyal, shallow and unfaithful. She may be a water sign such as Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces.

By The Tarot Guide


Kyphosis Treatment

Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the upper back.

In older people, kyphosis is often due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to compress or crack. Other types of kyphosis can appear in infants or teens due to malformation of the spine or wedging of the spinal bones over time.

Postural kyphosis is a rounding or hunching of the back that usually affects teens. This is a normal variation, where the rounding of the back is exaggerated due to posture and not disease. This is the most common type of kyphosis and can be healed with physical activity and stretching.

However the field will greatly help you treat any levels of it you may have.

Use it up to 5 times.

Great combination with Yoga Exercises.


Reverse the Negative Effects of Mouth Breathing

An individual that mouth-breathed for many years can experience the following negative side effects:

Altered facial development: Chronic mouth breathing can lead to changes in facial structure, such as a long face, narrow upper jaw, and crooked teeth.

Dental problems: It can also cause tooth decay and gum disease due to a lack of saliva and increased plaque buildup.

Sleep problems: Mouth breathing can lead to snoring and sleep apnea, leading to sleep disturbances and fatigue.

Chronic dry mouth: Also leads to a decrease in saliva production, causing a dry mouth and bad breath.

Respiratory issues: Mouth breathing can lead to respiratory problems, such as chronic bronchitis and asthma, due to the inhalation of dry air.

Cognitive problems: Chronic mouth breathing can lead to decreased oxygenation of the brain, leading to problems with attention, memory, and overall cognitive function.

This field will try to gradually reverse all the negative effects you might have experienced with mouth breathing.

This is technically a brain field, so start with few loops.

Great combination with:

  • Yoga Exercises
  • Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
  • Crystalline Mind and Brain
  • The Loved Body

Trauma Dissolver

Trauma refers to a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that may have long-lasting effects on a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Trauma can be caused by a variety of events, such as physical or sexual abuse, neglect, natural disasters, serious accidents, combat, or other violence. It can also be caused by medical procedures, such as surgery or childbirth.

People who have experienced trauma may feel overwhelmed and powerless, and they may develop symptoms such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Trauma can also affect a person’s relationships, work, and overall quality of life.

In milder cases of trauma, it can hinder certain aspects of the individual’s expression, influence important decision making and even disruptive behavior.

Trauma also can cause a person to avoid making decisions or taking action, as they may feel paralyzed by fear or uncertainty, and also cause a person to generalize their negative experiences to all aspects of their life, leading to a tendency to avoid risks and make decisions based on fear.

I could go all day on the list of serious negative impacts trauma can have in our lives.

This field is designed and programmed to dissolve the traumas you currently have, with all the support needed to deal with the consequences of this and to make it gentle and smooth. It will start in a very generalized way but you can focus in a specific trauma and the field will focus on it.

Very interested in reading feedbacks about this one.

Start very slow, as this is a brain rewiring field. 1-2 loops maximum.

Great combination with:

  • Crystalline Mind and Brain
  • Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
  • Mental & Psychological Health Treatment

Salt Bath in Divine Waters

This is a safe simulation of the positive effects of being washed in divine waters.

Initially made for sale, but I had a short break here and want to make up for it.

The purging effects can be very strong, so start with 1 loop. Proceed with caution after this.


Grief Help

Grief is a natural and complex response to loss, usually associated with the death of someone or something important to us. It is a normal and necessary process that allows us to come to terms with our loss and adjust to the new reality without our loved one or significant loss.

Grief can be experienced in different ways and may involve a wide range of emotions such as sadness, anger, guilt, and despair. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, appetite changes, and difficulty sleeping.

This field will help you go through this process and find light in the darkness.

Can be looped.


Hormones Balance Crystal Alchemy (Phenacite in Red Feldspar + Yellow Jasper)

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth and development, reproductive health, and mood. Maintaining hormone balance can have a number of benefits for overall health and well-being, including:

Improved mood: Hormonal imbalances can contribute to feelings of anxiety, depression, and irritability. Balancing hormones can help improve mood and reduce these negative feelings.

Better sleep: Hormone balance is important for regulating the sleep-wake cycle. Hormonal imbalances can lead to difficulty falling or staying asleep, while balancing hormones can improve sleep quality and duration.

Increased energy: Hormones play a crucial role in regulating metabolism and energy production. Balanced hormones can help increase energy levels and reduce fatigue.

Improved cognitive function: Hormones are important for brain function, including memory, concentration, and mental clarity. Balancing hormones can help improve cognitive function and reduce brain fog.

Better physical performance: Hormone imbalances can lead to decreased muscle mass, strength, and endurance. Balancing hormones can help improve physical performance and enhance athletic abilities.

Reduced risk of chronic diseases: Hormone imbalances have been linked to a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Balancing hormones can help reduce the risk of these diseases.

This field is a combination of Phenakite on Red Feldspar and Yellow Jasper with the intention of balancing your hormones (all of them).

3 to 4 times is a good range.

Great combination with:

  • NADH Boost
  • Ammolite

Eight of Swords Reversed

In a general context, the Eight of Swords reversed can represent release, freedom, escape and finding solutions and options. It signifies relieving pressure, releasing anxiety and facing fears and truths. When reversed, it is a Minor Arcana card of self-belief, ignoring criticism, standing up to abuse and taking back control. You may be feeling clear minded, empowered, mentally strong and hopeful when this card appears in your Tarot spread. This card indicates that you may find you are ready for healing, to ask for help and to overcome obstacles. It can also represent release from prison and the end of a punishment.

by The Tarot Guide

On the positive side, when the Eight of Swords appears reversed, it can show that you are releasing yourself from negative patterns and belief systems. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you can create a more positive reality for yourself by letting go of those self-limiting beliefs. You made it through a difficult time, and you are more open to change and self-acceptance. Reflect on what worked in the past and changed your perspective and approach. Acknowledge the options in front of you and refuse to play the role of the victim, taking greater accountability for where you are in life.

by Biddy Tarot


All threads below are from Psychic University Patreon at March 2023

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Love Yourself

This field contains a series of instructions and effects to help you love yourself more, and increase this self-love cap as you use it.

It will also make consciousness changes to induce a state where self-love is more natural and organic.

And a Two of Cups archetype energy but with yourself on both sides. I found this effect very interesting and fitting very well here.

Use it as many times as you want.

Great combination with:

  • The Loved Body
  • Self-Love Directed to the Organs
  • The Path of Healing the Reversed Queen of Cups
  • How Venus in Pisces in the 12th House Experiences Love

Trapped Emotions Release

Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that become trapped in the body as a result of intense or traumatic experiences. These emotions can be unconscious and may linger long after the event that triggered them has passed.

Emotions are energy, and when they are not expressed or processed fully, they can become stuck or trapped in the body. Over time, these trapped emotions can lead to physical and emotional problems such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and other health issues.

It goes without saying that by releasing these trapped emotions, individuals can improve their overall health and wellbeing.

Use it once and proceed based on how you react to it.

Great Combination with:

  • Trauma Dissolver
  • White Onyx (Crystal Pack)
  • Mental & Psychological Health Treatment

The Good Stuff

This field connects you to the best experiences you’ve had in life. It enhances your memories of them and helps you appreciate them more than you were able before.

Our experiences influence who we are in the present, and by bringing our best experiences to the forefront of our memories, it’s likely we align with a better version of ourselves.


Great combination with:

  • Dreams of Hope and Faith
  • A Life Full of Wonder
  • Eight of Swords Reversed
  • Negativity Transcendence
  • Five of Cups Reversed

Reverse the Negative Effects of Viral Infections

Very useful.


Mental Exhaustion Relief (Hematoid Calcite + Sunstone)

Mental exhaustion, also known as mental fatigue, is a mental state that can result from prolonged periods of mental exertion or stress. It is characterized by a feeling of tiredness or lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, and reduced motivation to perform tasks. Mental exhaustion can also cause physical symptoms, such as headaches and muscle tension.

This field is a combination of Hematoid Calcite and Sunstone with the aim of improving mental fatigue and making you find joy in doing things again.

This is a piece of the Willpower field I’m making.

The image also contains the field, but a modified version that can be used all day.

1~2 times is the recommended amount.


Four of Cups Reversed

In a general context, the Four of Cups Tarot card reversed indicates that you are pulling yourself out of the rut you have been in. While your life may have previously felt stagnant, that is now coming to an end. The Four of Cups reversed represent leaving regrets, remorse and wishful thinking in the past and focusing on the present and moving forward in a positive direction. You will be seizing opportunities with enthusiasm and focus. It signifies that you have realised that you have been detached from the world and caught up in self-absorption and that has now been replaced with self-awareness and a zest for life. You are done with fantasising about what your life could be or wallowing in grief or self-pity and are ready to re-join the world and take a proactive approach to making things happen. You may be letting go of patterns or people in your life that are no longer good for you when this Minor Arcana card appears.

By The Tarot Guide

Reversed Love Meaning: being more active in love, new understanding of love

Reversed Career Meaning: new inspiration or creativity, realizations about career, adjustments

Reversed Finances Meaning: positive approach to finances, willpower to achieve financial goals

By Labyrinthos


Confidence Boost

Increasing our confidence can have a number of positive effects on our lives, be it in terms of our personal, professional or spiritual growth.

A boost in confidence can improve our performance and motivation in tasks, but also our mental health and relationships.

My recommendation is to use it 3 to 5 times.

Great in combination with:

  • Four of Cups Reversed
  • Mental & Psychological Health Treatment
  • Intrusive Thoughts Dissolver
  • Negativity Transcendence
  • Crystalline Mind and Brain

The image also contains a version of the field that can be used all day.