Psychic University Patreon

Angiogenesis and Blood Vessel Repair

Angiogenesis and blood vessel repair are two related but distinct processes in the body that play crucial roles in maintaining proper blood flow, tissue repair, and wound healing.

Angiogenesis refers to the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones. This process occurs naturally in the body during growth and development, wound healing, and the formation of granulation tissue. It is also essential for maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system. The process of angiogenesis is tightly regulated by a balance of pro-angiogenic factors (such as vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF) and anti-angiogenic factors (such as angiostatin and endostatin).

Blood vessel repair is the process of healing damaged blood vessels, which can be caused by injury, inflammation, or disease. The repair process is crucial for maintaining the integrity and function of the vascular system.

Both angiogenesis and blood vessel repair are essential for maintaining tissue health and integrity, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, and removing waste products. Dysregulation of these processes can contribute to various diseases, including cancer, chronic inflammation, and cardiovascular disorders.

2-3 times.


Projection Shield

Projections can be heavy on our systems and pretty annoying to deal with. Here is a shield for them.

It lasts around 3 days if you use the audio.


Mathematics Understanding Improvement

This work is designed to improve your mathematics understanding, and dissolve your subconscious limitations of the topic.

My recommendation is to start very slow. Maybe even once a day.


Positive and Uplifting Talk From Your Higher Self

This field makes your Higher Self shoot uplifting and positive messages directly to your subconscious. Each user should receive very personalized messages, but all with the main purpose of uplifiting your spirit and help you with mood and morale.

Maybe what you need the most in the moment is just to hear something that no one will ever say to you. Words of love and understanding, but precisely the right words. We tend to filter much of what people say to us. But you Higher Self can definitely do it for you, and we will definitely listen to it with all our being.

This can be looped and it’s a very good idea to do so.

In my opinion, one of my best creations and in the list of the most valuable ones.

I put this one on the 5$ tier because it’s a very important field. Enjoy.


All threads below are from Psychic University Patreon at May 2023.

Photo Repair Pro+

This field will try its best to reverse all the skin damage caused by the Sun, in a safe way.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to use this one many times in a row.

Here is a list of possible effects, by ChatGPT:

The two primary types of UV radiation that affect the skin are UVA and UVB rays. Here are some ways the sun can damage our skin:

  1. Premature aging: Prolonged sun exposure can cause premature aging of the skin, which includes wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, and a loss of elasticity.
  2. Sunburn: Sunburn is an immediate effect of excessive sun exposure. It is caused by the skin’s inflammatory response to UV radiation, which can result in redness, swelling, and pain.
  3. Dryness and dehydration: Sun exposure can deplete the skin’s natural oils, leading to dryness and dehydration.
  4. Pigmentation: Sun exposure can lead to the overproduction of melanin, causing hyperpigmentation, freckles, and age spots.
  5. Actinic keratoses: These are rough, scaly patches on the skin that can develop due to long-term sun exposure. Actinic keratoses can sometimes progress into skin cancer.
  6. Skin cancer: Prolonged and excessive exposure to UV radiation increases the risk of developing skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.
  7. Eye damage: Sun exposure can also harm the eyes, leading to conditions like cataracts, macular degeneration, and eyelid cancers.
  8. Weakened immune system: UV radiation can suppress the immune system, making the skin more susceptible to infections and impairing the body’s ability to fight off skin cancer.

Road Opener

The idea behind road opening is to facilitate the flow of positive energy and open up pathways for new possibilities, allowing you to move forward and achieve your goals.

Road opening can also be understood more broadly as any approach aimed at overcoming personal barriers and facilitating growth and transformation.

Use as you feel guided to.


Electromagnetic hypersensitivity Help

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a condition in which individuals report experiencing a range of symptoms attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). The condition affects mainly the nervous system and its ramifications.

People with EHS are sensitive to sources of EMFs such as cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, power lines, and household appliances. The reported symptoms can vary, but often include headaches, fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, skin irritation, and cognitive disturbances. On the psychic side, the person can experience incoherence between the senses and problems operating as unity.

Useful even if you don’t have the condition.

Recommendation of usage: 2-3 times a day.

Great combination with:

  • Nervous System Health and Healing Alchemy (Azeztulite + Fairy Quartz)
  • Heal Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders (Crystal Alchemy)
  • Divine Salt Cleanse

The Ritual of Prosperity and Abundance

This is designed to be used before your money/wealth playlists.

The programmings on it will help you feel worthy of receiving prosperity and having the doors of abundance in your life opened.

Various blockages hindering the results of your abundance playlists are dissolved.

There are also a crystal alchemy and energies of the archetype of the Tarot card Eight of Pentacles.

Notice how different your playlist will feel after playing this.


Higher Perspective

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” - Carl Jung

This audio is here to guide you towards the pathway to access the wisdom of your higher self. It’s a journey towards the sanctum of self-awareness.

Like an invisible thread, it pulls you out from the labyrinth of recurring cycles that have kept you in captivity, cycles that once seemed inevitable, but now reveal themselves to be the constructs of a mind not yet fully awakened.

You’ll uncover that the greatest impediment on your path to evolution has been the absence of this inner vision, this higher perspective that had lain dormant, awaiting a gentle nudge.

Just focus on what you want to know, and it’s yours.

Upon meditating this field, you’re not merely a participant, but an active seeker. Your intent, the question you hold, is the beacon that lights your path as you traverse this journey.

The illumination that you’ll gain will bring a profound shift within you.

The path however, is yours to choose.


Lilith Healing and Development

In astrology, Black Moon Lilith is associated with rebellion, the fight for independence, revenge, pain, trauma, betrayal, evil wishes, and karmic challenges. Lilith in the natal chart afflicts wherever it is placed, thus contributing to one’s shadow side.

The positive side of Lilith is finding your own power, standing up for yourself and saying no, authentic living, sex etc.

This point is associated with the dark side of a person that is not easy to face. It can manifest through jealousy, selfishness, manipulation, vindictiveness, rebellion, fights, grief, trauma. Linked with the Moon, the effect of Black Moon Lilith tends to stay in the background and manifest in subtle way, it is hard to catch. Once you make peace with your Black Moon Lilith, it helps you see yourself clearly and step into your own power.

Here I offer a healing and development of this astrological point.

The image also contains energy and can be used all day.


Self-Forgiveness and Acceptance

Self-forgiveness is the act of pardoning oneself for one’s mistakes, failures, or past transgressions. It’s about accepting that you, like all humans, are fallible and capable of making errors, and then choosing to let go of self-resentment and regret associated with these mistakes.

Self-forgiveness involves understanding that holding onto guilt and self-blame can be more harmful than helpful. It doesn’t mean ignoring or dismissing the mistake, but instead acknowledging it, learning from it, and then allowing yourself to move forward.

Often, self-forgiveness also entails making amends or taking actions to rectify mistakes when possible. But fundamentally, it’s about freeing oneself from the burden of past actions and fostering a sense of inner peace, which can promote personal growth, self-acceptance, and overall mental and emotional well-being. Self-acceptance is a fundamental aspect of mental and emotional well-being. It refers to embracing oneself fully, recognizing and appreciating one’s strengths while also acknowledging and accepting one’s weaknesses and imperfections. This includes understanding that everyone, including oneself, is a work in progress and that personal flaws and past mistakes don’t define one’s worth.

Forgiveness and acceptance go hand-in-hand in fostering a healthy relationship with oneself. Self-forgiveness allows us to release the burden of guilt and regret, acknowledging our fallibility and capacity to learn and grow from our mistakes. Meanwhile, self-acceptance involves embracing who we are, in our entirety, without self-judgment or self-rejection.

When we practice self-forgiveness, we give ourselves permission to let go of the past, to make amends where we can, and to move forward with greater wisdom. It allows us to understand that we, like all humans, are not defined by our mistakes but by our capacity for growth, change, and resilience.

Similarly, self-acceptance means recognizing our worth and acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses. It helps us understand that our value isn’t dependent on perfection or the approval of others. Instead, it is an inherent part of our humanity.

Use as much as you think you might need.

Great combination with:

  • Three of Swords Reversed
  • Five of Cups Reversed
  • Positive and Uplifting Talk From Your Higher Self
  • Chiron Healing

All threads below are from Psychic University Patreon at June 2023.

1 Like

Recognition of Your Own Efforts

Through the use of this field, you are invited to delve into your story, to explore your actions and your efforts.

It sifts through the data points of your life, teasing out patterns of commitment, perseverance, and personal growth. It brings to light the aspects of your journey that often get overlooked during the hustle and bustle of daily life. It gently nudges you towards self-compassion, cultivating a mindful acknowledgment of your own efforts and how incredible they have been so far. The unyielding spirit within you, the quiet strength that carries you through life’s adversities, is held up for you to recognize and appreciate.

Living your modern day can and probably will make you forget how incredible you have been doing so far.

It provides an opportunity to see yourself in a new light, devoid of societal judgments or superficial measurements of worth. In doing so, it brings you face to face with the fullness of your own humanity, the unwavering effort that constitutes the fabric of your existence. Your subconscious will start working with the whole structure of your own efforts as your baseline state, always trying to make you remember that you’re trying.

The end goal? It remains undefined, open to interpretation. What one finds in this mirror of truth is deeply personal. Perhaps a deeper sense of self-worth, or perhaps a newfound appreciation for one’s journey. Whatever the outcome, this field facilitates a journey of self-reflection, a continuing dialogue with the essence of one’s efforts.

Use as much as you need.

Great combination with:

  • The Good Stuff
  • A Life Full of Wonder
  • Self-Forgiveness and Acceptance

Remove Gratitude Blockages

Gratitude blockages are hurdles that impede us from experiencing or expressing gratitude. Their roots can lie in personal experiences, traumas, or learned behaviors. The hindrance from these blockages in our personal development and quality of life can manifest in multiple ways. For example, lack of positive emotions since gratitude is intrinsically tied with positive emotions like happiness, joy, and contentment.

When this sense of gratitude is blocked, it can often mean that these associated positive emotions are also lacking. This could lead to a more negative overall outlook on life, which in turn can impact our mental health and general wellbeing.

Another way this hindrance can show is through difficulties with relationships. Gratitude can play a significant role in strengthening our relationships, as it promotes empathy, understanding, and mutual appreciation. Being unable to feel or express gratitude can strain our relationships with others, leaving us feeling disconnected or misunderstood. Gratitude is a great stabilizer in conflicts and overall friction we encounter in our day to day relationships.

Additionally, gratitude blockages can lead to decreased resilience. Studies have shown that gratitude can help us better cope with stress and adversity, improving our ability to bounce back from challenges. When our ability to feel gratitude is blocked, we might find it harder to deal with life’s ups and downs.

The absence of gratitude can prevent us from fully appreciating what we have and recognizing the positive aspects of our lives. This can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction or lack, which can fuel negative emotions such as envy, resentment, or frustration. Over time, this can negatively affect our self-esteem, motivation, and overall outlook on life.

Therefore, working through these blockages to allow more room for gratitude in our lives can contribute to greater emotional wellbeing, improved relationships, increased resilience, and a more positive and fulfilling life experience. It’s a process that may involve introspection, emotional healing, and the cultivation of a more mindful and appreciative mindset.

Use as much as you need.

The image also contains the field.


Beauty Enhancement

A blend of crystals with the purpose of enhancing your beauty.


Image also fielded.


Energy Body Repair

The physical body that we can touch and see is only one aspect of our being. In addition to the physical body, we also have an energy body, sometimes also referred to as the “subtle body” or “etheric body”. This is an energetic layer or field that surrounds and permeates our physical body.

The energy body contains energy centers and chakras, which are points where energy flows into or out of the body. There are also energy channels, which are pathways through which energy flows within the body.

In a healthy, balanced state, life force flows freely through the energy body, providing vitality and well-being. Imbalances or blockages in the energy body, on the other hand, are thought to result in physical or psychological illness. Many ‘alternative’ healing practices, such as acupuncture, reiki, and crystal healing aim to restore balance to the energy body, thereby promoting health and well-being.

This field offers an energetic repair approach instead. Start slow, up to 2 times is my suggestion.


A Peak into Your Legacy

The idea behind this field is to show you how much you have helped others in your journey in this life. You will get a rough sketch of your positive deeds and how they influenced others.

The ability to perceive the magnitude of your positive impact on others will profoundly shape your overall well-being. At the heart of this potential transformative shift lies the power of validation and a sense of purpose, which will give you a significant uplift in self-esteem and self-worth.

When we get an idea of the tangible effects of our actions, it reinforces our belief in our ability to make a difference, fostering a deep sense of competence and efficacy. This way, this field boosts self-confidence and resilience, qualities that can serve as robust pillars of mental health, providing a bulwark against the impacts of stress, depression, and anxiety.

Realizing the extent to which we’ve helped others can foster feelings of interconnectedness and belonging, essential aspects of our social nature as humans. This sense of being integral to a broader social fabric can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation, further improving emotional well-being.

Additionally, understanding the impact we’ve had can offer a profound sense of purpose and meaning in life, vital elements for well-being. People who feel their lives have a clear purpose often experience higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction. This increased contentment can act as a buffer against mental health challenges, imbuing us with greater resilience to face life’s hardships.

Finally, the awareness of having helped others can also inspire you to continue or increase your positive actions, creating a positive feedback loop. This can lead to personal growth, continuous self-improvement, and an even greater well-being level, instilling a virtuous cycle of positivity and kindness that can ripple outward, further benefiting you and the people around you.

In brief, the ability to see how much you have helped others can unlock a cascade of psychological benefits, reinforcing self-esteem, fostering connectedness, inspiring a sense of purpose, and encouraging personal growth, all of which contribute to robust mental health and a sense of well-being.

A very long description to convince you this is a very powerful and life-changing field.

Use as much as you need. Great combination with every mental health and well-being field released so far.


Luck Mindset

This is a tool for cognitive restructuring with the goal of cultivating a mindset that aligns you with the concept of being ‘lucky’.

The premise is based in the principle that our perceptions influence our realities.

With this field, you will progressively nurture the thought patterns of luck and favorable outcomes. And as you use it, these practiced mental frameworks become more ingrained and start to shift your overall perspective about your own luck. This shift is not just temporary, but rather a long-term change, making you feel consistently fortunate in your everyday life. Which is likely to start a chain of interesting manifestations in your favor.

2 to 3 times a day.


Autoimmune Disorders Treatment (Crystal Alchemy)

Autoimmune disorders are a group of disorders that occur when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue.

In a healthy immune system, the body can differentiate between foreign cells and its own cells. When an infection or harmful substance is detected, the immune system triggers an immune response to attack these foreign cells or substances.

However, in autoimmune diseases, the immune system can’t distinguish between foreign cells and the body’s own cells. As a result, it mistakenly starts to attack and damage its own tissues.

There are more than 80 known autoimmune diseases. Some directly target one organ, such as Type 1 Diabetes (which targets the pancreas) or Hashimoto’s disease (which targets the thyroid). Others, like systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatoid arthritis, can affect multiple organs or systems in the body.

The exact cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but it’s likely that a combination of genetic, environmental, and possibly hormonal factors contribute to their development. They’re more common in women, and can run in families. Symptoms vary widely depending on the specific disease and the individual, but they often include fatigue, fever, and general malaise.

This field is a blend of crystals that combined will help you with any levels of autoimmune disorders you might have.

2 to 3 times a day.