Psychic University Patreon

So awesome :ok_hand::+1:

We are truly blessed!!!


I think “The Will To Live” goes perfectly hand in hand with “The World Comes Alive in a Beautiful Way”:

“…it’s about rediscovering the beauty that’s always been there, waiting to be seen with fresh eyes.”


Astro Surgery - Learning
new fields?


Higher Self Subliminal Messages for a Better You.

Very interesting. The description reads “You may feel your head heavy for a while after playing this, so don’t use too much.” That wasn’t an issue for me. I felt nothing field related in my head. Instead, the small of my back tightened, and there were a couple of slow rising bubbles of energy moving up my left leg. Think lava lamp. In truth, my leg might have been a bit sore, as I had been standing most of the day, but I hadn’t really thought about until the audio started and made things “worse” for a brief period. I’m looking forward to the next session.


Heart Chakra Filled with Divine Love

The image also contains the energetic programming.


Astro Surgery - Learning

Basically what this does is to modify some of your astrological natal and fixed energies in a way that increases your ability to learn.

It has this name because it’s a very specific and surgical change, and it won’t affect anything else.

Up to 5 times for best results.


Thanks for the reminder. Just updated the thread!


Mucc: Nah, no need to give me a free subscription. Please give me a field for ‘ablility to see through the tricks of ego and return to the not-moving area’ instead, haha.
PU: Give me a bit of time and I will do it, and post it on patreon.

Thanks! Psychic University! I know this is a very hard request…many monks or culivators spent their whole life, searching for the truth, but time is limited and died with only partial understanding. If i have the chance to cultivate now, why don’t i try my best effort to figure out what am I?

Chan (zen in japanese) has an analogy using Ten Bulls to represent your stage of cultivation. Bull is like the mind. When it runs, it runs fast/straight/non stop, representing when we make a thought (hmm, what should i have for lunch), we kept fueling it with hundreds more thoughts afterward (noodles, no, pizza, well, fried rice, no…). You kept talking to yourself in the head. The bull hides in the trees, which are our false beliefs or stubbornness/attachment/clinging.
Now, the kid who tries to catch the bull, calm it and bring it home, is representing the heart in buddhism (not your physical heart).
These are just my understanding, so it could be wrong because i have not passed through stage 2 yet (occassionally see my thoughts through stronger awareness by using PU/Sapien products)
If you are serious with cultivation, maybe you can check the graph and article to see how ‘far’ are you from the truth. Then you can sort of budget your life to see what is considered priority.

Thanks PU once again. I know this is hard, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. The truth is not speakable or can be described, as it is not within our 6 senses. So no enlightened person can describe what is enlightenment like, because it will fall back into the 6 senses reality. But well, mission impossible, seeing in another point of view, is ‘i m possible’.


did P.U already dropped this one at Patreon or Gumroad? he did comment this at body energy repair(patreon) post



I wasn’t satisfied with the result and I’m rethinking the concept again to make it better.


Is 1h-2h of use enough for Mandalas [using them as Wallpaper, (which I guess is the standard? That’s how I use them now, at least)]?

(then we can add another Mandala as Wallpaper)

Thank You.

If PU answers this, it’ll be Great, but all the replies are welcomed, to see how you guys use the mandalas, for how long, what are your experiences, etc.

I know that we can use them all day, in some cases (?) (I guess I should read the description of each Mandala/field), but I would like to know what is the minimum time necessary to receive/see the Desired effects from them.


I personally feel you get more out of a mandala by sitting with it, staring at it and interacting with it for five minutes than I do with having the mandala just sitting passively at my side all day. That is true for every mandala I’ve ever worked with.


Thank You Very Much for The Reply. :pray:

Also, I Thank Everyone Who Replies.

I think that I Wil do this too, First, staring at them for a few minutes, meditating, etc., then I’ll set them as wallpapers.


Does Rhodonite + coprolite brain field cancels the wiring done from sapien meds new age fields like Manhattan method? Or does it reinforces brains current wiring/structure into performing better? I am pretty sure it removes overgrowths and i like its affects on my brain Spl regarding my muscle precision for playing the musical instrument that I play. Can you please let us know @Psychic_University Thank you :)

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glad to know that you always seeking for the best!

soul sickness art is ammaaazzzing


The Fear Washer

Fear is a fundamental human emotion that arises in response to perceived danger or threat. It is a complex psychological and physiological state that can occur in the presence of a clearly threatening stimulus, or stimuli that is expected to happen in the future. Fear serves as a protective mechanism, alerting us to danger and preparing us to deal with it. It involves a sense of dread or apprehension about potential harm or danger.

When a person experiences fear, the body triggers a series of physiological changes known as the “fight-or-flight” response. This response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, includes an increased heart rate, faster breathing, tensing of muscles, and a surge of adrenaline and other stress hormones. These changes prepare the body to either confront or flee from the threat.

Beyond this immediate response, there is also a concept known as the “structural state of fear,” where fear becomes a more constant. This baseline level of fear can significantly influence behavior and decision-making. When fear is no longer tied to immediate, tangible threats but is instead a persistent state, it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and avoidance behavior.

This can manifest as a general reluctance to take risks or try new experiences, leading to missed opportunities and a restricted sense of personal freedom. Over time, this can contribute to a cycle of fear where the lack of action or experience reinforces the fear itself, making it more difficult to break free from.

This ongoing state of fear can impact physical health as well. Chronic activation of the stress response system can lead to a range of health issues, including heart disease, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system. It can also have significant psychological effects, contributing to conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, or panic disorders.

Working in a similar way to ‘Nightmare Washer’ and ‘Shame Washer’, this energetic programming will dissolve the fears that linger inside you, damaging and preventing you from living to your best potential.

Use it 1 to 2 times a day. It can be very powerful. It’s better to go slow on this one. Enjoy the process.


Hey @Psychic_University I am wondering about the immune system boost field. I read the article attached but it’s very long and it’s hard to distinguish what’s in the field and what isn’t and how this field will affect the immune system. Wondering if this one is safe for small children as well as adults.

Please advise, and thanks so much!

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Navigating Pluto in Aquarius

Pluto just joined Aquarius. This period allows the deep, transformative influence of Pluto to work through the themes associated with Aquarius, such as technological advancement, social reforms, and the evolution of collective ideals and systems. I created this to help you navigate this new era of radical shifts and uncertainty.
Pluto themes are: deep transformation, rebirth, and the uncovering of truths lying beneath the surface.

Aquarius themes are: innovation, humanitarianism, technology, and radical shifts in societal structures

This field offers insights and guidance on navigating and contributing to these transformative waves, helping users understand and adapt to changes in societal norms, community structures, and collective goals.

With Pluto’s transit through Aquarius, there’s an anticipated surge in technological innovation that fundamentally alter how we live, work, and connect with each other. So this field also help explore these advancements, providing a forward-looking perspective on how emerging technologies can be harnessed for personal and collective growth, and preparing you for a more digitized and interconnected future. Of course, helping you to get an edge on using this new technological advancement for your highest purpose.

With Pluto in Aquarius, there is also deep transformations in how individuality is expressed and understood. So this field also helps you navigate the balance between asserting your unique identity and contribution to the collective, developing a sense of community without losing your personal authenticity.

Let’s also not forget Pluto’s role of deconstructing, revealing the decay in what no longer serves and making room for new ways of being. In Aquarius, this means challenging and dismantling outdated societal paradigms, belief systems, and structures that hinder progress and equality. Therefore, this field will boost your critical thinking and openness to new ideas, equipping you with the mindset to question the status quo and embrace the new paradigms emerging in this era that will last 20 years.

The combination of Pluto’s transformative power and Aquarius’s penchant for sudden changes and innovation results in a period marked by unpredictability. So this field helps you cultivate flexibility, resilience, and a readiness to pivot in response to sudden social shifts and personal awakenings, embodying the idea that in the flux of transformation, where lies great potential for growth and discovery.

On top of that, the field will help you with the negative effects of the struggle the collective may feel on this transit, as well as some Pluto blessings for the time period.

2 times a day is a good usage amount.