Psychic Warfare

lately i’ve noticed something while travelling.

when i go to random public places/public transport/etc in 1st world countries people are not prone to psychically attack you on a vacuum.

i’m from a 3rd world country, and while spending time in more wealthy zones, people are more prone to psychically attack you on a vacuum than they do in 1st world countries.

and if you go to poor places in 3rd world countries people are even WAY more prone to psychically attack on a vacuum (it’s the worst, place to spend time in public because you get psychically attacked sometimes from multiple people at once in a vacuum).

i think this may explain why it’s so difficult for 3rd world countries to rise their wealth and consciousness, because they’re at each other’s throats for no reason other than make the other feel worse or as worse as they feel.


I personally believe it’s the other way around - that circumstances in so-called 3rd world countries make people this way, should what you say be true. The people themsleves are really not all that responsible for why their lives are crap. The so-called 1st world countires rulers are primarily to blame, as well as their own grubby leaders (parasites pretty much).



i think it’s a circular problem. that’s why it’s so hard to change.

usually wars and great catastrophes change the symbolic argorthm in which world order is structured.

it happened this way during WW1, WW2 and cold war.

order is really hard to change unless something terrible happens that makes the whole argorithm change forcefully.

this also happens in individual lives. small catastrophes that make you re-order and re-structure your life.


Accepting for the sake of discussion your experiences and premises about the correlation of psychic attacks in certain countries that are a part of the Third World, what else was noteworthy about those countries? Were they polytheistic? Have animistic beliefs? (There are religious traditions where a psychic attack, at least an intentional one, is just not viewed as possible option) Are there poor, 3rd World, counties that you’ve been to where this is not a factor. Did it matter if the societies were progressing or if the political system had some legitimacy? I’m just trying to understand with more precision the spectrum of your observations.

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my experience is also similar on Marx, Bourdieu and Althusser view of materialism.

this happens imo in globalized countries.

non-globalized countries that do not even know they belong to the 3rd World it’s much different.

globalized countries that are ruled by capitalism and common values (having a nice car, a nice house, expensive stuff, expensive experiences), usually create more subjective suffering around people that are not able to reach those values, so, they feel more impotent and suffer more, which causes them to go into very low vibration (because they symbolically feel they lack more stuff).

non-globalized countries that do not even know what capitalism or having an expensive car/house/watch/experience is, do not feel they lack those things that were impossed into them by globalization and market.

so, they are not as impotent and low vibration as a result.

they actually may be happier with less stuff. like tibetan folks.


Hello :wave:
As per my knowledge, you have observed a stark contrast in social behavior between different regions. Indeed, cultural and socioeconomic factors can significantly influence public interactions. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for addressing social challenges and fostering positive community environments.

I hope this will help you.


waiting for @JAAJ


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Also, every country, every city, every community, every culture, every group of people have their own respective self-sustaining identity egregores at work.

Choosing the right identity is key.

But for choosing, also free will must be used first.
Something most people do not do as long as they are in “NPC mode”.
So the identity egregors decide for them how to fit into their own group and culture and at whom else to be resentful at etc.

Choosing to not identify with humanity means becoming free of its identity egregors.

Of course this requires to really completely giving up the respective human identity otherwise the influence from the egregors will remain…

And then something that also happens, is that the untamed ego will connect with one of these egregors and hold on to it for further stabilization of its identity.
Since people do not give their ego an identity as per their own free will choice, the ego has no other way but to desperately cling to the identity that the next best egregore provides.

If you do not give yourself and your ego an identity on your own, the ego will simply cling to the identities of those egregors.


I follow what you’re saying. So by “psychic attack” do you mean something along the lines of a curse/spell or something without such a specific intent: a burst of envy/hatred that can hurt the target but is not foreseen as doing so?

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yeah. kinda arbitrary, people that suffer the most (suffering in the sense of unconscious enjoyment, not sacrifice or awareness) try to bring others into their own suffering, to suffer equally or more.

some sort of twisted cosmic balance.

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Psychic attacks from these humans aren’t usually strong enough to be bothered with, and only do anything once you focus on it and add ‘oil to the fire’, believing they’re strong enough to do anything, thus they will.

Given you’re using proper protection, of course.

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I think it is a really complex issue. As long as desire is desire of the other we are never emancipated from social bond.

Bondless desire is psychotic in nature. Autism is a great example of it, in which loss is not extracted from the body and linked to social bond and gets messed up within the body.

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Hi @merrika67!


lately i’ve noticed that the more high vibration i reach and the more energy i accumulate, it seems to create an stronger gravitational field for people lacking and wanting to fill up their holes.

like i’m some kind of free walking big mac?

luckly if protections are in place, their attempts to poke holes or drain my aura seem to be mitigated with success.

but if i stay for too long on a same place with the same people interested in this kind of activity, sooner or later they slowly get through and start to do some agressive draining.

oddly enough, i’ve noticed that this seems to be a very common thing in my country (i always thought this was only my psychological projection in subjectivity and not a real thing).

many people seem to insist in doing this at all costs. it’s very invasive and rude.

i’m considering to move to another country in which people are less narcissistic and toxic.

living in a 3rd world country full of traumatized people trying to attack me on a vacuum is not an ideal thing for me.


What you percieve to be a psychic attack is basically… negative opinion. Just people judging you. And yes, every so often wishing the worst for you or that you die lol. But literally, more often than not is just people judging you and that’s all.

And, then you feel that. 99% of people don’t cast spells, evil spirits on you and whatnot. Most people don’t dabble in those kinds of things at all. I just want to make that clear as I think many people in esoteric circles seem to believe there’s a whole bunch of magicians cursing people left and right.

I think these negative judgements affect us more when we care or put any mind to it. You are going to get rejection/‘negative’ stimuli from the world whether you like it or not. And the key to inner peace is truly to be unphased by it and come to accept certain things such as: not everyone will like me, not everyone will vibe with me, some will wish the worst for me, some will hate me. And that’s okay. It just is.

Cause being okay with that, makes your aura more resilient and unphased by other people’s feelings and energy towards you and in general. Our beliefs and perception of self have a very direct effect on our aura. Never forget that.

All that said, it’s much easier to be unphased by strangers than it is to be by people you know and have some sort of connection with. Those are attachments to some sense and when they feel a certain way about you (especially family like parents), this has far more effect on your aura. That took me the longest time to detach from and while I’m mostly unphased by their opinions, my ego still makes it a point to get pissed sometimes lol. So not fully detached I guess.



i didn’t mean to say that people were doing witchcraft or spells on me.

but unconsciously fixating on me to satisfy their ego and fill up their gaps (although that doesn’t fill the lack, only seems to destruct and generate more entropy). that to me has some energy behind it.

an attachment that creates some sort of interaction with me in which i’m not necessarely involved but i end up feeling their intent (for example, if someone is on my back with some bad intent on me i’d feel it).

yesterday a guy at a restaurant that was doing it to me for a long time literally followed me to the bathroom until i scared him with my intent and left me alone for a while.

i believe this happens because i’ve never learned boundaries as a child. i was treated like an object by my parents, well, my brother suffered the most as he’s dealing with psychosis now.

if your parents treat you like an object and not an individual this creates lack of boundaries/proper energetic protection and it attracts bullies later on in life.

and i live in a country in which many people mistake acceptance and compassion with weakness and an invitation to break boundaries.


This is why I liked that other post where you brought up the ‘Father Function’ – and got me thinking about its religious parallels and how that gets replaced by the ‘Heavenly Father’ and its effects… (basically in cases where one might have learned to ‘surrender’ their security to an HF in lieu of having been taught proper boundaries by a parent… not great if whatever ‘HF’ is linked to happens to not enforce said boundaries in the benefit of the ‘user’ when necessary, or where it might have a different opinion).
It also came at a right time for me, as I’ve discovered I have to work on boundaries specifically in relation to the type of issues you’re bringing up
So yeah, Revisions I guess

That can be extremely destructive.
I would say lack of proper boundaries can also appear as a result of abandonment as a child, and frankly, if you’ve had working parents or grew up in ‘modern society’…


I’m not invalidating your experience. I know you experience these negative energies from people quite often. And you are self aware enough to realize that you have some deeper traumas that have instigated this sort of thing into your subconscious/aura. I think that is what you need to work on most, as these repressed energies within you are going to continue attracting things that reflect it in some sort of way. It’s in a way, your soul manifesting this inner issue of yours so that you can overcome it. Whatever repression is in us will always find a way to manifest in our lives.

And healing that, is going to help you be unphased by other people’s feelings and energy. Cause really, as I said, someone’s intentions or feelings about you shouldn’t bother you (unless someone intends to do you harm). If someone feels negatively about you, that’s literally their problem. Especially if they don’t even know you. When you get the energy, accepting it and just being like ‘okay’ isn’t a matter of having compassion.

It’s just a matter of inner aclhemy. Of taking the energy they give you and neutralizing it. Negativity and positivity are in essence, a matter of perception considering both are degrees of the same energy. How you percieve it, is how it effects you. So when you recieve this uncomfotrable feeling of rejection/ dislike, accepting it just makes it… neutral. Not something that affects you and so you have the space to focus on other things. But if you automatically judge it as negative and feel negative and horrible about it… you constrict your inner space as you are focusing on the energy and giving it power. And so it just penetrates your aura with ease.

I know I speak of acceptance and love a lot. And I’m rather sure a number of people here in the forum think it to be nonsense or inapplicable to their situation and so on. But those are two very essential aspects of inner alchemy. Acceptance is neutralizing an energy. Love is to transform an energy to a ‘positive’ one. Hate/rejection is to repress an energy into a ‘negative’ state.

I put quotations around positivity and negativity because I personally don’t like to judge one as bad or good. They just are. But we get caught up in the judgements and those judgements end up defining our experience of reality. Often for the worst.

I think this is a part of spirituality that really doesn’t get taught enough. People will tell you to get protection, invoke angels and a whole bunch of other things but never teach you that energy responds to perception.


yes, i agree.

i’d like to add that it can be also a circular approach that could be done about it:

having protections also help you to teach your perception that you’re safe in environments in which you weren’t before and it was “too real” of a danger for your perception to process it as safe (even with some deep acceptance exercise).

personally it was a mind boggle for me feeling safe in contexts in which i didn’t thanks to protections: it really helped my mind to change my perception on these things too.

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