I’ve found it’s not necessarily the people doing the draining, but the things that people carry with them or allow to come through them that do it. I’ve found this especially true with people in drug & alcohol addiction or heavily pharma’d, or just extremely depressed or traumatized. Overall negativity can be quite draining to deal with if you’re used to a higher-vibrational environment, the pressure equalization can leave you feeling a little gassed-out.
yes, i haven’t been able to formulate it but it seems to me that some people have entities attached and those entities seek to replicate themselves into others. like some kind of virus from another dimension that propagates i guess?
i’ve also noticed this. being around my family seems to evoke old wounds/gaps that i thought were healed.
i also think that they may induce those wounds/gaps on me unconsciously again because that’s the way the relationship was built.
it’s really hard to re-educate people into the changes you’re making with yourself, because they’re used to treat you the old way, and if you’re not conscious enough you’ll get sucked on it.
i also think that these “lack of boundaries” is what allows many of us to explore for metaphysical inquiries.
if reality is always working the way it’s supposed to (in regular people with healthy upbringing), there’s no need to explore outside of it (through esoteric practices).
Yeah, nothing against protections. Protections are good and decrease probabilities of your energy being disturbed. But as apparent in your experience, they don’t always block out everything. And more often than not, these kinds of occurences require a direct conscious response from your part. Acceptance is a direct action that neutralizes the energy.
For sure. I empathize with people who grew up in nice environments with harmonious communities and then end up in hostile, low vibrational environments. They are not used to that at all and have little to no resilience to it.
I’ll reiterate what you described… Being in higher vibration around lower vibrational people, results in your higher vibration lowering down and lifting up theirs to create a middling equiliibrium. But in that lowering down, you become weaker and more sensitive and their negativity can easily just drag you down even more. Without built resilience, your higher vibration is more easily dragged down.
That said, I do think that sometimes, that is an intentional experience from the soul. That inexperience is a weakness that this world will naturally exploit. So the soul is pushing you towards learning what you must from the lower vibes, becoming desensitized to it and overall resilient to it. Because we are both high vibrational and low vibrational. We are of planet earth and so we are all composed of these polar energies. Just the way it is here.
As for people’s bad energy and weight, yes… That tends to also be why their energy drags us down quite a bit. Every interaction with another person, even if you just look their way or are in the same environment as them… is an exchange of energy. We are all essentially energy and all energy is interacting and exchanging all the time whether we choose to or not. Your subconscious percieving them, in a way means your subconscious conceptualizing/projecting them in your frame of reality. Vice versa. Their presence is an energy that your energy is projecting for you to experience. So their energy, becomes a part of your energy in a subtle way by them just being around.
This sounds confusing but it’s cause it is lol. There’s an even deeper layer to this that I won’t go into but the main point is that: everywhere you go and everyone around you is an exchange of energy. So people’s baggage gets processed by your energy to some extent.
this reminds me the need of Christ’s crucifixion for the “human salvation” from sin.
Cuando estoy cerca de algunas personas siento como si me pincharán con un alfiler en la espalda trato de alejarme
In my opinion none of these “negative energy sending” really matters on the big scale.
Otherwise most celebrities and politicians would be already long dead from all those Millions of haters…
Instead, what matters, whether you personally have subcoscious resonance with those energies being sent to you.
So basically this here!
And perception is 99.9% controlled by your subconscious belief system.
Since almost everyone is heavily traumatized on this planet, almost everyone’s perception is that of “being judged by others” and “believing that it is important”.
And what happens then:
Perception is not passive but ACTIVE MANIFESTATION!
You co-manifest what you “perceive”.
Most people don’t get it because continuuing to assume that “perception is passive” allows them to continue to watch negative shit like TikTok, Netflix, News etc.
Accepting that your perception actually proactively manifests stuff, would mean that people all of a sudden need to take responsibility for how they live their lives.
This is also one of the main reasons why most people will never become famous or popular:
They self-sabotage themselves by subconsicously protecting themselves from:
As long as there are subconscious beliefs like that, the Subconscious Mind will also PROTECT you from it by self-sabotaging all your efforts to becoming more popular. Because being popular apparantly means being judged by a lot of people
So yeah, everyone needs to use trauma healing fields on a daily basis.
Or worry about “others negative opinions about them” for the rest of their lives…
Cannot be popular and “loved by people” AND being afraid of being judged at the same time.
Telling it for the 50th time on this forum. How many will hear the call and start working on their traumas now?
Energetic protection is a symtom fire-extinguisher.
But actually changing your subconscious resonance to energies is healing the root cause.
in a way narcissism is what gets in the way of taking a conscious role of agency.
and narcissism, which means taking things personally, is what gets in the way of actually solving any form of trauma and what also creates more trauma in other people at the same time.
like a gap or hole that doesn’t have finitude but seeks to create more and bigger gaps and holes.
i know many people that wouldn’t work on their trauma because their narcissism wouldn’t let them see that they’re trying to suture their trauma gaps with their own narcissism, then they create narcissistic children that reproduce those traumas in themselves and others.
narcissism also seem to have a passive and active role.
passive narcissism, in which “things happen to me” seems what you described, seems masochistic.
active narcissism, in which “things happen FOR me” is kinda perverse and create trauma in others.
narcissism is also a passive form of suffering in which one is not able to confront its own gap (because of the amount of energy it represents), so we compensate the gap with ego.
In my point of view.
Anything and everything is experience for our incarnated souls.
Experiences vary from one environment to another, from one city or country or continent to another.
We here in the forum come and live in different places around the world.
Our energetic weathering varies grately.
So i choose to accept according to my own experiences that in some parts of the world the ,judjment, so innocently described here can act as dangerous for the energy body esp. when in mass and targeted from many to one individual as spell or a curse.
I think that there should be awareness of this fact and that it should be taken serously.
Second main point is ignorance and most important ignorance for suffering of a fellow human.
When those two points combine then the life of this person of the one ,targeted, individual becomes not so bearable.
It is though a great field for personal growth and development of our spiritual muscles especially having the blessed tools of our beloved Captain.
As a personal example: this one time of me after being attacked in the astral during sleep and my mother looking at me not aware of anything, simply prepairing coffee and breakfast.
another reason why i’ve been targetted so much it’s because in the last couple of months i’ve been using tons of male attraction and male beauty fields.
this seems to attract 3 kind of audiences:
- males that feel intimidated and send jealousy and hatred.
- women that feel desire for me but add their own bagagge/trauma on top (therefore, they desire with mixed feelings like wanting to dominate/conquer me out of their own trauma).
- women that feel desire with no mixed feelings (less traumatized women, i don’t mind about this because it doesn’t bother me at all).
proper shielding mitigates and reflects on the first 2 kinds of audiences. it doesn’t do anything to the 3rd kind.
lately i’ve noticed that the worst hours to go out in terms of psychic attacks are peak hours.
especially 4pm to 7pm.
people try to deposit all their frustration from a day of work onto others at all costs.
it’s really heavy.
i went out with like 20 protections (that are more than enough for any situation/context) and it was still hard to endure.
back then i used to feel dragged, leaked and tired if going out during these hours. now i don’t.
be safe everyone.
I understand it is hard, but have you actually started working on changing your subconscious resonance to these energies? (see what I wrote above)
Because people are gonna be sending negative stuff FOREVER.
They won’t all change during your lifetime. Most of them won’t.
So it is up to you to fix the situation.
So unless you change your own resonance you will be exposed to these energies FOREVER.
If you don’t change it, it will go on like this FOREVER, even in the afterlife on the astral planes.
So actually doing some real practical trauma work is way forward here, instead of reading Lacan.
While protections can shield you from outside energies, they cannot shield you from what is inside of you!
You cannot shield your own energy body from your own unprocessed traumas.
So unless healed, the energy body will always carry those traumas with you and radiate the respective vibration out into the world.
The Subconscious Mind is already shielding your waking consciousness from the pain of those traumas, BUT it cannot shield your own energy body from yourself (because then you would not be able to function at all).
At this stage is rare that i trigger unprocessed trauma.
Been working on it for 10 years. 5 years with fields.
Most of what i get it is from the outside.
I believe inner armor shield from sm protects you from triggers too.
The existence of a trigger implies that there is still a mechanism or belief structure in place that can be triggered in the first place.
The healing is completed when all triggers are gone.
i’ve noticed that most traumas are usually related to situations in which some kind of abuse happened.
but they also trigger during similar situations of abuse.
this is a complex and circular issue because healing needs some pause to happen.
if your gaps open while being on similar situations of abuse, it’s most likely that you will suffer some kind of abuse during the open state of your gaps/holes.
which makes the gap/hole more strong and powerful.
this happens because most of trauma is related to bonding with other people.
if our trauma/gap triggers in a context of bonding with other people, we become weak at that moment and then, the other person due to their unconscious drives is prone to unconsciously make our gap/hole stronger by attacking in some manner.
as unconscious people are more likely to attack someone they perceive weaker, not stronger.
for example, if trauma triggers while public speaking it’s more likely that someone will be negatively judgemental about our weakness by throwing some kind of psychic attack (bad intent) and therefore contribute to perpetuate that gap/hole.
because there’s no pause happening for healing of that gap/hole, as the other always goes through in some manner whenever it opens.
protections in some sense allowed me to open gaps/trauma that were being triggered in some social situations but at the same time didn’t let other people go through them (and i’ve seen them trying to during that opening).
this allowed some pause for healing of these triggered traumas and gaps/holes to become smaller.
i think this may explain why most people cannot heal traumas on their own. because they’re being re-traumatized every time their trauma/gap opens.
i’m working on grounding/closing down my chakras.
this is something really interesting that i’ve learned from programmed intention.
i’m used to walk around with all my energy body open, which invites all sorts of entities and people that seem posessed by some entity.
by closing down chakras/grounding, these entities starve to death if they’re within your shield and cannot scape.
my gf is also on spiritual development and she also noticed that every time we travel together sometimes we attract the worst kind of low vibe folks that actively find a way to get really close to us. psychotics & perverts become really close. the place could be huge but these kind of folks always find a way to stay as close as possible from all the people and empty space available.
i don’t think it’s a coincidence at this point.
it may sound judgemental but i’m way passed the point of judgement at this point. i’m trying to observe and deduct through non-biased intuition.
Am I misunderstanding or isn’t that what shields are for? Like the empath shield for instance. Apologies if I am missing your point. Like you have one of the new servitors that you wear like a suit. Can’t one of your requests be to shield your energy or repel lower energies, or . . . Perhaps you don’t have to modify your own energy if you only need a shield
as far as my experience went, i’ve noticed that shields are effective for some kind of people, people that i encounter on university for example. unless they’re doing a very direct targetted attack (which is rare because they’re all educated folks and i don’t seek trouble with no one).
but sometimes i move to the side of town that had been very underdeveloped and corrupt (due to government, politics, etc).
and people there directly target attack and drain others in a vacuum (especially if they can’t get through your aura, they will continue with strong effort until they get through).
unless i become extremely hostile with my intent they won’t stop.
for these cases shields aren’t enough, as many people there don’t have anything to lose and won’t care about damaging themselves (because they already do on daily basis through their habits) as long as they can do some damage to you.
also, entities become much more strong and invasive whenever i go there.
places in which people do not use a 3rd element for social bonding (laws/language/any form of pact or vow), there’s no mediation between power relationships (we call this symbolic castration in psychoanalysis). power becomes more direct in a master-slave dialectic (imaginary).
this is the case in which there’s no education. people lack this 3rd element for mediation between bonds.
which makes narcissism, hostility and agression the primary source for relationship between both parties. because the 3rd party (symbolic) does not function properly.
in more civilized contexts, symbolic mediations are more functional and this allows people to have intimacy and relate with each other through healthy boundaries.
no one sees violation of boundaries as something normal and naturalized.
i guess this becomes more relevant in places like UK, in which individuality is very much respected due to its cultural & philosophical background.
and not relevant at all in latin-american countries or other 3rd world undeveloped countries.
Hmm, I get that there may be cases where shielding might be ‘bypassed’ for some reason.
Have you sought (through intercession, HS, etc.) some clarity as to what is actually going on, or what you might do well to resolve?
From the outside it does seem like there might be an underlying pattern to these occurrences…
But as @Rosechalice suggests, you could also add an empathic shielding if you’re not using one already… I also started to notice that some stuff that I had perceived as attacks may have actually been others’ emotions