PTSD Help Combination

If we listen this (ptsd) no need to listen trauma healing and amygdala healing ?

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I use amygdala healing (actually Shamanic Medicine Blend, which contains the amygdala field) on my “off” days, when I’m not listening to PTSD.

The instructions to PTSD tell us not to overlisten to PTSD. I find having a field (like amygdala or SMB) takes the pressure that would drive me to overlisten off of me and I can still feel taken care of.

The trauma healing field might also do the same for you.


This also contains amygdala. I was bullied and abused when I was younger. And now I’m 29 and always on the fear state. So this audio will help if I listen every week? And the healing is permanent?


It sure sounds like it.

What I’ve been doing (and, as you know, we each have to do some fine-tuning for our own personal experiences and needs) is listening to this (2x) every 3-4 days. (Sometimes I lose track and forget. That’s why it’s “3-4”. Nothing more complicated or intentional behind that. Haha)

Then on my “off” days (the days when I’m not playing PTSD) I’ve been playing my SMB (2-3x–depending on how I feel and what my schedule is like). If you don’t have SMB, you can play amygdala (and trauma healing, if you’d like) instead.

I don’t think there are any warnings about playing SMB, amygdala or trauma healing too much. But take it easy and work your way up on those. If you go too hard too fast (like looping each one of those more than the standard recommendations right off the bat) you might dig up much more to process than you had wanted. (If that should happen, Sapien have fields to help with that experience, but why have a rocky road when you can smoother experience, amiright?)

It can be permanent, yes.

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Yes, currently I’m listening amygdala and trauma. Been few days 2-3 times each and seems like helping a lot with fear and anxiety related issues. You mean I can listen ptsd audio every week and trauma and amygdala in between when not listening ptsd? Sounds great I’ll do the same.

Can you tell me which audio give ‘i don’t give a f***’ attitude, I’m done being people pleaser and caring too much about what other might think.

I was listening to amygdala one and then started this yesterday (3 times) . First day was fine but today I am just super pissed off at everything and everyone. I am reacting loudly and expressing my displeasure.


This reply, from another thread, made me think of you:


Use crucible after this


Great quote by Osho


That’s what I hoped. So no side effect as if we are taking the actual medicine? Sorry I wasn’t clear

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There is a recommendation in the description not to overdo this field. As far as I know, recommendations like that are only put on fields where issues (what you might call “side effect”) can occur from going crazy with the field.

Go slowly and see what happens, for you.


Ok thanks!

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Same thing happening with me.

Guys @Denish @okl

While what you are feeling is normal i understand that is unpleasant and something you dont want to deal with, this is like when you discover something rotten deep in the garbage bin you didnt know it was there and when you pull it out the smell is awful and gets all over your place, causes you want to throw up etc and the image of it is awful…

Same with this, but in the case of the garbage what would you do?

Clean fast and use other elements to help you get rid of the smell and the nasty stuff attached to the bottom of them bin, wash your hands, properly pack the rotten stuff and throw them away far from you right?

And thats what you need to do,

First dont loop it much the more you loop it the more deep buried garbage is gonna come out, so go slowly maybe a couple of times a day then right after play Crucible, Emotional Release, Become whole and the new one brain magnetic stimulation, even justice for all could give you a lot of peace and strength to let go, nothing in the universe goes unnoticed, but you will focus on your healing to have a happy bright future, let life give to each other what is for them, thats none of your business believe it or not.

If you can buy the heart coherence or shamanic blend would be a good addition.


See: The Outlook Retrainer: Testimonials


From the field’s description:

I’ll just gently point out that the quote you’ve provided suggests “every other day,” rather than the “every day” you’re wanting, and it’s doing that for a reason.

I think a reason why we shouldn’t listen to it every day is because of the SGB, which might have unwanted impacts on our nervous system.

I’ve mentioned that I’ve been using this field every 3-4 days with the Amygdala field in between. The Amygdala field is included in this but has no unusual listening warnings attached to it.

You could supplement the Amygdala field with other fields (like Shamanic Medicine Blend, My Personal and Emotional Supporter, Trauma Release, Emotional Release, etc.–so many fields recommended by our friends above–as you have them).


I don’t think SGB could have unwanted impacts on the nervous system, because in the description of the CLEAN VERSION without additions it is said that

without any other precautions.


I am listening to this X1

On those days I listen to:
*The Outlook Retrainer
right after it (as per DreamWeavers suggestion on the forum)

