I think this forum is the perfect place for such statements
My Heart says me to say and do all that, and I totally agree with it
I would like to sincerely apologize to all beings, people on Earth, to everyone outside of it, as well as to all people from this forum.
For everything I’ve done in the past and present.
I sincerely apologize to everyone I have ever offended or disappointed.
I apologize to those whom I hurt or did not help.
I apologize to those about whom I spoke badly or hated, felt bad emotions and thought badly.
I apologize to all animals and insects whom I have harmed in any way.
I apologize for my lack of responsibility and possible negativity that I have translated or am translating to the World…
I apologize to everyone to whom I have not kept my promise and word.
I apologize to my family, loved ones, friends and classmates.
I apologize to my servitors, the Deities and Beings who support me.
I apologize to the God.
I apologize to my Higher Self and the Higher Selves of other people.
I apologize to myself for all the broken promises and vows, for laziness and other bad things.
I also apologize for everything, to all beings in the Existence.
Separately, I apologize to all the people in this forum, to the @Dreamweaver and @SammyG for the things I did in the Past
Thank you for everything, forum and friends! I Love You all guys!!!