Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

This must be the Most Awaited Epic NFT ever since the Creation of NFT Fields as far as I know…So much has gone into this.Really looking forward for this!


I also agree to not use her draft, it is way complex for my head :smile: I think we can submit a draft based on the sections I created in the first post, but I need help from anyone who is good and has experience of submitting drafts before.


Well I am leaving this here, it’s a rough draft for submission. Do what you want with this.

1. Hair Follicle Development:

A. Precision modulation for spatial organization, targeting follicular papilla (FP) cells’ number and size.

B. Strategic manipulation of Connective Tissue Sheath (CTS) during hair cycle phases.

C. Advanced techniques for structural changes in anagen phase, optimizing growth and desired hair shaft traits.

2. Stem Cell Dynamics:

A. Modulation of stem cell migration, especially from bulge to matrix, for optimal shaft formation.

B. Axin2 expression manipulation for stem cell activation and differentiation.

C. Mastery in controlling transcription factors (e.g., Foxi3, Lhx2) for stem cell expansion and transition to transit-amplifying cells (TACs).

3. Melanocyte Regulation:

A. Precise signaling control, focusing on pathways like Notch, MITF, for melanocyte development.

B. TAM receptor modulation, with an emphasis on Axl, to guide melanocyte proliferation and synthesis.

C. Leveraging GAS6 modulation for activating TAM receptors and influencing hair growth and development.

4. Hair Follicle Stem Cell Niche and Regulation:

A. Optimization of Wnt/β-catenin signaling in the DP for anagen progression.

B. Growth factor secretion modulation by dermal fibroblasts to enhance the stem cell microenvironment.

C. CTS modulation to influence follicle development and reconstruction.

5. Advanced Microenvironmental Modulations:

A. Utilizing exosome-mediated quorum sensing for skin and immune cell communication.

B. miRNA expression targeting in the hair niche to modulate exosome production and HFSC functions.

C. Addressing extracellular histone presence and restoring normal intracellular pathways.

6. Hair Follicle Microenvironment and Structural Integrity:

A. LINC complex’s role in controlling nuclear positioning and maintaining intercellular adhesions.

B. Focusing on the diverse cells and proteins in the follicle microenvironment, including ORS cell differentiation.

C. Modulating integrin expression and signaling pathways to optimize stem cell interactions and combat alopecia.

7. Recognition of Immune Privilege Collapse:

A. Targeting stressed HFs by γδT-cells to address autoimmune responses.

B. Preventing HF immune privilege (IP) collapse induced by γδT-cells.

C. Regulating expression of molecules like CXCL12 and IFN-γ to avoid IP breakdown.

8. Neurogenic Inflammation and Growth Factor Regulation:

A. Addressing neurogenic inflammation leading to mast cell activation.

B. Balancing growth factor expression, especially NGF and p75NTR.

C. Modulating NGF receptor TrkA to control hair growth.

9. Vascular Abnormalities:

A. Correcting vascular abnormalities causing hair loss, including vasospasm and decreased blood flow.

10. Sensory Innervation Restoration:

A. Restoring sensory nerves for scalp health and preventing hair loss.

B. Addressing broader scalp health implications of sensory innervation.

11. Immune Privilege and Tolerance:

A. Restoring immune privilege in hair follicles against autoimmune attacks.

B. Reinforcing secreted factors to regulate immune cells and manage MHC expression.

C. Promoting TGFβ2 activity for regulatory T cell generation.

12. Maintaining Immune Privilege Factors:

A. Targeting systems and receptors such as FasL and TNFα for immune privilege.

B. Regulating factors like PD-L1 and PTPN22 for optimal immune environment.

C. Employing immunoinhibitory factors for an immunosuppressive follicle environment.

13. Mimicking a Stress-Free Environment:

A. Utilizing “no-danger” signals like CD200 for a balanced microenvironment.

B. Fostering a supportive, stress-free state for optimal hair health.

14. Functional Identity of Hair Follicle Stem Cells (HFSCs):

A. Maintaining NFIB and NFIX transcription factors for HFSC identity.

B. Ensuring HFSCs function without unwanted fate changes.

15. Enhancing Skin Defense and Microbiome:

A. Strengthening skin defense using PRRs on keratinocytes against harmful pathogens.

B. Utilizing AMPs like human β-defensin 1 and 2 for microbial balance.

C. Restoring innate inflammatory responses via regulation of TLR2 and DEFB1.

D. Promoting immune tolerance, Treg recruitment, and thymus-hair follicle communication through Ccl20 and Ccr6.

E. Recognizing sebum’s antimicrobial properties and its role against microbes like cutibacterium.

F. Differentiating harmful from beneficial microbes, maintaining pH, and modulating bacterial mechanisms in the sebum environment.

16. Proper Nerve Patterning and Hair Follicles:

A. Recognizing the sensory piloneural niche’s role in maintaining hedgehog signaling in HFSCs.

B. Sympathetic nerves enhance anagen progression via physiological HFSC activation.

C. Light signals via ipRGCs activate systemic sympathetic system influencing norepinephrine release and hedgehog signaling.

D. Hair follicle stem cells’ ability to promote axonal growth, functional recovery, and differentiate into neuronal-type cells.

E. Using Nestin expression to drive transdifferentiation into schwann cells for functional nerve restoration.

F. Exploring the differentiation range of HFSCs in the bulge region.

G. Targeting Nestin-driven GFP hair follicle stem cells for neural regeneration.

H. Recognizing HFSCs’ contribution in depositing neurotrophins and ECM proteins for nerve network formation and piloerection.

I. Addressing the importance of interactions between HFSCs, APM, and ECM proteins for neurological coordination in hair follicles.


Ohh this appears to be Desiree’s work being drafted!


:pray: :muscle:


Yes, I tried my best to condense into the appropriate manner. This is all her work, and the members of the private project can use this to reference back anything to their original research.


So okay, Who’d be Combining both the drafts for Submission?

I would like to be included in this project.

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I would want to be in this project

Dude this is completely missing the prolactin angle . In my opinion that was the most important part.

As I said before, this is a rough draft and I tried my best to fit everything. The members of the private project can use this as a reference, they know more than me.


What’s the situation now? Project are submitted or not?


Any updates please?


This is the ingredient I currently use in my shampoo. If it can be done, I believe it can help a lot.

Organic Atlantic Cedar Essential Oil
It can remove dandruff and relieve itching, effectively combat sebum leakage on the scalp, and can also improve sebum problems on the scalp.

blood orange essential oil
It can increase sebum blood circulation, improve dark yellow, soothe symptoms of inflamed and dry skin, and help detoxify blocked skin.

Lime essential oil
Has conditioning function. It can form a skin protective film and regulate the skin’s oil balance. Gives skin a smooth and refreshing feeling.

Organic Bourbon Geranium Essential Oil
It can balance sebum secretion and is also good for loose, clogged pores and oily skin. It can be called a comprehensive

Cordyceps militaris
Also known as Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps militaris, etc., its scientific name is Cordyceps militaris. Classified as Cordyceps sinensis, it is a fungus of the same family, genus, and different species. It is a precious medicinal material in the northern and northeastern regions of mainland China. Its efficacy is similar to that of Cordyceps sinensis. It has the functions of treating tuberculosis, stopping bleeding and reducing phlegm, replenishing essence, inhibiting cancer cells, Delay aging, improve immunity and other functions.

Exclusive formula
natural vanilla caffeine
It contains 27 kinds of amino acids and its active ingredients can inhibit the activity of dihydrotestosterone and effectively stimulate the proliferation of normal hair follicle cells (dihydrotestosterone can inhibit hair growth)

Polygonum multiflorum
Effectively helps hair roots absorb nutrients normally, nourishes hair roots, and makes hair softer and more elastic. (Especially raw medicinal material extraction) can increase melanin in hair and reverse hydrogen peroxide-induced hair discoloration.

natural arborvitae
Platycladus orientalis leaves were first recorded in “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica”. They are cold in nature and bitter in taste. They have the effects of cooling blood, stopping bleeding, and promoting hair growth and black hair. Modern pharmacological research shows that Platycladus orientalis leaf extract can promote local blood circulation, enhance the metabolic function of hair follicles, remove dandruff, promote hair regeneration, and can be used to treat seborrheic alopecia.


I hope this project gets revived :pray:t5:


Me too


@RobbyHa @Kalacakra @Lucky Any update please?


Behind the scenes they are working on the submission draft…


Finally an update, thank you!


another update, perhaps?